Chapter 18

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***sorry for the late update.  Again reality has hit***

We have showered, dressed, ate, and now I'm being dragged to the elevator by Christian with both Taylor and Sawyer in tow.

Christian is standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He keeps kissing the back of my neck or just below my ear whispering 'I love you' to me over and over again. I really wish he wouldn't get himself so worked up like this. We don't even know yet if I'm pregnant or not. Of course I'm praying that I am.

Taylor and Sawyer follow behind us in the SUV while Christian and I drive to the hospital in his R8. Ha! If I am pregnant there is no way I'll be able to fit in here when I'm 9 months.

The entire car ride from Escala to Seattle Grace was hectic. At every red light we came across Christian would groan and with the palm of his hand he would hit the steering wheel. I'm just as eager as he is to find out if we're pregnant but he needs to take a chill pill right now.

"Finally!" He says when Seattle Grace comes into sight.

Pulling into the visitor's parking lot Christian finds a spot right away. Taylor parks the SUV right next to the R8. Christian gets out of the car and rushes over to my door and opens it for me.

"Come on baby we're going to be late" I roll my eyes at my dear husband then look at my watch. We are far from being late.

"Christian we're not late"

"We will be if you don't get your butt moving Anastasia" I shake my head and sigh before getting out of the car and walking to the main entrance with Christian. Sawyer and Taylor are both chuckling behind us. They think I can't hear them. I can. I turn around glaring at them to shut the fuck up.

Waiting the elevator to arrive, Christian wraps his arms around me securing my back to his chest. I swear he thinks I'm going to disappear or something. When the elevator pings its arrival Sawyer goes in first. Next were Christian and I, then Taylor. Both Sawyer and Taylor stood there like stone. They didn't even move a muscle.

When we reached the labor and delivery floor the doors opened and jokingly I said, "At ease boys" to Taylor and Sawyer.

As the four of us exited the elevator, it stayed the same Taylor in front, Sawyer in the back of us. I know we're Seattle's famous couple, but shit, this is a hospital what is someone going to do here.

Taylor stopped at Dr. Greene's office door and opened it. We walked in and I frown. This is an intimate moment for Christian and me. We're only a few minutes away from finding out if I'm pregnant or not. We should be doing this alone. Like normal couples. I know we're far from normal, but still if I am pregnant I want to try and start it off right.

"Christian do you think Taylor and Sawyer could wait outside?"

"Ana, their security. They go where we go"

"Ok. So, does that mean when Dr. Greene examines me will they be in there too? You know when she has my legs in the stirrups, spread apart wide, and my pus...."

"Get out" Christian barks to the two of them. Yep I know that would do it.

"That was a dirty thing you did Mrs. Grey," Christian whispers to me. I ignore me him and walk to the front desk where a nurse in blue scrubs is sitting.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, my husband made an appointment for me to see Dr. Greene. My name is Anastasia Grey" The nurse type's my name into the computer.

"Yes here it is" She reaches over to a shelve that's behind her desk and grabs one of those plastic cups with the green lid. Then from inside her desk she takes 2 little white packages. The wipes.

"These are for you. When your finish place the cup with your urine simple on the tray inside the bathroom"

"Thanks" I take the cup.

Christian wanted to come with me into the bathroom. I said no. I think I can manage peeing in a cup by myself. No husbands are required for this job.

Flushing the toilet and placing the lid back on the cup and putting it on the tray I wash my hands. Opening the bathroom door I return to the waiting room where Christian is sitting. I take the seat next to him and we wait until I'm called.

"So....." My right leg is bouncing uncontrollably.

"Calm down" Christian places his left hand on my knee to get it to stop bouncing. "I'm just as nervous as you are right now" Could have fooled me.


"That's us," Christian says to the nurse. He literally jumps out of his seat taking me with him.

"Follow Me," She instructed.

We follow her through the door, down the long hallway, and into room 5.

"Dr. Greene will be in in a moment. You can put this gown while you wait" She taps the gown that's sitting on the exam table.

"Thank You" I said and with that she leaves the room.

"This is different," Christian states.

"What's different?" I ask.

"The last time we were here they never asked you to put a gown on. They just sent us to Dr. Greene's office"

"Do you think that means I'm...?" I bite my lip.

"Maybe" He smiles warmly.

With each article of clothing I take off I hand to Christian. He neatly folds them and places them on the chair next to him.

"Can you tie the back of this gown for me?" I ask then turn around.

"With pleasure baby" His fingers lightly graze my naked back as he ties each string. As soon as he is finished there's a knock on the door. Dr. Green walks in with a cheerful smile on her face.

Christian takes my hand and pulls me into him. One hand on my hip and the other rested on my lower stomach.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Grey"

"Morning" We say in unison. She places the folder that is in her hands on the counter. She walks over to the small sink in the corner of the room and turns on the water. She pumps the soap dispenser until a small amount is in her hands. She rubs them together for a good fifteen seconds before putting them under the water to wash it off.

As she turns off the water and reaches for the paper towels she asks, "Would you mind getting on the exam table and laying down for me. Both Christian and I look at each other confused. She still has yet to say anything to us in the matter of me being pregnant or not, but I get on the exam table like she has asked and lay down.

Christian stands next to the table and takes my hand into his giving it a squeeze. I look up to the ceiling and begin to pray. "Please god please let me be pregnant"

"Ok let's get started. Ana I'm going to lift your feet onto the stirrups, if you could please slide yourself down as far as you can go until you feel the end of the table at your butt. Don't worry you won't fall off" I do as she says until I feel the end of the table right at my butt.

She reaches over and rolls the ultrasound machine closer to the table. With the touch of a bottom it comes to life. Christian and I watch as she opens one of the drawers and pulls out a condom. She rips open the condom packet and rolls it over the prop.

Next Dr. Greene reaches back inside the drawer and takes out a bottle of KY. Yes KY, not that blue shit that I've heard Kate tell me about that's always cold.

"Ok you're going to feel some pressure as it goes in. What I want you to do is take a deep breath in and let it out when you feel it going in" I nod my head and whisper an "Ok" I take the deep breath like she said. "Ok let it out" As I exhale I feel the prop enter me. It's a strange but not uncomfortable feeling. Definitely not like having sex.

When the prop can no longer go any farther in, she begins to move it around a bit. She presses some buttons on the machine, rolls the ball around then smiles.

"Well, well, well"


Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum