Chapter 18: Tree

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 Can't wait. I wonder what the war elephants are going to do... I bet they're indestructible. YEET!!! If I have no ideas for a photo at the top of the chapter, I will put Thunder MacKing or Goofy Ah George up there. Ya'll better know what this chapter is about, because of the title. If not, I'm gonna whoop your sorry butt into Monday next week with a sandal (ASIAN MAMA POWAAAAAAAA).


Vietnam POV

Myanmar, India, Japan, and UK just ran through the portal, Myanmar left us his elephant. It was wrapping it's trunk around little Papua New Guinea, or Papua. The poor child was freaking out. He was screaming and twisting around, but Myanmar's elephant just plopped him on it's back and gave a loud trumpet sound. Papua stopped panicking and gave an incredulous look at the elephant he was riding upon. Usually, you would need to train elephants from birth for them to trust you, I guess Papua was lucky he didn't get crushed to death.

Papua's eyes brightened, with excitement and with an idea. And it was one heck of an idea. He spurred the elephant to start walking towards the portal, it was a little unsure but was quickly reassured by Papua. He then whispered something into the elephants ear, and it stuck it's trunk through the portal, slightly hesitating before entering. Then, the elephant slowly edged forward, and the more it travelled through the portal, the bigger the portal grew. We all watched until Papua and the docile war elephant had disappeared. But when the duo left this world (sounds like they died 💀), the portal shrunk back to it's original minuscular size.

"Oh, it's just a mind trick. We all just assumed that it won't change size. Good try Guardian!" America screeched out to the people out back who couldn't see what was going on. America, always gotta be that one kid everyone knows, positively or not.

The Asians proceeded to enter one by one. Then the African nations, then the West European countries, than the east European countries, then the North and South Americas. Soon, all participating countries had walked through, except me of course. ASEAN instructed me to stay behind, in case they needed help back on Earth, but it's more because other countries get weirded out by me. So what if I speak a language only me and my brother, Viet Cong, understood. Unless you were born with this power, no one could learn it. This language was called tree. It was a silent language, but somehow still heard.

Other countries aren't really interested, and are weirded out whenever I, or Viet Cong, spoke it. We are incredible at hiding in trees, and always almost invisible. I haven't met any who are as skilled as me and my brother, but I'm always on the lookout. Australia is close, but he is more on the animal side, rather than the plant's. Still unique though.

I shuffled around a little bit, trying to find a more comfortable position in the growing eucalyptus tree, or baby euc, as Australia put it. It was as tall as many trees in Vietnam, yet small around the other taller trees around me. Viet Cong said he'd rather not mess with that other world, due to the little information, and the fact that the information we did have was telling us not to mess with them, yet here I am. I sighed, this was going to be a long wait. At least I could talk to all the trees. They spoke with such a heavy Australian accent, and slang, that it was hard to decipher, but some kind trees helped translate.

It was getting dark, so I let the trees rest. I asked if the tree I was in wanted me off, so soon I found myself on the soggy, cold forest floor with absolutely nothing to do but just sit there. I looked around at my fellow trees, bushes, clumps of grass and specks of moss. All of which could speak, to those born to hear. Gah, starting to get poetic here. It honestly sucks being 'special'. That's what countries say, but we all know otherwise.

I wonder what's going on in the magic world. I want to meet some one new, who can speak tree. Is that too much to hope for?


The Portal To The Guardian (Countryhumans Y/N Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن