Chapter 17

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***Ugh...Another sorry from me for not updating sooner.  Honestly I completely forgot about this story.  Not of purpose though.  Anyways here it is.  Please enjoy.  Don't forget to vote or leave a comment***

It's been six weeks since we have been back. It only took Christian and me about a week to get back to the norm of things. The second morning being home Christian found himself waking up at the ass crack of dawn going into the kitchen and making breakfast for the two of us. Gail nearly had a heart attack that morning when he offered her a cup of coffee and pancakes.

Two weeks ago Christian got in touch with a realtor. We....more like Christian explained to him what type of house we were looking for. I want something that isn't too big but yet not too small either almost like the size of Elena's old house. That was a no go for Christian. He wants BIG.

As of right now nothing in the size that Christian wants has come on the market.

It's eight o'clock in the morning and I'm getting ready for work. Christian woke me up about an hour ago telling me he had an early morning meeting. Ever since then I couldn't fall back to sleep. So I got up, used the toilet, showered, dried off, applied some lotion, and now I'm getting dressed for work.

After slipping on my shoes I walk out of our bedroom, down the stairs, walked through the great room, and landed in the kitchen where Gail was preparing my breakfast for me already.

"Mmm something smells good. What is it?" I ask.

"Just an omelet Ana" Gail says while shrugging her shoulders.

"No I can smell that, but are you cooking something else too. It smells sweet. Like cookies"

"I made cookies last night for Jason and me in our apartment"

"Well they must have been some sweet cookies" I smiled. Gail smiled back. She was going to say something but she bit her lip and turned back around to plate my omelet.


"Good morning Mia" I say to my sister in law as she walks into the shop.

"Morning Ana. You're here early"

"I know. Christian woke me up this morning to tell me he was leaving for work and I just could go back to sleep"

"I hate that. Sawyer does that to me all the time"

"How are things going with you and Sawyer?"

"Perfect. We are taking things to the next level and were moving in together" She beams brightly.

"That amazing Mia I'm so happy for you"

"I'm happy too. We've been waiting this for a long time now"

"Well I'm glad it's finally happening for the two of you. Hopefully this will bring you one step closer to him putting a ring on that finger," I point to her left hand.

"Oh I hope so. I can't see myself with anyone else but him. Mom and Dad love him, he works for you and Christian, and Elliot and Kate are cool with him"

"Well when it happens I want to be the first to know"

"Well if anyone is going to be the first to know it'll be dad. Luke has to ask for his permission for his daughters hand in marriage"

"Well no duh, I mean when he actually puts the ring on that finger of yours" I laugh.

"Of course you'll be the first person I tell"

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now