Vessel- VII

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There was something more to her silence than a medical condition. Most of the time someone with no use of their voice would try other means of communicating; Writing, texting, sign language... anything. But not her. It was more than a lack of ability to speak. While I don't doubt that she truly had no voice, there's more to it than that. She couldn't speak, but even if she could, she simply did not want to. She piqued my intrigue more and more everyday. 

Any other time I might have found a thumbs up response rather rude, but she seemed to be able to bypass any rules I might've thought I had. I considered pressing the call button, partly to see if she'd even answer- if she did, would I hear faint little breaths or deafening silence? Another part of me wanted to tell her I didn't appreciate how quickly she had cleaned my hand print off the door, but I decided to leave that topic alone. Whatever she thought about my little stunt, I wanted her to simmer in it for a while. I wanted to invade her thoughts just as she had invaded mine.

I dropped my phone back into my backpack and checked my reflection, ensuring that I have enough paint on me. It's become like a second skin considering I only take it off in the dead of night- just to wake up early as piss and put it all back on. Sometimes, I didn't know where my mortality ended and Vessel began. I seem to be disappearing into him more and more until there's nothing left of the man I used to be. I wasn't worried though, in fact, I patiently waited for the day there would only be him and finally be worthy of my deity.  

You'll never feel that worthiness if you let her get in the way.

I shook the thought from my head. She wasn't in the way, distracting maybe, but not in the way. Oh, and how distracting she could be. Those mesmerizing eyes paired with that mysterious aura was a dangerous combination. Part of me wanted a lethal dose of it anyways.

I bared my teeth to the reflection. For a second, I allow the beast inside to come forward. Letting it show me all of its darkest intentions.  A deep chuckle slips through and I bite the air, wondering what it would be like to bite her alabaster flesh. How easy it would be to mark her- wouldn't even have to bite that hard for it to show through. Little fox, you have no idea what you've awakened.

I push the thoughts from my mind before I could get too worked up. I needed to focus, I had just minutes before I was due on stage. A high energy crowd is just the release I need tonight. All the dancing I tend to do while getting lost in the music always leaves me shaking with exhaustion. My fingertips tingled with excitement as I followed behind III onto the stage, the screaming of the crowd engulfed me and I began to feel at home.

The familiar beat to Hypnosis started playing and I stomped my leg, getting into the feel of the melody and beat before lifting the mic to my lips and singing. Exhilaration filled my body as the crowd began to sing along with me. The lyrics nestled themselves deep in my core and I realized I began to resonate with them more than I ever had as a pair of ice blue eyes took over my mind. I couldn't help but wish she were in the crowd just so I could show her that she's the one who's got me hypnotized.

It must've been noticeable that I was in my own realm, because III took the opportunity to nudge me with his shoulder. Subtle enough the crowd wouldn't think it was anything more than lack of spacial awareness but it told me what he was trying to say.

Come back to earth, Vessel. 

The thing was, I didn't want to come back to earth. I wanted to remain among the stars where I had nothing but my lyrics and those eyes. It felt as if she were there, even though it wasn't physically possible, like she was being manifested through the music. I stretched my hand out as if I were going to be able to touch her. I was met with nothing but air, yet the energy crackled in my fingertips. 

"You know you hypnotize me, always." I belted out, feeling both vulnerable and powerful in that moment. Part of me hoped that if I sang loud enough then she'd hear me anyways. Though, this song didn't quite do her justice. She did more than just hypnotize me. She drove me to the edge of insanity with how obsessive she's caused me to become. Such power she held in her hands, and she was oblivious to it. In that moment, I could've bled the lyrics out of my veins while knelt before her and it still wouldn't be worthy of her ears.  

It was predestined that she'd fall into my hands. I wanted to keep her for eons, but I wouldn't hold her captive. She'd have to choose me all on her own, but, once she did she could forget about getting away from me. I've begun spinning my web, it was up to her to step into it. To willingly tangle herself in me. I'd wait patiently for that day, but whether it took her seconds or centuries, she was already mine. 

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