Chapter 20

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***Sorry everyone.  I know it's been over two weeks since I've updated.  I can't help it.  I have a full time job and three kids, and since Christmas is around the corner I've been picking up as many extra hours as I can.  Please don't forget to vote***


It's been a little over a week since Christian and I found out that we're pregnant, and Christian is on cloud nine. Every time I look at him he has that I'm going to be a daddy smile plastered on his face. As of right now there are only five people that know, Taylor, Sawyer, Gail, Christian, and I of course. I've asked Sawyer not to tell Mia because one, she has a big mouth, and two, because we want to wait until the 12 week mark. I've heard a lot of stories of people spilling the beans as soon as they find out and disaster happens. I'm not taking any chances.

Now that we are in fact pregnant the search for a house has become Christian's main priority, next to me and the baby of course. He has hired five of the top realtors in Seattle. He said one of them is bound to find us something we're looking for.


Mia called me that night when Sawyer popped the question. I knew it was coming. I just didn't know it was going to happen that night. Maybe the excitement of me being pregnant had a little help. Or maybe it didn't, but who cares, their getting married.

As of right now there is no date set, but Mia mentioned spring. I'm not too thrilled about her having a spring wedding only because I did the math and I'll most likely be due in the middle of May. May 19th to be exact. It's not that I mind a spring wedding, I don't. It's the fact that she wants me to be the maid of honor, and I don't mind that either. I just don't want to be big as a house walking down the aisle.

(1 week later)

Christian and I have just got home from having Sunday dinner at his parent's house. I have to admit it was a little awkward. One being Sawyer was there with us sitting at the dining room table, and two, the wine. I would pick up the glass of wine and bring it to my lips to make it appear that I was drinking it, when I really wasn't. I stuck to water. Christian being the cleaver devil that he is would grab my glass as if by mistake and drink from it. Gotta love him.

Once we got back home I throw off my shoes and went right into our bedroom and changed into something a bit more comfortable. Christian walks into our bed soon after I'm changed, and he is holding what appears to be an old chalkboard.

"Uh...What's that?" I ask curiously, pointing at it.

"This wife of mine, is a chalkboard"

"I know that" I roll my eyes. "What are you doing with it, is what I would like to know"

"I'm not doing anything with it. You are"


"Yes you. You are going to stand next to it and I'm going to take a picture" He turns the chalkboard over and shows me. In different color chalk it reads '7 weeks our baby is the size of a blueberry'.

"Oh Christian, that's so cute"

"I know. Don't think you're the only one in this world who has access to Pinterest" He places the chalkboard up against the wall and tells me to stand next to it. With his camera in hand he starts to take pictures.

"Christian that's like the hundredth picture that you took. I think we're good" He continues to click away.

"I can't help it baby. You look so beautiful. Even more beautiful now that you're pregnant" He stands up and smiles at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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