Chapter 8

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(CPOV 1 week later & their anniversary)

I'm woken up by the sound of thunder. I open my eyes and check the alarm clock for the time. It's only 5AM. The time isn't what bothers me it's the lighting that just lit up the entire bedroom that bothers me.


How am I supposed to recreate the night I asked Ana to be my girlfriend if it's fucking thundering and lighting outside.

"This is bullshit," I hiss.

"Christian?" Ana says my name groggily.

"Its ok baby, go back to bed. I didn't mean to wake you"

"What time is it?" She yawns.

"It's early Ana, go back to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to get up. Ok?" She nods her head against the pillow then closes her eyes. I lay in bed until I'm sure she is asleep again.

Damn you Seattle and you're fucked up weather. If this keeps up I need to think of something else. I could have Taylor get the jet ready and fly her out to Savannah. I'm just not sure how Ana would feel leaving Mia and Kate in charge of the store for a few days. Mia I could see handling everything very well since she has worked there since day one. Kate on the other hand only works maybe 1 day a week or when the store is extremely busy.

I get out of bed and use the bathroom. After I'm finished I freshen up a bit. Leaving the bedroom I go into the kitchen where Gail is still in her pajamas. Her eyes are half closed and her pace reminds me of a snail. I wonder if she even notices that I'm sitting here.

"Ahem" I clear my throat. Gail drops the bag of coffee grounds onto the counter and slowly turns around.

"Mr. Grey!" She yelps.

"Good Morning Gail" I lightly chuckle.

"Please excuse me Mr. Grey. I didn't think you would be up so early. Allow me to change and I'll get your breakfast started"

"Gail it's alright. I'm sorry if I frightened you. It wasn't my intention to be up so early. Please just go about what you were doing"

"Yes sir" She turns back around and continues what she was doing before she realized I was in the room. A few minutes later a very sleepy Taylor comes walking out the staff quarters in only a pair of pajama bottoms and a pair of tan slippers. His eyes just like Gail's were when she walked in. I watch as he walks up behind Gail and pulls her into his arms and whispers 'Good Morning beautiful, I love you'.

Gail smiles but quickly her smile fades and she turns in his arms and whispers something in his ear. His eyes shoot open and his head snaps in my direction.

"Mr. Grey!" He clears his throat. "I...uh"

"Taylor please, don't let me interrupt yours and Gail's morning routine. Act as if I'm not even here" Of course they don't. It's been ages since I have been up this early in the morning. And even then I would go into my study to work, not come into the kitchen.

"Excuse us Mr. Grey" Gail says as she places a cup of coffee in front of me. Gail and Taylor both leave the kitchen and head over to their quarters. No doubt to change.

A few minutes later Gail walks back into the kitchen wearing her normally clothing and an apron. She takes a hand towel and throws it over her shoulder.

"What would you like for breakfast Mr. Grey?"

"Actually Gail, would you mind showing me how to cook? As you can see it's raining like cat and dogs outside and my plans for Ana today are going to have to change. So I want to do something special, like breakfast in bed"

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now