Chapter 23

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Marilyn Harrison

When I was younger I wanted to be a great human. She wanted to be happy, at peace, falling in love and creating the most adorable family of her own. How clueless I was?

Now here I stand with the scars I never asked for, hate I never wanted, and life I am dreading to end. The light is disappearing along with the hope of me being normal.

"Took you long enough" four words were enough to confirm his allegations. That I planned all of these. Because I had planned.

Nothing till this moment was unplanned. Every little step was being calculated, even before it happened. But somehow I failed to calculate something. Someting I forgot still existed. I was around so much evil that I forgot that good things do exist, that there are people who want the best for you and my selfishness was doing nothing but pushing them away.

But isn't that better? isn't it better for them to hate me, loath me than to burn in the fire I was burning?

Whether my confession or my calm face that showed no remorse or regret for it shocked Finn but his wide eyes were clearly stating what his words will never accept. The shock did not last longer and he gained his posture back in a blink of an eye. "Why? Why would you do that? And don't give me the bullshit that you love him." Finally letting out the word sounding hoarse even though he is trying his best not to.

"Why can't it be love?"

"You are not capable of loving someone other than you," Finn's words felt like a stab in my heart. But he wasn't wrong either. I didn't deserve love, nor was I brave enough to accept it.

They call me heartless but they played with me when I loved them the hardest. And now, I am sinister, how hilarious. Funny enough that I could feel the aching in my heart that was long gone.

"We are all selfish to a level, Finn. Even you."

"What are you planning, Marilyn? What do you want from Ridge?" Finn asked, ignoring my words. His eyes were furious, worried and maybe a little scared. He was scared for his friends, friends he cared for. and I was hurting that friend repeatedly like the heartless I am.

I was wrong, I calculated everything wrong.

"Is Ridge aware of your presence in my office?" I asked, playing with questions just like he did. maybe because I was looking for an answer too.

Finn is an observer, I knew he would be a trouble thus I avoided him as much as possible. they caught things when others were busy throwing blame. they didn't let go until the answers were clear. just like right now.

"It's for me and Ridge to decide. You just need to answer my question." He pressed.

I laughed at his words, but my mouth aches from stretching it every time I fake a smile or laugh. "You sound so much like a wife who is interrogating her husband's mistress." When he didn't react to my joke and kept that furious face intake, I straightened up to answer him. "What I am planning is for me to know."

"If you dare to touch Ridge, you won't survive Marilyn."

"Don't worry I won't touch your precious Ridge but I can't promise that he won't try to touch me." How could you forget someone when they make you feel alive for the first time in years? You can't because we are all greedy little humans always wanting more and more.

"Stay away from him, Marilyn. You have done enough damage. If you keep doing it, this time you'll burn."

"Maybe I want the burn," I murmured looking into the distance. Pain is good, and scars are remarkable. They are the reminder of what to do and what to never look back for.

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