Chapter 20: The Pathway

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Sorry for not updating in a while. School has been crap, and I had an incident in my swimming lessons, so that was stressful as well. Btw, it's book week here in Australia, has anyone dressed up? And who have you dressed up as? I'm dressing up as Meg from Little Women.

Here is another chapter for my patient friends, because ya'll deserve it!

Finland POV

I don't know what to feel about this new girl. I like her, not in a weird way, but the way she interacts with Papua is unsettling. They seem to have gotten close incredibly quickly, and yet I don't even know much about her, except that her name's Argentina, and she was colonized by Spain. But that's literately it. I've been hanging  out with some of the other Nordic countries, and they've actually been great friends. I just wish me and Papua didn't go to this world. It's been tearing us apart. Especially since I think Argentina and Papua are dating. Eugh, I know I have a secret crush on Estonia and all, but they really had to take it a step further. I want to be friends with Papua, but I'll probably just stick with being 'distant' friends.

I'll probably be hanging out with the other Nordic countries. They seem really cool, and they don't judge me as a silent an dangerous person, unlike most others. They also sometimes act crazy, and we also share similar countries and history (I think the history part is correct. I'm REALLY sorry if it isn't. I'm just lazy and don't want to search it up) so we can also reminisce about our glorious days. Me and Papua are very different and can't relate to SO many things. I wonder if that's why we've been having tension. Sometimes you can just feel it, if we're fighting about who to prank next, where to spend the lunch break, and so much more unimportant things, you can almost touch the atmosphere of what we've created.

"Hey, Finland!" A voice broke me from my thoughts. "You've been staring at my soul for the past few minutes, you good?"

"I'm alright Lego Man." I reply, not showing any hint of emotion on my face, even when Denmark scowled at the nickname.

"I thought I told you not to call me that." He said, feigning a look of shame and embarrassment. Denmark started wheezing to a puddle of red, and I just chuckled lightly, still not smiling.

"Would you two losers actually help us pave a fake pathway for unsuspecting countries to walk along and get ambushed by us, while recording them?" Sweden yelled, him and Norway already over halfway done.

We quickly hurried over and worked tirelessly to finish the pathway with speed, while engaging in 'pleasant' conversation. After finishing, we looked over our work with pride. Even though Iceland had fallen into the cement, and Greenland also got stuck trying to fish him out with an actual fishing rod that came out of nowhere, I'd all say we deserved a pat on the back. We all looked up when we heard footsteps running towards us. Who I saw made my heart skip a beat.

Estonia. Beautiful, precious Estonia. It was too late to prank her, since she has already seen us, as if I ever would. USSR would kill me before she'd say 'Can I help you guys prank?'. She ran over to me and hugged me. SHE HUUGED ME!!! I let a soft smile flash across my face, then returned to my usual expression. I quickly hugged her back and hoped she doesn't hear my heart thumping like Papua's war elephant.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked as we pulled away, me choosing not to look at the other Nordic countries who were obviously raising their eyebrows at me.

"We have constructed a pathway so that we can ambush people who walk upon it." Faroe Islands said.

"Really? Can I help?" She looked so cute, her eyes sparkling in enthusiasm.

"Sure, I know Finland will do his best to show you the ropes. He can stick  by you." Aland said, winking at me. I frowned, but led Estonia away from the others, and asked her if she even needed me to tell her anything.

"When you're one of the middle children in a family of 16, you tend to try cause mischief wherever you can. My siblings know not to mess with me." She stated warmly, her smile melting me from the inside. 

Suddenly, she gasped and her flag turned slightly red. My eyebrows furrowed with worry. What's going on? Is there someone here? I looked around, but nothing was there. Well, nothing except trees, random bushes, tall grass, the new pathway, and us. The others obviously gave us space. I turned back to the pretty country in front of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely worried that I was doing something wrong, as nothing else seemed concerning to me.

"Noooo, smile again." She complained, and I instantly relaxed. "Please?"

"Oh, but my smile is so ugly. I hate it, don't you?" I sighed, kicking a stone with my foot.

"What do you mean? You're smile is so cute, you look so... how does Japan say it? Kawaii?" She gasped. I blushed and fumbled for the right words.

"Yeah, kawaii." I eventually mumbled, my mind racing. She thinks I'm cute? I really need to smile more. "I could smile more, if it makes you happy?"

"Oooh, yes, yes, yes, I'd love that! You're so cute and I just love you!" She exclaimed, hugging me. We both stopped walking.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't- I just-" She stuttered, turning bright red. I smiled at her adorable reaction, a light pink blush coating my cheeks.

"You stumbled." I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, resting my head on top of her's. I could feel her relaxing much more, and that made me grin. "Sooo, are we going to date at some point or-"

"Yes!" She exclaimed interrupting me, although I did not mind one bit. "yes, yes, yes, yes! I'd love to do that, thank you!!!" She hugged me again, but this time it felt different. She was really hugging me tight.

"I love you too." I mumbled into her snow white beanie.

We decided to head back to the camp, holding each other's hands and walking close together. We had such a beautiful moment, and I wish we could capture it forever. But when we saw Italy walking over to the base, I felt something was wrong. His shoulders were slouched, his head cast down, and he was hugging something tight to his chest.

"The way he's holding that object, and the fact he doesn't seem like his usual self... well, something is bad. Really bad." Estonia said it better than I could have.

We raced over to see what was wrong, and a weary eyed Italy took once glance at us, and fainted. This often happens to countries who don't sleep, but Italy wasn't unconscious. In fact, we too were held to the ground. A red mist spread around us, trapping us against the cold, wet earth. When I look back to this moment, I realize we were in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and everything is about to go wrong.


Ending chapter here because I'm evil. But I'll try to write again as soon as possible. I know it's annoying when a story is good, but the chapters are short, and are updated with days between, but I PROMISE that I'm trying my hardest. If there's one thing I won't break, it's a promise.

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