Chapter 13

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*****just wanted to let you know next week Sunday I leave for vacation.  I'll be gone for a week, so there will be no updates*****

(Wednesday August 12th Day 4. APOV)

Its early morning and the sun have just risen. I've been sitting on the porch for about an hour now. I've seen two deer, a raccoon, and about a dozen chipmunks. No bears yet. A little disappointed but I'll get over it, I'm sure.

The door to the cabin creeks open and out walks Christian in a pair of sweats and a blue t-shirt. He sits down next to me on the bench and rest his feet on the railing.

"It is beautiful here isn't it?" He says.

"Yeah, it is" Christian gets up from his chair and goes inside the cabin. Five minutes later Christian comes back outside holding to cups of coffee. He hands one to me before sitting back down in the chair he was in before.

"Now this is perfect" He smiles before taking a sip. I nod my head in agreement and take a sip of my own coffee. After a little while Christian asks,

"What do you want to do today?"

"Well we still haven't seen Thunder Rocks yet"

"Is that what you want to do?"

"Yeah" I nod.

"Well then after lunch we'll go to Thunder Rocks and check it out. Is there anything else you want to do today?"

"As long as I'm with you I don't care what we do"

"Is that a challenge" He smirked.

"Maybe" I teased. I already know that whatever it is, will have something to do with sex. If that is the case I'm always up to those kind of challenges.


We ate our breakfast, had out lunch and now we're just relaxing on our porch watching the other campers go about their day. Kids on their bikes, mother's pushing strollers, fathers, and sons tossing footballs at each other.

"How about after we go to Thunder Rocks we go out to dinner somewhere?" Christian said.

"Where did you have in mind?"

"Well there is a restaurant just outside the park called Bear Mountain something. We can go there"

"Sure. It'll be nice not to have to cook and clean for a night"

"Then after dinner how about you and I go star gazing?"

"Now that sounds like a great idea"

Christian and I finally changed out of our pajamas and into our clothes. Once again I packed our little cooler with some bottled water. Christian grabbed a few blankets and threw them into the truck.

I tossed the cooler into the back seat and off we go. There was three ways to get to Thunder Rocks. One was going through Limestone NY, the second was going down ASP 2, and the third was ASP 3. We decided to take ASP 3.

We passed Science Lake, than we passed the Bradford tollbooth. There were a few twists and turns but sooner after the sign and dirt road came into view.

"You ready?" He asked as he pulled off to the side.

"Yes why?"

"Just wondering" He grinned.

"Christian, what are...." He put his foot on the gas and took off down the dirt road like a bat out of hell. OMG he is crazy. He has to be going at least 40. Every bump he hits sends me flying into the air even with the seat belt on.

Fifty Shades of A Family in Bloom (Sequel to "A Rose in Bloom")Where stories live. Discover now