Chapter 43

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The Missing Idol.
Dead or Acting Dead?

I SMILED at my team as they finally arrived. The Mat' and the Otets arrived at the same time. I looked at them suspiciously. But didn't actually care that much.

I look at the new nine faces. I smiled at them and nod. They bowed and smile at me too. They sit as if according to their ranks.

As i was going to order already, my eyes met Neem's. What the heck she's doing here?! She looked surprised too and her finger pointed the table which Del Echavierra family's in.

I sighed as i calm myself.

I looked at Thia, “So? What are we gonna talk about this time?” i asked.

She smiled,“It's been a while already, mi lady. This time is the right time for your Komanda to finally be complete. With your permission,” she looked at the eleven faces, “Pleased to meet y'all and please introduce yourself.”she added. Catter nodded.

He smile, “I am Catter Luivithorn Kalicquete-Xielcton. I am the Lady's Tselitel' also known as the Healer. I'll be the one who's responsible to heal you're sickness and wound, Mi lady.” his cold blue eyes looked at me.

I smiled, “Noted.”

Next was Lein who smile sweetly. His very beautiful amber eyes looked at me, “I am Lienstein Xielcton-Kalicquete.” His smile didn't fade, “I am the Lady's Khaker also known as the Hacker. When there's an investigation to happened, i will be the one who's responsible for hacking informations or peoples, anything that will help you. I am also responsible hacking anytime you would need my help.” he added.

The one with onyx black eyes looked at me,“I am Aegean Krasel Caliz, i am the Lady's Glavnyy.” he introduced his self, “I am also knowned as the Chief. I will be the one who's responsible with leading something on your plans, mi lady.” he introduced his self.

The one who owned a baby blue eyes looked at me, “I am Veficiene Blue Valiz.” she introduced herself,“I am the Plita or the cooker. I will be the one who's responsible to cook your weapon or your food, or the teams food or anyone's food as long as it's under you're order, Mi lady.”

I nod at her and also at Aegean. I saw how Aegean eagerly focus on listening at Blue which made me smile. She seemed to noticed it and leaned on me to whisper, “He's a friend of mine, best friend, mi lady but so dense.” she complained at the last sentence which made me chuckled. I saw how a man green eyes sighed and rolled his eyes as he murmured “women and their understandings” but still smile, “I am Fluorescent Vlack Dieth, mi lady.” he introduced his self.

I smiled and nod, “I am you're Ochistitel' or the cleaner. I'll be the one leading the cleaning on every messy-bloody battles.”
I nod at him as i accidentally made a eye contact with Collette's father.

He seemed shock but still smile which made me smile too. An beautiful brown eyed woman smiled at me, she's white, “I am Gierristle Cristelle Fiothhap.” she softly said, her voice is just so soft and gentle. And it seemed that Fluorescent had enjoying it since then,“I am you're Lady's Prestupnik or the so-called Offender. I will be the one who should be honestly advised you and help the punisher in his or her ways under you're order, Mi lady.” she added.

A beautiful blond, green eyed man smile at me. Wala sa sariling naalala ko si Collette sa kaniya, “Ako si Shine Fierro Luistvile, mi lady. Ako ang Sovetnik, o ang taga-payo o adviser.” he has a accent as he speak tagalog and as if it's hard for him to. Amelia smiled at him, he looked at her, “Am i doing it mabuti?” conyo niyang tanong dito habang may napakatamis na ngiti.

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