Vessel- V

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All that time she was gone and she's still wearing the same damn shoes. There's no way that they aren't uncomfortable, they look like they're pinching her feet. Yet, she still insists on wearing them. I shouldn't care. I should just let her wear whatever shoes she damn well pleases.

But they could be hurting her.

A primal growl threatens to climb its way out of my throat but I suppress it. She stands there looking like a fox caught in a snare. Something in me stirs at the thought of her feeling a little frightened by me. A dark part of me appreciates having that power over someone. Images of those eyes pleading for mercy flash across my mind and it sends a shutter through my body. I'll have to disappear in my room after this and continue what I spent most of the night doing. I hadn't gotten much sleep due to those very eyes haunting my thoughts and filling me with so much need it was almost unbearable. 

You're a funeral pyre, Sera.

She finally waved a hand at me. Either telling me not to worry about her shoes or that she wants me to go away. Perhaps a mixture of both. She looks like she's on the verge of jumping off of that stool and making a run for it. Part of me wanted her to try just so I could have my reason to capture her. Every time she looks at me with those eyes, telling me nothing and everything all at once, my obsession with her grows.

"If I come over there and pull them off your feet, will I find blisters?" Part of me wanted her to tell me no, just so I had a reason to prove her to be a liar. Liars get punished. She didn't move for a beat before her eyes dropped to the ground, telling me exactly what I thought. Honesty saved you this time, little fox. 

I debated getting closer. The desire to let myself give in to her magnetic pull was strong, but my self preservation was stronger. I turned on my heel and retreated back down the hallway. "Get some new shoes. That's not a request, Sera." I called over my shoulder before disappearing into my room. I have an incessant need stirring within me that I need to dull because of her. 


Three days. It took three damned days for my house to look like someone actually takes care of it. That's not an insult to Sera's ability to do the job, but rather to my lack of willpower to have done anything about it before. Frankly, I was impressed that she had done it in that amount of time. I had expected it to be at least a week before it looked decent, let alone shining. Seriously, I'm willing to bet I could eat off the floor because It's so damn clean. 

She had finished for the evening and had retreated to the bathroom for a shower. She'd been in there for seven minutes now. And, like a fucking panther stalking its prey, I paced outside the door. Up and down the hallway, over and over again with my eyes trained on the door. Steam began to slip through the crevices and I snarled at it. Irritated that water molecules had touched her skin and had the audacity to come out and taunt me for it. Fucking lunatic.

I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to stalk the bathroom while she showered, imagining what those eyes would look like with beads of water dripping off those long lashes of hers, but it was beginning to drive me mad.  I stopped in front of the door and placed my hand against it, feeling the warmth from the other side through it.

The sound of the running water ceased and I could hear the curtain being ripped back. Images of her standing in the shower still dripping wet with her hair clinging to her body flashed in my mind and stirred the beast within. 

I removed my hand, leaving a black smear behind. A part of me panicked at the thought of her realizing I must have been listening to her. Another, more untamed part of me wanted to leave it. Just so she understood that I would always be there and that one day I might mark her just as I had this door. 

The latter won and I retreated back into my room, where I've been spending the majority of my time since she arrived. I had told myself it was because I needed to prepare for the Ritual in Sweden that's in two days. In reality, it was the best way to keep my growing obsession from taking over completely and making me do something I might regret. Yes, I might regret leaving evidence of my stalking behind, but then again, I dared her to ask me about it.    

Guard yourself against interference, my dearest Vessel.   

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