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(POV Saylor)

Sofia and I have been home for a while now.
I picked her up immediately after I left school. She was very surprised to see me, confused even.
I told her I got out of school early and figured I could pick her up to have a 'girls day'.

She got upset because apparently, Chloe and her were gonna play together during recess since Chloe played with Charlotte yesterday. However, she changed her mind the second I told her we'd be getting ice-cream on the way home.

We went to an adorable new shop in town that sells ice-cream, milkshakes, frozen yoghurt, and literally anything you could possibly want. It had bright colors, fun murals, it even had pink colored swings inside.

It was a great pick-me-up from the past horrible few weeks.

First, the video of me singing got so many more views overnight, it was absolutely mind-blowing.
When I woke up that morning, I got a shit load of messages and a ton of notifications, which made me turn them back off. That same school day was incredibly overwhelming. Some people were complimenting me, others were just jealous of the attention I got, and then other people such as Dani, were completely oblivious.

I didn't really care until two days ago. I was working that evening and the group decided to come to the bar so we could all hang out, which was something we'd been doing regularly.

I had been a lot closer with them since they were the only people I'd been hanging out with. So it really wasn't anything new.

Sofia was there too, because she wanted to tell Lucy all about the costume she picked out for halloween, and she wanted me to sing a song for her that she heard while she was watching her dog channel.

Saying no to Sofia is something I honestly almost never do, because she is a very convincing young little lady who will make you feel like the worst person to exist if you tell her no.

So obviously, I sang the song during my break, I even addressed Sofia as my inspiration, and everyone was having so much fun. Ezra had Sofia in her arms while I was singing and they were both dancing along.

But as the night continued, Sofia was in the back with Lucy, dead asleep. Melody was off talking to some boy and Ezra joined her, Tate was talking to someone by their table and I didn't even know where Emily went.

I didn't think much of it until Ezra came to me and pulled me to the side. She told me that Melody had told that same boy, who turned out to be her cousin, about Sofia being my half-sister.

I was so pissed, I couldn't believe she would betray me like that. It's honestly something I told all of them in confidence, and it showed me once again that I have to just stick with only allowing people to know what I want them to know. It triggered my major trust issues, it brought back horrible nightmares, it brought back so many bad memories and things I've been trying so hard to forget for the longest time.

So, I walked over to her, yanked her outside and yelled at her for a solid 5 minutes. She tried giving me the big apology speech and the 'i didnt know it was a secret'-excuse. I told her I didn't want her in the bar ever again, near Sofia ever again, or in my life ever again.

Which looking back at it, was a little harsh. But not totally out of place. We already had halloween plans with the group at that time, so I texted them in the groupchat I wasn't gonna go and that I was just gonna spend it with Sofia. I'm not one to break apart a group because of my personal issues.

Ezra's really the only one who stuck with me for months now, she immediately asked if she wanted me to spend halloween with us instead of going out, which obviously I told her to go out with them.

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