Chapter 1

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(11 Months later.  APOV)

11 months!  Christian and I have been married for 11 months today.  Which means in a month we will be celebrating our 1-year wedding anniversary.  Can you believe it?  I already have a feeling Christian is planning something big for the two of us.  At least I hope he is.

Things between Christian and I haven't been going as well as we thought they would.  We thought by now we would be dealing with a one month old.  But that's not the case.  The case is no matter how hard we try, and let me tell you we have tried.  We pretty much go at it like rabbits at every chance we get. 

The first couple of months we didn't think anything of it.  Dr. Greene told us that it might take a while for the Depo shot to completely be out of my system.  When we asked about how long a while is going to be?  She replied with, "Anywhere from one to three months"

Christian and I were ok with that.  We had no problem waiting those few months either.

 During those couple of months Elliot and his crew remodeled the shop that Christian had gotten for me as a graduation present.  

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out.  It took Elliot and me several lunches and one or two dinners but we finally came up with something we both agreed on.  I wanted the shop to look modern on the outside but have that rustic country feel on the inside.  Almost like when you walk into one of those Crackle Barrel restaurants.

Hardwood floors throughout the entire shop.  Wood shelving from floor to ceiling.  Hand crafted wooden tables place all over the main floor.  The kitchen or as some would call it "The lab" is all stainless steel. 

In the beginning when the shop first opened everything was crazy.  It was nonstop customer after customer.  I never had a chance to stop and take a break for anything.  After the first few weeks of coming home exhausted Christian demanded that I hire at least one to two people to help me out around the shop.

The one girl I hired.  Holly, she was sweet.  A little too sweet.  I fired her ass so fast it made her head spin.  On one of the nights that I stayed open late, Christian was there to pick me up.  Well while Christian was waiting for me, Holly slipped a note into Christian's jacket pocket as she was leaving for the night.  Christian had no idea she even did it.  But I sure the fuck did.

I quickly walked over to Christian and took the note out of his pocket.  It's said and I quote "When you're in the mood for a real woman give me a call, Holly" I ran out of the shop so freaking fast I think it gave Christian whiplash.  I ran about a block and a half before I caught up to her.  I held the note in my hand and she stood there wide-eyed trying to apologize between sobs.  Yeah I wasn't having it.  I fired her right then and there.  Haven't seen her since.  Now Mia works full time and Kate works part time.

Oh and as for Mia and Sawyer.  Christian finally came around to the idea that Sawyer was dating his sister.  He is never going to like the idea that someone is dating his baby sister.  I told him that his sister is in love, and that Sawyer is a good man.  And I might have said that if Sawyer breaks her heart he'll never see the light of day again.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now