Chapter 19

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***First I want to say is that i'm sorry it has taken me forever to post this new chapter.  Ever since I've started my second job I have had no time to do anything.  And when I do have free time it's spent with my kids.  I do however try to write as much as I can in the early morning right before I go to work, but half the time it's not much.  Please don't beg and plead with me to update ASAP because I won't be able to.  Please don't forget to vote***

"Congratulations. Your definitely 100% pregnant"

"We are" Christian said with excitement.

"Oh yes. I would say 5, maybe 6 weeks" Tears begin to form in my eyes. I'm pregnant.

"Did you hear that baby we're pregnant, you're pregnant. We're going to have a baby" He leans down and captures my lips with his. I can feel his wet cheeks on mine. When he lifts his head to look at me the tears of joy are rolling down his face.

"It's not much to look at right now, but I'll print you out a few pictures" It now that I actually look over and stare at the screen. Dr. Greene's right. It's not much to look at it's only a tiny little blob on the screen.

Dr. Greene removed the prop from inside me, takes off the condom, and places it back in its holster. She tears off the pictures she had printed out. "These are for you" She hands them to Christian.

"Do either of you have any questions?" She asks.

"Yes actually I do," I say. "Um in the middle of the night I woke up with some light cramping. Does that mean I might miscarry?"

"No" She shakes her head. "What's happening is your uterus is starting to expand to accommodate the baby that will be growing inside you. Along with your uterus changing shape, the ligaments that support it must stretch. This combination of events can result in some mild cramping. Think of it as growing pains"

"So this is something we don't need to worry about?" Christian asks.

"No, but if the cramping becomes worse or if you start spotting more than a few drops call me right away. As of right now your baby is completely healthy" Both Christian and I let out a sigh of relief. Our baby is healthy.

"Thank you" I say.

"You're welcome Mrs. Grey. You can get dressed now. I'll have the nurse come in in a few minutes with a script for prenatal vitamins as well as a list of do's and don'ts that you should follow while you're pregnant"

"Thank you" I take my feet out of the stirrups and with the help of Christian I sit up. When Dr. Greene leaves the room Christian hands me my clothes.

Just as I was putting on my last shoe there was a knock on the door. It was the same nurse who brought us in here. In one hand she had a bottle of prenatal vitamins along with a script, and in the other hand was a piece of paper along with a few brochures.

The nurse hands them to me, but before I get a chance to reach for them Christian snatches them out of her hand.

"Here is the list of do's and don'ts. Make sure you follow it, and these are just some brochures to read over" Again Christian take it from her before I get the chance.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Nope you're all set. Before you leave make an appointment with the nurse at the front desk. Dr. Greene wants to see you back in two months"

"Two months. Got it" She leaves the room and we follow behind. She opens the door for us and we leave and walk over to the front desk.

"You need to make another appointment?" The nurse asks.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now