Chapter 15

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(Friday August 14th Day 6. APOV)

Christian and I have been awake for over an hour now. Though we have yet to get out of bed and do anything. The thought of having morning sex has crossed my mind more than once. Ok maybe about ten times so far. I can't help it if that every time Christian runs his fingers along my back it sends shivers right to my sex.

"You know at some time today we're going to have to get out of this bed and eat something," Christian said to me.

"I know that" I playfully slap him on his upper arm. As much as I don't want to get up I know that we have to.

"Why don't you freshen up while I go get the coffee ready?" He suggests.

"Ok" I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. I empty my bladder and wash my hands. In the kitchen Christian is getting the coffee ready for it to brew. I soon take over so that he can freshen up as well.

He takes a little longer in the bathroom than I did. When he comes out I hand him his coffee and he kisses me on the cheek. Christian calls for Aspen to take him outside to use the bathroom. No sooner after Christian opened the door and Aspen ran out, he ran back in.

"Ana" Christian whispered.

"Hmm" I hummed as I took a sip of my coffee.

"Ana" Christian whispered again.

"What Christian?"

"Slowly come outside" His voice still a soft whisper. Did I listen to him? Of course not. Walking quickly to the door where Christian is standing.

"Christian what is it?" I snap.

"Shhh" He shushes me. His tall frame is blocking my view. All I see right now is his back.

"Christian, are you going to tell me what the problem is or are you just going to stand there?" He slowly walks out of the doorway. I place my hand on the screen door to hold it open.

Mother of God! There is a fucking black bear sitting, more like lying next to our fire pit. I'm not sure if I should jump up and down in excitement because I have been waiting for the moment since we got here. Or if I should scream and run back into the cabin and hide under the covers.

"Christian, get the camera," I whisper.

"You get it, your closer"

"Fine. Don't let it get away"

"Oh sure. And I guess you want me to pin it down if it tries to too"

"Yeah" I said to him before I slowly walked back into the cabin to grab my phone. Poor Aspen was hiding under our bed with his tail between his legs. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and ran back to the door. Slowly I opened the door and started taking as many pictures as I could. No one is going to believe this story until we have proof.

Completely forgetting that the screen door bangs shut when not holding on to it, I let it go and it slams shut. Shit! The bear looks up and stars at the two of us. Oh fuck, oh fuck.

"Christian?" My voice laced with worry.

"Shh. Stay calm. Maybe he doesn't see us" I tilt my head to look at Christian and give him a look. This isn't T-Rex Christian.

I have the urge to shoo it away as if it's a stray cat. Only problem this isn't a stray cat were talking about, it's a huge mother fucking black bear. Suddenly I hear people yelling from the cabin next to us.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz