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The smell of chinese food filled the room almost as much as the chatter. I fumbled around with my chopsticks trying- and failing- to get a noodle wrapped around it. I was never good with chopsticks and typically opted for a fork, however chopsticks were all that was delivered with the food. 

"The crowd loved it, besides all they got to see was your chin." III argued back to IV's taunt about the last concert- which, from what I gathered, they called them rituals- back in Germany. III and IV had been teasing the crowd and III had gotten a little bold. He had led IV around the stage by the edge of his mask, similar to walking a dog on a leash. 

To III's defense, he was right about only being able to see some of his chin. Which is exactly what each of them were showing now, with their masks folded up to their noses. As silly as they looked, I was appreciative they found a way to include me in their group dinner, even if it was just take-out in a cramped hotel room where half of us sat on the bed and the other half on the floor. Seeing as how I didn't get very much human interaction these days besides my interactions with Vessel, I was thoroughly enjoying it now, even if I was just spectating. 

Their antics on stage were similar to the way they acted in the car, only amplified and much more flirtatious. Even going as far as giving each other little kisses through the mask, which had earned them lots of screams from the crowd. I still hadn't decided which part I found more amusing, the flirty antics or the way Vessel jumped around to the beat. Though, I might be a little biased about the latter. 

"While I very much appreciated the airflow, shit could have gone sideways." IV said, still unrelenting in his fuss towards III. 

"Next time, I'll use my teeth instead of my fingers" III laughed and dodged a piece of chicken that IV threw at him. Just like brothers

Vessel excused himself from the group, standing from his spot on the floor and heading for the door. I shifted in my spot on the queen sized bed and kept trying to grab a noodle, hoping I didn't look as bothered by Vessels absence as I felt. It was so irrational, the way I grew so attached to him, it was going to hurt when it inevitably ended. 

Adam coughed, forcing me back to the present. He looked paler than usual and had eaten less than I had, but not for his lack of chopstick skills. He chugged some of his water, but it did nothing to stop his coughing. He excused himself back to his room, claiming he needed to rest. I had to wonder if it was the cold air getting to him, late November here was definitely much colder than what I was used to so I was surprised that I hadn't caught a cold yet. 

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and my heart plummeted. It had been radio silence since we left, which had given me some peace of mind and had allowed me to relax slightly. All good things must come to an end at some point, though. My phone buzzed again and I pulled it out of my pocket with an unsteady hand before looking down at the screen. Once I did though, it took all the self control I had not to let out a massive sigh of relief. 

Vessel: Meet me in the elevator. Wear something warm.

Vessel: Or don't... nude suits you well ;)

I stifled a grin long enough to feign a yawn. With everyone else trickling out, me leaving wouldn't exactly raise an eyebrow. Still, I waited a few minutes before getting up to avoid any kind of suspicion. I waved my hand at the group and they all gave collective good-nights as I walked out of the room. I darted over to my own to grab a sweater before traipsing down the hallway towards the elevator. 

I pressed the button and the door immediately slid open to reveal Vessel, leaning against the back wall. He beckoned me with his finger. I stepped into the elevator and the door slid shut behind me. He reached behind me and pressed one of the buttons while I gave him an inquisitive look. 

He gripped my waist and pulled me into him. Instinctively, my arms draped over his shoulders. He pressed his forehead against mine and began to sway us. These were moments I enjoyed with him the most. The moments where we were secluded away from the world, where everything felt so simplistic. 

The elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Looking over my shoulder, I could make out the beginning of a staircase encased in darkness. My hands dropped to my sides as Vessel maneuvered around me, grasping my hand in his and tugging me behind him. We carefully made our way up the dark stairway until we came to a door with a small square window. 

"It's not Paris, but I still felt you should see this view." He whispered as he pushed the door open. Cold air rushed around us, whipping my hair in different directions. As we stepped out into the night, I clung closer to him for warmth. The sweater I had chosen just wasn't cutting it. 

"I did tell you to dress warmly." He chuckled. I glanced down at his bare chest and pointed my finger at it. "I'm alright, darlin'." He reassured me, taking my pointed finger in his hand and lifting it to his face before kissing it. 

He led me to the edge of the roof top. I placed my hands on the concrete ledge, daring a peak down. My stomach flipped when I realized just how high up we were. I'd never had a fear of heights, but there was a limit to what I would consider comfortable. This just made me a bit uneasy. 

Vessel stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Although his body provided me with much welcomed warmth, I could see the goosebumps covering the skin on his arm. I did my best to cover his forearms with my own, not caring about the paint getting on my baby pink sweater. His arms were much bigger than my own, so it didn't make much of a difference. 

"Look out there, little fox." He rested his chin on top of my head. I did and the sight was beautiful. I had seen city lights before, but this was beautiful beyond measure. The architecture was unlike anything I had ever seen. Historical in the way they were built, but timeless in class. 

"That," He pointed towards a building that resembled a castle. "is Cathedrale Saint-Andre. Beautiful structure, even after it caught fire." I turned my head back to look up at him with knitted eyebrows. He gave me a small smile before continuing. "That was back in the late seventeen hundreds. It's been restored since, most of the furniture was replaced, but it still holds its original Gothic Era beauty."   

Either I had underestimated his education, or severely overestimated my own. Either way, it fascinated me how he knew so much. I had understood some of his more scientific references in his lyrics, though some still went over my head. I hadn't expected his knowledge of world history to be just as broad. Although, thinking about it, his lyrics often sound as if they were constructed by someone of a different time. These days, it's rare to hear someone speak, or sing, like that. 

He placed a gentle kiss on my nose and heat rushed to my cheeks. As affectionate and intimate as we had been, this was different. It was a tender, gentle energy rather than the electrifying crackle we were used to. 

Romance had been something I avoided for the last few years. However, I would allow myself to enjoy this moment. I was on a rooftop in France, with a man that holds me and kisses my nose. It was the picture of almost every woman's dream and, dammit, I was going to immerse myself in it. No matter how fleeting this moment might be. 

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