Chapter 16

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***Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while.  I have been so focused on the best friend story, getting it edited and finished***

(Saturday August 15th Day 7. APOV)

Today is our last full day in the park. Christian and I have been up for a while now. We made breakfast, took a shower, got dressed, and made some sandwiches to take with us for lunch. We decided that today we are going to do as much as we can.

We're going to hit up both beaches, both museums, stop at Stone Tower, and Thunder Rocks again. Then we are going to enjoy a nice picnic at Science Lake. After our lunch we're going to drive around all the cabin trails and see which one will be the best for the next time we come here with the entire family and maybe some staff.

"Ready to go babe?"

"Yeah. Let me just grab some water for the two of us" I retrieve two bottles of water from the refrigerator. Slipping the bottles into my bag I walk to the front door and wait for Christian to lock it. Once the door is locked Christian takes my hand and we walk to the truck. Being the gentlemen that he is, he opens the door and holds his hand out to help me get in.

"Thank you" I smile.

"You're always welcome Anastasia," He purrs. God, I love how my name rolls off his tongue like that.

Christian closes the door for me and walks in front of the truck to get to the driver's side. When he's in, he starts the truck and away we go.


We're sitting on the beach in the Red House side of the park. We went swimming for almost an hour, now were letting the sun do it's magic to dry us off. I'm lying on my stomach; Christian is on his back with his hands behind his head. I can't take my eyes off of him. Over the past week he has gotten a nice tan. Not to forget that he had given up shaving too. He has the sexiest stubble growing on his face. Maybe I'll suggest to him not to shave it once we get home.


Before we left the Red House area of the park we stopped at the Red House museum which is inside the Admin building. Next we went to Stone Tower. The view is amazing from up here. When we were leaving Stone Tower we ended up bumping into an older man and his dog. He asked us if we were enjoying our time at the park and in reply we both said we couldn't wait to come back. After our goodbyes we headed to Thunder Rocks.

Our journey into Thunder Rocks was eventful. Just like the last time we were here. We watched as families came and went, children screaming and crying once more, not wanting to leave. I don't blame them though; this place is a lot of fun.

Christian got a kick out of this one kid who kept hiding from his parents. Every time they were close to finding him the kid would take off in another direction. It was really comical. After spending about an hour there we decided it was time for lunch and made our way towards Science Lake.

When we got there, the parking lot was empty. Which was really nice because now we can set up our picnic anywhere we wanted and not worry about being in someone's way. Christian grabs our lunch and I take the blanket. We find a nice spot just off the Lake. I lay out the blanket while Christian begins to unpack our sandwiches and drinks.

Once we're settled on the blanket, Christian hands me one of the sandwiches and sits behind me. I snuggle into him and take a bite.

"This is perfect," He says with a mouthful.

"Mmhm, it is" I lay back even more causing Christian to fall onto his back. He didn't mind though, he just continued to eat his sandwich.

"It's going to be real hard to leave this place tomorrow," Christian states. He's right though.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now