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We stayed like that for a while, once she started yawning we decided it was time for bed. She's changing into her pj's in her room while I'm changing in the bathroom. I head back to the living room when I'm all done and start getting the couch comfy for the night.

"hmm wha-"

I turn around, she looks adorable in her pj's. Well, hot. I look down and move all the way up, they're shorts with colorful mini hearts and a matching tank top. I can't help but notice she's not wearing a bra. By that I mean I'm staring.
I swallow. She follows my eyes, and I meet her gaze once I look up. She raises an eyebrow, "sorry, you, um- look cute." I mentally give myself a facepalm.

She nods. "Uhu sure." I feel my cheeks getting blushed. Pull it together, Danielle, my god you're embarrassing yourself. I sit down on the back of the couch and try to focus. "What were you gonna say?" She walks over, and stops right in front of me. Whatever you do, do not look. Keep eye contact Danielle Jones.

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to just share the bed after that emotional talk, but now I'm thinking it might not be such a good idea, you seem anything but emotional." She crosses her arms, which makes her boobs pop up. "Did you do that on purpose now?" She shakes her head, "I don't know what you're talking about." God damn it, Saylor. "Maybe you're right about it not being a good idea."

I gently place my hands above her hips while keeping eye contact, her skin feels warm, I feel her getting shivers to my touch. "Why's that?"
I stand up and pull her closer to me. She uncrosses her arms and losely puts her hands on my waist. I move my hand and let it linger on her skin for a few seconds while it travels up, I move a strand of hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear, then let my hand travel back down to her hip, she squeezes my shirt with her hands.

We move closer as we try to keep eye contact, but my eyes can't seem to look away from her lips. "Saylor" I whisper as our foreheads touch. "I don't want to take advantage of you when you're fragile and emotional." She looks at me, "you're not, I'm fully aware of what's going on." I sigh as I move my lips closer to hers.

She lifts her right hand and places it on my cheek, her fingers are tucked behind my ear while her thumb is right under my bottom lip. She's driving me insane. I gently lean in and kiss her. She immediately returns my kiss, it's gentle, soft, warm and probably one of the best feelings I've ever experienced.

I open my eyes at the same time as her, we're both trying to read each other's mind. I can tell she wants more, she jumps from looking at one eye to the other, to my lips, and back.

"Dani. Please."
"Please what?"
"Please just kiss me again."

(POV Saylor)

She smiles and leans back in. This time it isn't a gentle and soft kiss. I kiss her passionately and asks for permission to enter her mouth, which she gives me. She moves her left hand under my shirt and places it on my back, while she lifts me up with her right one. I jump up and hold on to her as we move to the bedroom.

She quietly closes the door behind her with her foot but makes sure it's not all the way shut, and walks us over to the bed where she lays me down on my back. I keep my hands around her neck and look at her. I notice her looking down and taking everything in before looking back up and meeting my gaze. I raise my eyebrow.

"You're beautiful, Saylor." I give her a shy smile while losening my grip and slowly moving my hands down. I slip them right underneath her shorts and let them rest on her waist. "Is that okay?" She nods and leans back in to kiss me. Her left hand moves to my waist while she rests the other one on my cheek.

When we both take a moment to breathe, she slowly lays down next to me, I move one hand next to me and the other on her hip. We keep eye contact while she rubs my cheek and squeezes her hand on my waist.

"Saylor- I- um- I've never." I lean in and kiss her forehead, she gives me a worried look. I put my hand on her cheek. "Dani, we don't have to do anything. This is all I wanted. I've also never done this." She smiles and turns on her back. She pats her chest, I chuckle and lay my head on her chest. She scratches my hair while giving me kisses on my head. I listen to her heartbeat as I drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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