Chapter 12

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Tuesday August 11th Day 3. (APOV)

Christian and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning sitting in front of our campfire. Of course when we called it a night and went back inside our cabin we didn't do much sleeping, if you know what I mean. Something about being in the woods makes the two of us pretty frisky.

I do know that before we actually went to sleep Christian set the alarm on his phone for 8 o'clock. He told me that he wanted to cook breakfast for me. He is so stinking sweet.

So here I am sitting on the couch in the living room area of our cabin watching my husband cook me pancakes. I offered to help but he wasn't having it. So I'll just sit here and drink my coffee like a good girl and enjoy the view. What view? The view of my husband only in his boxers, that's what view.


After breakfast I made some sandwiches. Nothing fancy, just ham and cheese on wheat. Packed some fresh cut fruit and bottles of water too, to go with our sandwiches. Just as I put on my sandals there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it's five to ten.

"I got it," Christian said, then walked to the door.

"Morning!" Said Paul as he walked in.

"Good morning"

"So are the two of you ready for the tour of the park?"

"Absolutely" I smiled.

Christian and I decided to leave Aspen at the cabin. Before we left we made sure he had enough food and water in his dish, and laid out a couple puppy pads in case he had to go to the bathroom.

"So where are we off to first?" I asked.

"Well it's no longer there anymore, but I'll show you where the pool used to be" Paul directed Christian where to go. Within 3 minutes we were parked in the parking lot of the Fancher bathhouse.

"So where is the pool?" Christian asked. Paul walked us over to the small valley ball court. Good question, where is the pool?

"You're standing on it" Christian and I looked at him as if he was crazy. There is no way there's a pool under us.

"Excuse me? How could we be standing on it?"

"Here let me explain everything first. The historic Fancher swimming pool was first opened to the public during the summer of 1926, which measured 40 x 100 feet. During the spring of 1934 the Fancher pool was replaced by a larger concrete pool (50' x 100') built by the Civilian Conservation Corps. The funding for the new pool came from the late Senator Albert T. Fancher who passed away on the 30th of July 1930. Senator Fancher was one of the main people who helped develop the park in the early 1920's." He hands us a copy of an old photo.

"This pool is always remember by its freezing cold temperatures, its size, and socializing destination point for many of the campers, locals, and employees. The picture is just one of the numerous pictures that I have of people swimming in the Fancher pool" He hands us another photo.

"I have been told that some of the reasons the pool was closed was due to the new beach being developed over on Quaker Lake, as well as failure to be able to repair cracks on the pool. The pool was draining faster than they could fill it. It was last used Labor Day weekend in September 1981. It was filled up with gravel and topped with sod during September 1985"

"Interesting" Christian said.

"It is. A lot of the old timers that come here to camp have expressed how they would love to see the pool dug up and maybe fenced and dubbed a historic site in the park"

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