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(POV Dani)

I greet my students by the door as they walk in. The bell rings, no sign of Saylor. I frown, but close my door.

"Come up to grab an assignment on my desk, it's due at the end of the class. And yes, you can earn extra points with this, some of you need it."

They all walk up and then work on their assignments quietly. My thoughts wander off, why isn't she in class? I try to grade some papers, but my brain can't seem to focus. I get woken up from my thoughts by a knock on the door.

I get up and open it, it's Mr. Deans.
I turn to the class and tell them to keep working, I step outside and leave the door ajar, but closed enough so they can't hear anything.

"Hey, everything okay?"
"Yes, just wanted to let you know Saylor's in my class still, she never heard the bell ring. Hell, she probably didn't even realize I left. She's working on her art project, I figured I'd let her be. She's very talented. Anyways, just figured I'd tell you so you knew she wasn't skipping class."
"Thanks, Mr. Deans. I appreciate that."

I head back inside, some students look at me like I would tell them, funny. I raise an eyebrow and they go back to their work. Figures.

As the bell rings, they all place their assignments on my desk and leave. I grab my stuff as Saylor walks in. She plops down, I look at her waiting for her to say something. She doesn't.

"You do know class just ended right?"
"Ha ha. I got stupid detention from that dick of a math teacher."
"Well, I wasn't informed so, you are free to go."
"Yeah, I didn't plan on staying after school. You did miss an assignment. Hand it in tomorrow."

I give her the assignment and grab my last things. She quietly gets up, she was about to walk out as she turns around.

"Dan- I mean Miss Jones."
"Um, Soof was wondering when she'd see you again. I promised her I'd ask."

I scratch the back of my head. This is all so confusing, I care so much about her, and Sophia. I miss them both even though it's been like 2 days. It's just so risky.

"I'll see if I have time this weekend and I'll let you know."

Her eyes turn sad, she nods "I'll tell her", and walks away. I sigh and walk out after locking the door. I see Saylor driving away as I enter the parking lot. I stare until she's out of sight.

I open my phone and call Lainey, it rings for a couple of seconds before she picks up.

"Hey sis."
"Hi, are you home?"
"I should be in like 15, wanna come over?"
"Yeah, see you soon."

I stop at home to get Oakley, she loves going over Lainey's. She hops in the backseat and I buckle her in. Safety first.

I drive over, didn't even bother to put music on, I was just lost in my thoughts. Oakley recognises where we're at, she starts whining the second we pull in the driveway. I smile and let her out as soon as I'm parked. She runs to the front door and waits for me to open it.

As soon as I open the door, she sprints to Lainey.
"Oh my god! Hi baby, I haven't seen you in so long." Oakley gives her a million kisses. I laugh at the view.

"Hi sis."
"Hi" I say quietly.
"What's up?"
I sigh, "is Ben here?" She shakes her head.
I head over to the couch and plop down. She walks over and sits down next to me. Oakley jumps next to me and rests her head on my leg.
I scratch her head while thinking about how to tell Lainey.

I look up at her and nod.
"I kissed her. This past weekend."
"Okay.. and that's horrible because?"
"It wasn't horrible. It was so nice, Lainey. We talked until like 5 in the morning about the most random things. I could listen to her talk for hours on end. She's funny, she's smart, she's thoughtful."
"Okay? I don't understand?"
"I'm her teacher, Lainey. I left that morning, because I had grading to do and plan lessons.
I don't know. It's not right. I care about her and Sophia, more than anything and I miss them the second I leave." I sigh. "I can't kiss her one day, and then teach her an English class the next day. It's weird. It feels wrong."

She rubs my leg. "I can't tell you what to do, Dani, it's yours to decide. Maybe talk to her about it, tell her how you feel. Maybe she'll feel the same way." I nod, "I guess I should."

I'm already draiding talking to her.

We had dinner together and watched a movie together, but I left when Ben came
home. I was not in the mood to deal with him.

I settle in on the couch and grab my phone. I sigh and overthink it a million times before texting her.

Me: Hi, we should talk

She responds immediately.

"We should."

We decided on friday, she works later that day so Lisa's picking Sophia up from school and then she's sleeping over since Luna's there.

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