Chapter 9

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****I'm not sure why, but I have been having problems updating chapters.  When I paste the chapters on to the format that wattpad makes us use everything bunches up together.  I don't know until after I have published if it remains bunched or if it corrects itself.  So please forgive me if it looks like everything is bunched together****

(Part 2 Still APOV) "Christian" I moan. "Yes Anastasia?" "If we don't stop we'll miss the sunset" Not to mention that someone might see or hear us. "Your right baby I'm sorry, but your skin just taste so fucking good. I can't get enough of it," I giggle at his words. How can I taste so good to him? It's not like I bathed myself in honey or something along those lines. "How about we have some dessert while we wait for the sunset?" He suggests. "There's dessert?" "There is" He bent down to the spot where he hid the dessert. Well at least now I know what it was. "Since we never really had a wedding cake at our wedding we can't enjoy the top tier like most people do on their first anniversary. So I asked Gail if she could recreate the jars of cake she made for us" "Oh wow" I begin to get teary eyed as Christian hands me one of the jars. We sat there feeding each other our jars of cake just like we did on our wedding day. Having Christian add something special like this to our anniversary is out of this world. Because we never had a true wedding cake I would have completely forgot this part if the shoe was on the other foot. "This is the perfect ending to a perfect day," I tell him as I finish the last spoonful of my cake. "It's not over yet. We still have these, and by the looks of it" He points to the beautiful sun that starting to go down. "I'd say it's time to lite them up" He opened the box of sparklers and ripped open the plastic bag they were in with his fingers. Christian handed me two of them, one for each hand I assumed. "You ready?" "Yes" I squeal. With a lighter that he took out of his back pocket he lit both of my sparklers. Sparks began to fly and I squealed like a little girl. Christian laughed then pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of me holding the sparklers. Christian then held out his own sparklers and used mine to lite his. We continued to do this until all the sparklers were gone. By this time it was dark out, only the moon casting its shadow off the sound. "I love you," He said to me. "I love you too Christian" I lean over and cup his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. Even though it was a bit hard to see them. I bit my lip and slowly released it before leaning in closer to him and feeling his soft lips on mine. He pulled me onto his lap once again just like before. His soft hands caressing my thighs. A low moan from deep within his chest escaped. I know where this is going and if we don't stop now someone is either going to see us or hear us. "Christian we need to stop. Someone might hear us, or worse see us""Ana we're in the middle of the sound, no one is going to hear us" He continued his assault on my neck. Christian untangled his hands from my hair and moved them down to my shoulder, and over my collarbone. He paused, leaning his forehead against my shoulder. His hand moved from my collarbone to go lower and lower until it stopped just above the button to my shorts. I tried to pull away knowing where he was going with this, but he held onto me tighter. Looks like there is no escaping. I hope he's right, that no one is able to see us out here. I put my hands behind my head and reached out and ran my hand through his hair. Scratching ever so slightly over his scalp. Christian's breathe quickened. With one hand he unbuttoned my shorts and slowly unzipped them. His hand slipped under my panties making their way to the top of my folds. Christian's other hand started to roam the rest of my body. As his hand slipped through my folds and started working its magic on my clit, I couldn't help but start to roll my hips. I dropped my hands from his head and slid them in between us. Let me be the first to say it isn't easy trying to roam your husband's body with your hands behind your back. Doing the best I could I found the waistband of his short and started to unbutton his and pull the zipper down. Christian gasps when my hand went inside his briefs and took a firm hold on his erection. I begin to stroke him the best that I can. He doesn't seem to be complaining, so it must be ok. Somehow I manage to turn around in his lap. Because of my actions the boat starts to rock a bit. We both freeze until it stops rocking. "Christian we need to careful or we're going to end up falling in" "We're fine. The boat is very sturdy, don't worry" We're on a boat, hands in each other's pants, the boat is rocking back and forth, and he is telling me not to worry. Ha! I try to push that out of my head and continue with what we were doing. Somehow, someway within the last five minutes all of our clothes are off. I'm straddling him and his back is leaned up against the side of the boat. My knees are sore from being pressed on the floor of the boat, but I don't care. Being here on a boat in the middle of the sound with Christian inside makes the pain worth it. "Faster baby" Christian begs. The faster I move the more the boat rocks. I want to stop for the fear of the boat tipping over but Christian has a tight hold on my hips moving me back and forth. "That's it baby. Keep going. Don't stop. Oh fuck, just like that" I move faster. The water begins to lap against the sides of the boat. Small waves started to rock the boat even more. I could tell Christian was close to his release by the feel of his cock throbbing inside me. I on the other hand was too focused on the way the boat was moving to even think about my own release. "Christian!" His eyes were closed. He was too in the zone. Well he better get out of the zone and open his eyes because were about to...Splash! I went head first into the water. Which was somewhat ok with me because Christian ended up getting thrown in when the boat tipped over. Here I am naked in the middle of the sound holding on to the boat for dear life watching my clothes slowly sink to the bottom. "Great now what?" I ask. Christian is on the other side with a pissed off look on his face. He should have known better I warned him multiple times that this was going to happen. "Back up" He says. I let go of the boat and swim a few feet back. I watch a Christian grips the side of the boat and pushes it over. I swim back to the now upright boat. Thankfully the paddles were attached to a hook on the inside of the boat. I was shivering the entire time back to the dock. Once we were out of the boat Christian quickly lead me to his parent's boathouse. He opened the door and I followed him in. He disappeared for a second and came back with two blankets. He wrapped the one around me and I held it tightly to my body. He did the same with his. "Shit!" He cursed out. "What?" "My fucking phone was in my pants. Which is now at the bottom of the sound" "Well you know this wouldn't have happened if you would have listened to me in the first place when I said that we needed to be careful" "Don't start Anastasia" "I'm not starting anything Christian. I'm just saying that this wouldn't have happened if you would have listened to me" "I said don't start" "You know what? Fine. I'm too cold to argue anyways. I'm going to take a shower to warm up" I turned on my heel and went into the small bedroom just off to the side. I walked through the bedroom and made my way to the small bathroom that only had enough room for two people and even that was pushing it. I turned the water on and waited for it to heat up. I peek out the bathroom door to see if Christian might have followed me in here. Sadly he didn't. I get into the small shower and let the hot water run over my body. I'm not even going to bother washing myself. I can't anyways there isn't anybody wash or shampoo for me to use. When I feel my body is back to normally and no longer cold I step out and grab one of the towels that is hung over the towel rack. I quickly use it to dry myself and my hair, than wrap it around my body before stepping outside the bathroom. I didn't see Christian anywhere in the bedroom so I went into the boathouse hoping to find him there sitting on one of the couches but he wasn't. The first thought that came to my mind was that he left me. He was so mad at me for telling him that he should have listened to me, that he left me. I go back into the bedroom and sit down on the edge of the bed. My hands immediately find my face and I begin to cry. I let the tears fall down my cheek and splatter onto my lap. I'm not sure how long I've been sitting here for. The bedroom door creeks open and I here Christian say, "What the...Oh baby" I hear his feet rush over to my bed where I am sitting. I don't even lift my head to look at Christian. I just continue to cry in my hands. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I don't say anything. "Please Ana you need to talk to me" I slowly lift my head. I'm sure I look a mess. There is no doubt that my eyes are red and puffy. Another sob slips my quivering lips as I look into my husband's beautiful but worried eyes. "I...I thought you l...left me" "Why would you think I left you?" "B-because you're mad at me for what I said" In one swift motion he pressed his lips onto mine. He kissed me gently, tiny sparks danced across my mouth. He nibbled lightly on my bottom lip before pulling away to look at me again. "I'm not mad at you. It's just..." He pauses. "I know I should have listened to you. I'm sorry" He kisses me again."Come on let's get dressed and go home" I look at him confused. As far as I know we didn't bring any extra clothes with us. So how does he expect me to get dressed? As if he knows what I'm thinking he says, "I went inside and grabbed some clothes from my old bedroom" "Your parents. Aren't they home?" "No. Mom is still at work and Dad is away with an old college buddy having drinks" "And Mia?" "Mia is most likely at Sawyer's," He tells me. "Oh" Don't I feel like an ass right now for asking him where everyone was when we first got here. "See I don't you not to worry. Here put these on so we can get out of here and go home" "Ok" I whispered taking the clothes out of his hands. "I love you," He says to me. "I love you too" ..... With everything that happened tonight I'm completely exhausted. I yawn as Christian pulls into the parking garage of Escala. Christian glances of at me and asks, "Tired baby?" "Just a little" CPOV I feel like such an ass hole for what happened tonight on the boat. I knew everything Ana said to me was true right from the beginning. Once again I was thinking with my dick instead of my head. I pulled into the empty parking spot label GREY and turned the car off. I look over to Ana who is almost asleep. Shit. I don't want to wake her. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. As much as I would love to stay here all night and watch her sleep, I think it would be more comfortable for her to be in bed. I get out of my R8 and walk over to Ana's side. I open her door and carefully lift her. Her arms immediately go around my neck and she snuggles her face into my shoulder. Happiness. Pure happiness is what I feel right now. I'll never get sick of moments like this with Ana. Ana still in my arms as we ride up the elevator to our apartment. She stirs a little in my arms while lightly mumble something that I can't make out completely. Something about the color 'red' and I'm not quite sure but I think she said 'pole'. The apartment was dark and silent. Taylor and Gail must be asleep in their quarters. I walk into our bedroom and carefully place Ana on the bed. I start to slowly rid myself of my clothes before getting into bed. Ana rolled over to her side and started reaching out for me. When she couldn't find me on my side of the bed, she sat up and started calling out my name. "Christian?" Her voice very much laced with sleep. "I'm right here Ana" I quickly went to my side of the bed and got in. "Where did you go?" I laugh. She thinks we have been home for a while now. "I didn't go anywhere baby. I was just getting undressed to join you in bed" "Undress? Why would you be getting undressed? Did you go somewhere?" She sounds so confused. "No baby. We just got home. You slept the entire way home" "We're home" Her face is priceless. "Yes we are" With her eyes still have opened she gets out of bed and starts walking to the bedroom door. Bumping into things as she goes. "Where are you going?" "I need to still give you your anniversary present" she rubs her eyes. "Ana, you're clearly tired. Come back to bed and you can give me my present tomorrow?" I tell her. It never even crossed my mind that she would have an anniversary gift for me. "But I worked so hard on it" She whines. I get up from the bed and walk over to the door where she is standing. I wrap my arms are her waist and pull her towards me. "Did you know that when you're like this you sound like Ava?" I tease. "I do not" She manages to remove her arms her my hold and stifles a yawn. "See your exhausted baby. Whatever it is can wait until tomorrow" I kiss her forehead. "Ok" I help her back into bed. I helped remove the clothes that she was wearing. Although a part of me wanted to keep them on her. She looked so sexy wearing my clothes from when I was in high school. "Good night Christian" "Good night Anastasia" She spoons herself into me wiggling her ass. It's another thing I love about her. It's also something that drives me crazy. She has to wiggle her ass right on my dick to find her perfect spot. Which leaves me with a hard on until morning. "Ana if you don't stop with the wiggling I'm going to take you right here and now, and I don't care if you're asleep or not" "I'm just trying to get comfortable Christian" "I understand that, but you're making my dick uncomfortable" "It's not like I'm doing it on purpose. I'm just trying to find my butt groove" "And your butt groove just so happens to be on my cock?" Her head nods. She continues to wiggle her ass on me. Now I think she is just doing this for fun. Oh lord, help me. "Ana" I warn. She stops but lets out a giggle. "What happened to you being tired?" I ask. "I am" She replies "It doesn't seem that way to me. It seems to me that you are asking for a hard fuck" She rolls over to that she is facing me. "What if I was asking for a "Hard fuck"?" "Well then I must oblige" My hand snakes around her waist to her back, where I grab ahold of her ass and pull her close to me so she can feel what her wiggling ass has done to my cock. "Hmm that differently feels like a hard fuck" I looked into her gorgeous blue eyes. I grinned at her. Not just any grin the boyish grin that she just loves. It always makes her weak at the knees. I slipped my hand down the front of her panties until I reached her folds. Damn, she was ready for me already. She let out a soft moan and closed her eyes. At this moment I did the only thing that needed to be done. I moved the fabric that was covering her pussy to the side and grabbed hold of her to move her on top of me. I could feel her wetness soak through my briefs. I tucked my thumbs between the waistbands of my briefs and pulled them down just enough to let my cock spring free. It didn't take her long to lift herself just enough so that she was hovering over the head of my cock. She slowly eased herself down. Fuck she feels wet, warm, and so tight. Fuck! We stayed like this for a while. No movement, no moaning. Nothing. We stared into each other's eyes. Her perfect blues to my gray. My dick was throbbing, practically begging for me to make her move. My hands traveled up her thighs slowly, causing her to bite down on her bottom lip. My hands traveled further up her body, stopping briefly at her stomach. I pray for the day for when it carrying my child. Our child. I continued moving my hands. My fingers lightly grazed her harden nipples causing Ana to bite down even harder on to her bottom lips to quiet her moan. Finally my hand reached her lip. I wanted to hear the moan; I want to hear her call out my name. I lightly tugged at her lip releasing her teeth. My hands made their way back down her body until my right hand reached her exposed clit, which I swear was calling my name. Saying, "Please touch me". Well who am I to say no. I brought my hand to my mouth and licked the pad of my thumb before placing it gently onto her clit where I pressed lightly. "Ahhh" She breathed out softly. Ana begins to roll her hips into me. With my free hand I grab hold of her and stop her from moving. I just want to feel her. "Don't move baby" "I have too," She pleads. My thumb is still pressed firmly on her clit. I can feel her walls tightening around my cock. She's ready to explode. For her I start to slowly rock my hips back and forth moving in and out of her slowly. "Mmm" She hums as she bites down on her bottom lip. I continue my slowly pace. Ana's hips begin to rock again. I quickly stopped "I said don't move Anastasia" "Please Christian" "No Ana we're taking this nice and slow. I want to savor you" "You can't be serious? Christian I need you to fuck me. HARD" She nearly screams the last part. I don't know what it was but something in me snapped. I flipped her over onto her back, still deep inside her. She looked up at me with lust in her eyes. She wants hard I'll give her hard. As hard as I could I plowed into her. From deep within her throat she let out a loud screech. "Is. This. How. You. Want. It" I slam into her between words. "Yes. Oh god yes" She screams. Her entire back is lifted off the bed, she is holding onto me as if her life depends on it. Her nails dig into the back of my neck, her teeth latch onto my shoulder. Her nails start to drag across my back the harder I slam. The sensation it caused in my body had me at near explosion. Beads of sweat dripped down my forehead. Ana is like an animal in heat. She keeps screaming at me to go harder and faster. And that's just what I keep doing. Finally after five minutes I feel her walls tightening up around my cock again. Don't get me wrong I'm enjoying fucking the shit out of my wife, but even I can only take so much. My hips are killing me. In one swift motion I lift Ana's legs over my shoulders and pick her up. I'm literally lifting her up and slamming her back down on me as hard as I can. "YES!" She screams. "FUCK!" I scream as I cum inside her. .....I can't move. After I moved Ana's legs from around my neck and plopped down on the bed I haven't moved a muscle. I'm sore. Sorer than I have ever been in my life. If I'm sore I can only imagine how Ana is feeling right now. I prop myself up and rest my head on my hand and look over at her. She has been wearing the biggest smile on her face since we finished. "Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks without even looking at me."Because I can" "Because I can is not an answer Christian" "It is to me. How are you feeling?" "I feel as if I'm on top of the world right now" "You're not sore?" I question. "Nope" She says popping the 'P' "God I must be getting old" She laughs at me. "You're not getting old Christian. You're just tired. It's late that's all" "Maybe your right. We can revisit this matter in the morning" I wink at her. "How about we revisit this matter after I give you your anniversary gift" "Oh so the hour long hard fuck wasn't my gift" I tease. Ana rolls her eyes at me and exhales forcefully. "You keep rolling your eyes at me like that, is going to earn you a spot across my knee" "Well then. I think it's a good thing your present is where it is then" Huh? What is she talking about? "What do you mean by "where it is" Where is it?" "Down the hall" "Your office?" "Not exactly" She bites her lip and looks away. There is only two other rooms down the hallway. One being the guest bedroom and the other.... No she wouldn't. I sit straight up in our bed. There are a million thoughts running through my head right now. One thought in particularly. "Christian, what's wrong?" "Which room is it in Ana?" My tone a little harsh."Now Christian, before you go all crazy on me I need you to hear me out first" "Which room Anastasia?" I say a little harsher than before. "Just heat me out first" "Ana" I warn. "Christ. Your playroom alright. There are you fucking happy. I put your gift in there because I knew it was the only room in the whole damn apartment that I knew you wouldn't go into. Fuck!" She hisses through her teeth. Ok I need to calm down. All she said was it's in the playroom. I close my eyes 5...4...3...2...1 I breathe in, and then I breathe out. I reopen my eyes and look at Ana. She is now kneeling in front of me on our bed looking at me as if someone has just killed our dog. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry Christian. I didn't know where else to put it. I didn't want you to find out before our anniversary" Her eyes become glossy. "Shh it's ok" I cup her face with my hands. "I'm sorry I over reacted just a little. I should have let you explained before I got all hot headed" "You're not mad?" "No I'm not mad" I lightly chuckle. "Why don't you go get my present and bring it back here" Her eyes widen and she starts making a face. An 'Oh shit' kind of face. "What?" I ask. "Actually it's something I can't bring to you. You have to go in there in order to see it" "How big is it?" I wonder. "Technically it's not that big. Small even" "If it's small, why can't you just go get it and bring it into our bedroom?" "Because I have it set up in the playroom""Ana if you're saying what I think you're saying it's out of the question" There is no way I'm letting Ana become my submissive, even if it was for one night. She is my wife; she will never be one of them. "You know Christian you really know how to ruin a girls night. If you'll excuse me I'm going to go and sleep in the guest room" "Don't you think your being a little ridiculous Ana?" She stops when she reaches our bedroom door. "Why because my husband doesn't want his anniversary gift because it's in a room that he refuses to go into?" She looks heart broken. "Christian it's just a room. Take everything out of there and it's just a room," She says softly. She gives me one last look before turning to walk out our room. I've really fucked up this time. I know it's just a room. In all honesty it's not just a room it's the' room. The room I had custom built for the lifestyle I once had. The room where I received pleasure from beating women. 15 women to be exact. I know Ana didn't do this on purpose. She put whatever it is in there because she knew that was one room in our apartment that I would never go into. Ah man I fucked up. I lay down on the bed and look up to the ceiling and see myself staring back at me. Six months ago Ana had a mirror ceiling installed above our bed. She wanted it so that I could watch her from every angle while we're making love. I will myself to fall asleep. It's no use. I can't sleep until Ana is here with me. I need her arms around me, I need to hear her breathing, and I need her. Even if she makes me sleep on the floor I just need to be near her. Getting out of bed I rush out of our bedroom and run straight down the hallway to the guestroom. The door is closed. As I turn the knob I take a deep breath in and let it out as I open the door. "Ana I'm..." My heart nearly drops when I see that Ana isn't even in the room. "What the fuck" I whisper to myself. Where is she? She said she was going to sleep in the guestroom. This is the fucking guestroom and she isn't even in here. Unless.... I walk out of the guest bedroom and walk down the hallway. My heart begins to race the closer I get to the playroom door. The door is slightly ajar and from what I can tell the soft overhead lights just beyond the door is on. I open the door quietly and tip toe in. I'm a little shocked at what I see. In the middle of the room, from floor to ceiling is a pole. A stripper pole. Ana is standing there with both hands on the pole trying to get it to budge while cursing at it for not moving. "You piece of shit, MOVE," She yells at it. She begins to slap it with the palms of her hands. Ok I think it's time for me to step in before she ends up hurting herself. "Ahem" I clear my throat. Ana jumps about 2 feet in the air before turning around. "Christian! You scared the shit out of me. When did you get here?" "Right after I checked the guestroom to see that you weren't in there. Ana what are you doing in here? And why is there a stripper pole in the middle of the room?" "I was. But then I thought to myself why bother keeping the pole up if it's never going to be used. So I came in here to try and take it down. I mean what's the point?" She frowns. Great now I feel even more like shit. "I'm sorry" "For what?" Really!"For being a jerk to you about coming into this room" "And" Her hands are on her hips and she is tapping her foot on the floor. You have got to be kidding me. She is acting like my mother. "And I should have let you explain" "And" And what? What more does she want? "And I'm sorry for over reacting" "And" If I didn't know any better I would swear she took lessons from none other than Grace T Grey. "Please baby I'll do anything you ask. Just please don't be mad at me anymore. I love you" "I'm not mad Christian. Ok I'm a little mad. It's just that I wanted to do something for you that is different. Honestly Christian do you know how hard it is to buy something for a man who has everything or can get anything with just the snap of his fingers. It's really hard" "Oh Ana" I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. My left hand is cupping the back of her head while my right is wrapped tightly around her back. "I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me" "Your forgiven" She lifts her head to look at me. She has the cutest face I have ever seen. "Do you still want to give me my present?" A smile spread across her face. "YES!" She screams. "Ok but I have to warn you I'm no professional. So if it sucks don't make fun of me" "Baby I would never" "Promise?" "I promise" "Ok. Can you hit play on the remote for me?" "Of course I will" I smile. I walk over to the side of the room to where the screen pad is for the sound system. Wow I hate to admit this but it feels like old times. The only thing that's different is I don't have a Submissive sitting near the door on her knees waiting for me. Instead I have my beautiful wife standing by her pole waiting for me to start the music while she is in her pajamas. Not the sight I'm used to seeing but it is quite a sight. I hit play on the sound system and instantly the music begins to play. Leather & Lace – Brittney Spears Ana bites her lips and begins to sway back and forth to the music. (I'm not good at explaining but I'm going to try my best. I have posted a video of the dance on the Pinterest page, so you can get a better idea) She has a hint of embarrassment laced on her face but she pushes through it by closing her eyes and grabbing ahold of the pole and twirls around it slowly before crouching down and bowing her head. Even though her head was only bowing for a split second, it sends a message to my dick right away. Oh fuck! While crouching down she spreads her knees apart and rocks her hips. She gets up and whips her head around before doing some move that makes her back look as if it's a snake. She does several more dance moves around the pole. She is really getting into this song. The way she moves her body is sending little electric shocks right to my dick. Fuck, I never knew she could move her hips like that. I'm taken back even more when she reaches above her head and takes hold of the pole and pulls herself up. She climbs the damn pole like it's nothing. Oh fuck me again. How the hell is she doing this? Oh my god the endless possibilities that are running through my mind right now. The song comes to an end. She stands there looking at me, waiting for me to say something. I'm not even sure what the hell to say. "Did you like it?" "Baby it was amazing. I didn't know you could move your hips like that" I wink. Ana blushes and looks towards the floor. "There's one more song but I can always do it another time" "No fucking way. Go back over there to the pole" She smiles. "Ok but hold on. I want to change into the outfit I bought for it. Go and sit on the bed and wait for me" "The bed" I swallow hard. I haven't been on that bed since before Ana came into my life, not to mention the last person that was on the bed with me was Leila. I don't know if I can. "Ana I don't think that's a good idea. That bed.....that bed holds to many bad memories that I don't want to remember" "Christian don't be ashamed of your past. Please, not with me. I know it holds a lot of bad memories but you know what it could hold?" "What?" "New memories. Of you and I" "As much as those peeks my interest, and believe me it really does. I would prefer if it wasn't on that mattress" "Ok, in that case, how about we buy a new mattress" Am I dreaming? I mean seriously, is this really happening. My wife is offering to play a little. I think...I think I just came in my pants. "Ana are you saying what I think you're saying?" "Yes and no. Yes I'm willing to try your kinkiness to a certain extent. But that's as far as I go. No whips, belts, or cable ties. Yes I found your cable ties. And none of that Sir or Mater crap either" She rolls her eyes. "We can get rid of anything you want baby. Anything you say goes. Now if you don't mind I would like to see you dance to that second song" "Ok I'll be right back" She reaches on her tippy toes and kisses me. I watch as she walks towards the small hallway that leads to the small walk in closet. As soon as she is out of sight I start running my hands through my hair. Holy shit I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe it. I must be dreaming. This has to be a dream. I pinch myself hard on the arm. "Ouch. Fuck, that hurt" Nope not dreaming. I walk around the room a little bit, taking a good look at everything. Nothing has changed. Everything still smells and looks the same. Well that's all going to change soon. I'm going to make a mental note of what Ana says is ok to keep and what to throw out. "You ready?" I hear Ana call out. "Uh...yeah" I quickly run over to the screen pad for the sound system and press play before running to the bed to sit down. The music starts off with the sounds of thunder, rain, and sirens. Ana walks into the room and my mouth drops to the floor. She is wearing the sexiest outfit I have ever seen. With a seductive look in her eye she walks over to the bed and sits at the edge with her back facing me. She runs her hands along her back and into her hair. She looks back at me and winks. She gets up from the bed and walks over to the pole and begins. The dance she is doing now is very similar to the one she did before but this one is more sensual. She keeps eye contact with me the entire time she is dancing. I'm breathless watching her move the way she is. Just before the song comes to an end Ana climbs onto the bed and crawls her way over to me. She has the look of lust in her eyes. As much as I want to take her right here on this bed, she has another thing coming. She begins to straddle my waist. Running her hands from my shoulders to my very hard cock. God she is making this really fucking hard not to take her right now. "Ana" I warn. "What?" She whispers innocently. "Not here" I reply. "I know. I'm just getting you ready" "Baby I've been ready" "Then take me to our room and make love to me Christian" In one swift move I grab hold of her ass and shift myself so that I can get off the bed. With her legs wrapped around my waist I run like a bat out of hell to our bedroom. Kicking our bedroom door shut with my foot. "You are so fucking beautiful" I tell her before placing her softly down on the bed. I waste no time at all at ripping her panties off her body. She blushes the most beautiful shade of red I have ever seen. I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor. Next I remove both my sweatpants and my boxers. There will be no foreplay tonight. I need to be inside her right now. For the rest of the night I make sweet passionate love to my wife on our bed.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now