17. Truth behind a Veil

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Everyone hurried to the Great Hall the next morning. They all were excited to finish breakfast and be the first one to stand near the designated classroom for the new workshop.

Sunghoon casted a glance at Jay who seemed to be eating at a faster pace. When Jungwon noticed this, he pushed Sunghoon towards the Slytherin table.

"I don't think it is right, Jungwon. . ." Sunghoon muttered as he was being pushed by Jungwon.

Jungwon didn't listen to him and gave him another playful push before turning to look at Sunoo. He smiled and waved at him and took a seat at the Ravenclaw table.

Sunghoon sighed and walked towards Jay.

"Jay. . .we need to talk." He demanded in a stern tone. Jay looked at his boyfriend and immediately noticed his tone. "Y-yeah, sure, let me just fini ㅡ "

"Now." Sunghoon demanded with a firm gaze at Jay. He seemed to understand the situation as he got up from the breakfast table and followed Sunghoon. His Slytherin friends gave him weird glances as he did so but Jay was too anxious to notice.

It had hardly been a few months since they got together and he really didn't want a breakup.

Taking him to a secluded corner, Sunghoon turned face to face with Jay. "Jay this is not it."

Confused, Jay dared to let out a chuckle and recived a cold look. "I'm sorry. . . but, what exactly is not it?"

"Do you even want to continue this relationship? Or did you just accept my pitiable confession because of sympathy?" Sunghoon said. His eyes glistened with tears and tone slightly watery.

Jay put his palms forward trying to get Sunghoon to listen to him first. "Hoonhoon, listen to me ㅡ no, that's not it! I didn't accept your confession out of pity, I ㅡ "

"Why did you ignore me? Even now, you were planning to leave the Great Hall before I come to talk to you. . .I haven't said anything before today because I know how hard you're working to be an Auror, to be able to protect Jungwon ㅡ ofcourse I know why you want to be an Auror ㅡ I thought I shouldn't talk about it and you'll again talk to me properly after exams." Sunghoon finished with a sob. Jay's expressions softened and he hugged the latter.

"My Hoonhoon, I know I'm wrong. . .I ㅡ I just. . .don't want anything to harm him, and since the principal wouldn't listen to me so I tried harder. . .ㅡ no, please don't cry, I'm sorry ㅡ "

Sunghoon sobbed harder, hiding his face in Jay's arms as the Slytherin tried to calm him. Jay kissed the top of Sunghoon's head lovingly.

"Ssh. I promise you that I'll be spending all of my free time with you and only you."

Finally when Sunghoon's sobs stopped, he said in a muffled voice, "Promises are just words. . .y-you may forget you ever said that. Right?"

Jay didn't know how to respond to that so he just kept patting his boyfriend's back trying to soothe him. Seconds later, Sunghoon looked up at Jay. "Don't ignore me like that ever again. . ."


As Jungwon walked towards the designated classroom with the other fellow students, he couldn't help but vaguely wonder why the names of the teachers seemed so familiar. . .like he'd heard it somewhere not too long ago. . .

His thoughts were cut short by Sunoo wrapping his arm around his arm. "Yeah?"

Sunoo fondly smiled at Jungwon. "What were you wondering?" He hesitated to respond but did anyway. "I think I've heard their names, somewhere. . .d'you ㅡ d'you reckon where?"

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