File 15: House Xenia

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"Step into the twilight, the sweet ambrosia graces thy lips, fallen heroes sing honor guest."


Grand Prince "Bakari" Vesperus Aion & Grand Princess "Nalini" Solis Aion
[Founded 20 years after the game's events]

Current Head
Tsar Vesperus/Pluton(Hades) & Tsarista ???

Known Members:
Eula, Solis, Clorinde, Baizhu, Changsheng, Yae Miko, Vesperus/Pluton, Solis/Ceres, Cyno, Tighnari, Regulus/Qinglong[Timeskip 50+ years later], Peruere

Current Heir/Heiress
Unknown Newborn Son(Timeskip 50+ years later)

Known Familiars:
✧Oceanid Clan(Water Nymphs; Via Vesperus)
✧Mochi the Stellaluna Hare(Stellaluna Hare; Via Vesperus)
✧Inari(hearth kitsune; via Solis)
✧Garm(Rifthound; Via Vesperus)
✧Vitani(Scorch Jaguar; Via Solis created by her)

Known Familiars:✧Oceanid Clan(Water Nymphs; Via Vesperus)✧Mochi the Stellaluna Hare(Stellaluna Hare; Via Vesperus)✧Inari(hearth kitsune; via Solis)✧Garm(Rifthound; Via Vesperus)✧Vitani(Scorch Jaguar; Via Solis created by her)

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The 5th and newest of the great noble houses of the Celestials. Created by the Twin Laws of Teyvet upon their 20th birthday. They desired a house of their own that fit their ideals and beliefs and duties. The name of "Xenia" is known far and wide across the nation of the elemental races, Arcadia. A nation equally divided between the two siblings. The members of this family are unlike the others not limited in what they are capable of and are usually one of the more gentle houses. They are as their name suggests, first and foremost hosts welcoming all that walk into the hollowed gates of the receiving hall and into the golden hall of heroes. 

Friends and guests are met with the smiles, music and all their hearts could desire at a snap of their fingers. However those that try to cause trouble do heed these warnings: this clan has a dark and deadly side to it. House Xenia is known for being a house of dualities and strict upholders of their promises. At first glance you might seem them like just harmless people, just gentle lambs. But cross them and you will be met with the fangs of the wolf!! 

This house are the upholder of Teyvet's natural orders and all its endless cycles. Life and death, creation and destruction...they are but two sides of the same coin. One never without the other always stride by stride with each other. They are the unblinking eyes in the heavens of dawn and dusk nothing escapes their sight if they desire. This house out of all of them also are well known to be very loyal and passionate in all things, including to their lovers. it is for this reason the twin deities agreed upon their family's crest being one for everlasting love. A love they care in all they do be it romantic, passions, or loved ones.

Do take note however, do not seek out the Lord of the Night or the Lady of Destruction. A contract made between these two is never without great cost for the cycle of this world must be maintained. A life for life, blood for blood that is their creed. All that seek ill will against them have met horrible end at the claws of wind of the cat of fate or by Sustainer's own hands. For calamity must not befall Teyvet ever again. But one of this house's greatest and most guarded of duties is the protection of the sacred eden garden that cradles the new Irminsul tree and the well of souls. However if the main family is threatened this and the other four houses will always act to ensure House Aion's safety.

[Known Abilities]

✧Control over nature
✧Control over living & spirit realms
✧Far reaching sight
✧Yaksha abilities
✧Cryo, Geo, Hydro, Electro, Pyro, & Dendro control
✧Primordial God abilities
✧Void Resistance
✧Body & Soul control
✧Psyche control
✧Divine Blood & Dragon Blood Growth
✧Weather resistances

[Known Factions]

The Four Dark Horse Guard: A branch of the Seraphim Knights created to protect House Xenia. They consist of their riders, Kuroneko, Peruere, Clorinde, and Wriothelsey.
Gate Guardians: Charged with protecting the Celestial Gate

**WARNING!! This house is extremely dangerous, and have almost a wolf-like mentality approach with extreme caution!!**

Fated Encounter Series: Teyvet Files of KairosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin