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I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the fridge, enjoying the view in front of me. Sera was bent over giving the oven its monthly deep clean. The jeans she was wearing hugged her curves so well my mouth watered at the sight. Every day I found her more and more irresistible.

"You missed a spot." I teased. She turned her head back slowly, giving me her most menacing scowl, though I could see the mischievous glint in her eyes. She enjoyed my teasing, though she'd probably deny it. 

I pushed myself up and stepped towards her. I gently placed my hand on her hip, rubbing circles with my thumb where her shirt had risen up and exposed the smallest sliver of skin. She paused her movements, eyeing me in her peripheral with sensual curiosity. I'd never been good at keeping my hands to myself when it came to her, why start now?

My hands snaked around her waist, pulling her up until her back was flush against my chest. My finger slipped beneath the hem of her shirt, tracing up her body until I reached her bra. I pushed it to the side, letting my fingers graze over her nipples. Her breathing became ragged and her skin flushed. I pressed myself harder into her backside, growing desperate for the friction. 

Across the living room, my phone rang. Not wanting to ruin this moment, I sank my teeth into her neck and let the call go to voicemail. I trailed my other hand to the button of her jeans, swiftly undoing it. My bites turned into kisses as I moved up to her jaw and suckled on the soft spot there. I could feel her erratic heart beat against my lips. So responsive, so mine.

The phone rang again and I let out a growl of frustration. Whoever it was wasn't going to relent any time soon. I released Sera and stalked towards the living room. I swiped the phone from the coffee table, checking the caller I.D. before answering. 

"What?" I huffed, skipping the pleasantries all together.

"Emergency meeting." Terry quipped from the other side. Of course there was an emergency meeting at this exact moment. I eyed Sera, her cheeks still flushed and her breathing heavy. She looked at me with those blazing eyes and my cock throbbed at the sight.

"What constitutes an emergency for you?" I asked, wanting to be sure this wasn't something that could be handled over the phone.

"All social media has been hacked, we're blacked out." Damn. I wasn't going to be able to avoid this one. This was a mess I'd have to clean up as quickly as possible.

"I'll be there shortly." I hung up, turning towards Sera. "I have to go to see Terry, I shouldn't be gone long." I said, striding over towards her. I pressed my lips to hers, wishing with everything in me that I could stay here and live in this absolutely perfect moment with her. Life had a twisted sense of humor. This meeting better go by quickly.

It didn't take long for my driver to pick me up and escort me to Terry's office. I ignored the strange looks from the secretaries as I walked through the pristine white and grey building. Honestly, as much as the entire collective had been through here, they should be used to seeing us. 

I stepped into the office to find the other three members already there. The silence was so thick I could've choked on it. II drummed his fingers against the window sill that he leaned against, IV paced the back of the room, and III sat with his arms resting on his knees, scratching the back of his neck.

"How bad is it?" I asked Terry, cutting straight to the point. He turned his laptop towards me as I stalked towards his desk. On the screen were several tabs, each one with its own social media thread. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, even our Youtube page had been hacked. Not just the main accounts, the entire collectives socials had locked us out, as well as personals.

Dammit. This was obviously too clean to have been done by some stalker rookie, this person knew what they were doing and it would likely take us hours, possibly days to get back into the account. 

"The entire team is already on top of trying to get in, but there is the issue of your personals' being hacked. Likely chance identities will be spread." Terry piped up. I looked around towards my band mates who looked concerned, as I would expect. A hacker meant possible leaks, possible leaks meant press. Privacy gone and likely the band as well. 

"What can we do to keep this from getting worse?" I asked, it was a useless question and we all knew it, but it needed to be asked anyway.

"For right now, all we can do is try to get into at least one of them. We've got the team monitoring the socials from other accounts, so far there haven't been any changes."Terry went through all the details that the team would take care of and gave a general run down of what to expect and the possibilities of deletion of certain accounts. 

A buzz came from my pocket and my brows scrunched together. Anyone who would need to call me was already in the same room as me. For a moment I considered that it might just be a spam caller, that is until I seen the caller I.D.

Little Fox

My stomach plummeted to the floor. She never called me. Hell, she never texted me. I pressed accept and brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, only to be met with silence. I thought for a second that maybe she'd pocket dialed me. Still, I listened intently and could make out faint shallow breaths. "Sera, darlin'?" I asked again. Every head in the room turned towards me, the tension thickening for an entirely different reason. 

Faint thumping could be heard and the panting quickened. I could make out faint murmurs of male voices, though it was growing increasingly hard to hear as my heart pounded in my ears. Instinct told me to keep quiet, so I did just that. Listening to everything with a hardened jaw. 

A gasp from the other end and a male voice yelling out that he found her made my heart stop all together. One of the worst fears I'd ever known was now being materialized and I wasn't there to stop it. Scuffles could be heard before there was a strange calm.

"Stupid bitch called her boyfriend." The line went dead. Rage, dread, and helplessness all swirled together freezing me in place for a moment before I shook myself from the paralytic spell. 

"This meeting is over." I stormed out of the office, the other three boys were hot on my trail, all of us sprinting towards the parking lot. They didn't ask any questions as we all jumped into the black sedan. 

"I need to be in my driveway in less than sixty seconds." I told the driver. His brows shot up at the unusual request.

"But, sir-" 

"Break every damn traffic law in existence if you have to, I'll take the fall, just go!" I demanded. He gave me a curt nod before stepping on the gas and speeding out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. 

I'm coming, little fox. Keep fighting. 

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