Chapter 5

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CPOV (2 weeks later)

The last two weeks have flown by in a matter of seconds. Ana and I have put the idea of having a baby on the back burner for the time being. If it happens, it happens. We are no longer going to stress over it.

I called Dr. Flynn last week and apologized for the way that I acted when we left. He accepted my apology, and asked for me to give our couples session another chance. I agreed under one condition. If I feel that Ana is getting upset for any reason the session will end. He agreed.

Of course this hasn't stopped Ana from having lunch with my mother three times a week. In fact I think her talking with my mother is helping her even more.


I'm sitting here in my office at GEH. Our anniversary is in two weeks and I have yet to come with an idea on how to celebrate it with Ana. Sure I could take her somewhere around the world or buy her the most expensive gifts but I can do that any day of the week. I want something that means more.


"Thanks, come again," I say as I follow my last customer of the day to the door and lock it as soon as she is out.

"Holy crap. I can't believe how many people came into the shop today," Mia said.

"Crazy wasn't it. I barely had a chance to eat lunch. I can't complain though. We nearly sold out of everything on the display cases"

"Do you want me to come in early tomorrow to restock the shelves?"

"If you have time we can do it now. Christian is working late tonight at the office. I can treat you to dinner afterwards"

"Awesome. Let's get started," She says.

It took Mia and me less than an hour to stock the shelves. After we were finished I set a quick text to Christian letting him know that I was going out to dinner with his sister. He texted me back saying that there is a table waiting for us at The Mile High Club and that he loved me and will see me when he gets home later tonight.

As Sawyer was driving us to the Mile High Club I whispered to Mia,

"So when are you and Sawyer going to take it to the next level?"

"I don't know we've been talking about it here and there but that's as far as it has gone," She whispers back.

"But you guys have been dating for so long"

"We've only been officially dating for a year"

"Christian and I were dating less than that before we got married"

"I know. I don't want to push him or anything"

"Do you want to marry Sawyer?"

"Oh Ana, more than anything in this world. I know he is the one for me"

"Then maybe you should drop some hints at him"

"You think I should?" She asks.

"Of course I do. If you want I can drop some as well" She smiles. After all when Sawyer isn't with Mia he's with me.

"Thanks Ana. You're the best sister in the world" She hugs me.

The remainder of the car ride to the club we talk about the shop. There are a few things that we both think would add more customers. Such as lotions, lip balm, and maybe even some candles. We'll have to do some research but I think we should have no problem.

During dinner Sawyer sat at the bar watching over Mia and I while we ate.

"So what are you and Christian doing for your anniversary? It's only two weeks away isn't it?"

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now