Chapter 22: Seclusion in His Mind

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Peacemaker was about ready, he decided to leave some of his stuff since he was going to come back eventually.

"D-Do you think that this is enough to bring with me?" Dusky wondered. Peacemaker looked over. Dusky had a huge bag that looked like it contained all of his stuff. Scrolls, weavings, and other things seemed to be peering out of the bag.

"Way more than enough," Peacemaker replied. "How much does that bag weigh?" Dusky shrugged a little,

"N-Not exactly sure but it's quite heavy." Dusky's back showed a little pull-down. Peacemaker looked Dusky up and down, skeptical.

"D-Don't worry, I-I'll be fine during the flight," Dusky assured. Peacemaker wasn't so confident looking at Dusky's face.

"You can put some of your stuff in my bag, at least it'll take some weight off," Peacemaker suggested, showing his brown bag that he carried with him in the festival.

"I'll be fine," Dusky assured once more. Peacemaker could tell Dusky wasn't exactly sure about it. Despite Dusky's nervousness and anxiety he always tried to do things on his own, he never really asked for help on anything and often would try extremely hard to have good marks. Over time observing Dusky and remembering his past with Bloodworm Hive Peacemaker could see why. Dusk is stuck in the mindset of constantly trying to meet all expectations, he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone even if he feels worse doing it on his own.

"At least take some things of it out, if it makes the journey easier then that would be better," Peacemaker suggested.

"But what if it gets stolen or something?" Dusky pointed out.

"That's why you have the Graduating Winglets," Peacemaker answered. "The teachers did say that one or two of them will be assigned to keep watch over our stuff." Dusky seemed to pause a little bit before sighing, giving in,

"A-Alright Peace." Dusky began checking through each item before either carefully putting it in his bag or to the side of the spot he slept on. His bed was made straight from silk, in a curved fashion like a tiny bridge when a dragon slept on it, the silk would partially fold in wrapping the dragon similar to a cacoon.

Peacemaker observed the items Dusky carefully put in his bag. Two weavings(Probably one of them or both were made from Luna), some sort of toy(is it like a stress toy?), a blanket that looked soft(fair enough, I'd bring that too), a few scrolls that Peacemaker couldn't read from the distance he was at, and both concerning and reasonable enough, a weird looking dagger that came from Pantala. Peacemaker hoped that wouldn't be needed but he also still brought in the knife and the Rainwing sleeping dart gun with the four darts. I wonder when I come back to the rainforest(ever) could I maybe try to get a lot more since Rainwings are quite stocked with them? Could I perhaps learn how to make them? How are they made anyways?

Peacemaker heard talon steps coming toward them from right outside, he heard the small clank from a ring hitting the stone ground. There were no other sounds so Peacemaker guessed it was Mink.

"Mink?" He called out.

"Um, yeah Peace it's me," Mink called back finally appearing at the entrance. "How are you both doing?"

"D-Doing okay we're about ready with packing up," Dusky replied.

"I see," Mink nodded. "I'm already ready but some of the guards are admittedly slow so I decided I want to see you guys again before I head off back to the Ice Kingdom."

"Well I was just going to do the same thing and see you but you're here," Peacemaker mentioned. Mink laughed a little,

"Of course you would but I got ahead of you. Well in that case I just wanted to say thanks one more time for yesterday."

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