Chapter 24: New Features

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Y/N has perished. The story must be finished... right? NOPE!!! It's not over yet! 


Myanmar POV

It felt like a piece of me also exploded when I saw Y/N use her blood to wrap around extra almost indestructible layers around the bomb. Then, she exploded. Along with me, even though I'm down here, and she's up- she was up there. The bombs radius stretched out over the horizon, far away from the people though. I was sitting by the window and worrying about my sister. I felt so useless. I was even crying, and banging at the windows, trying to get to the door. To save my sister.

"Myanmar, Myanmar calm down! You need to get a hold of yourself." India said as he held me back. He was surprisingly strong and soon I gave up, and crumbled to the ground.

Countries gathered around me, comforting me, and some crying themselves. The criers being Japan, Russia, Estonia, etc., etc.  .

Finland was silent, but was glaring at America. America was shifting uneasily in his seat, his eyes darting side to side as if he was trying to look for an escape. Y/N told me about when Chaxzhia broke the news to the Axis that they would be trapped here until they earnt her trust. They were almost as uneasy as America, who is now shrinking under Finland's gaze. Well, the Axis and him... I stood up and stalked over to USSR, fuming with rage.


"You wouldn't have met your sister." USSR shot back.

"WELL, NOW SHE'S DEAD! I'D RATHER NEVER MEET HER AGAIN THAN HAVE HER DIE!!!!" I was screeching at the top of my lungs.

"Who's dead?" A soft voice asked, one all too familiar.

I whipped around to see my little sister standing at the doorway. I froze for a split second, I could have been hallucinating. But no, she ran over to me and hugged me, her new head adornments piercing into my chest. When I mean head adornments, I don't mean fancy jewels, I mean horns. Not just any horns, they were Nat Sein horns (the Nat Sein is Myanmar's equivalent of ghosts, I just created extra details).

I looked down at my sister, without a cloak and mask, who now had extra details. Red streaks in her h/c hair, giant, red Naga (dragon) wings, Pan-kike Belu (man-eating demon) fangs, claws sharper than swords, a demon like tail, and her eyes. Her eyes weren't their usual color of e/c and a blind left eye, but they were black. Her whole eyes, except for the pupils, was just black. Her pupils were small, ovals. Red on the left, white on the right. Then, I panicked.

"Me Me's mask!" I said. "And, your bag!"

She just smiled, flashing those straight, white, and incredibly sharp teeth and said, "It's time to forgive, and forget."

I then pulled her into a hug, and the whole world seemed to disappear. She hugged back, and sobbed, "I didn't die. My wings, they saved me. I don't know how, but they must be indestructible or something.

Then, something incredible happened. Y/N and me had just pulled out of our hug when Chaxzhia came running in, carrying the staff, dropped it on the ground, and tackled us. She showered us with care and worries. Then, she said she had an idea.

"Wuwatha has never had a flag, and that's why we've never had a countryhuman before. Now, all countryhumans already have their own country, but Y/N here doesn't. So I wondered if we could try to create the Wuwathian flag, and give it to you" She said, and her proposal made sense, and so our preparations began.

While the countryhumans one by one left Wuwatha, we began to think, when Y/N decided that she'd just like to share my flag. I refused, wanting to give her her own one, but she said mine or none. Within a few weeks, we were ready. Y/N flew up incredibly high and somehow used her staff to create a white shining light that spun around her like leaves in the wind. Then, she came back down, and yet she looked quite different. She looked like me, but then, she shapeshifted back into her human form. Why does my sister have to be so OG? She didn't even use her full power on the bomb. We bid farewell to Chaxzhia, Y/N promising to visit her once every month. She got herself to look like a normal countryhuman again, and we walked through the portal hand in hand. I vowed to never leave her side again.


There isn't much to put here, but still, this may be the end of the book.

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