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Sera shuffled through the house, cleaning everything twice in preparation for our two week tour. We'll start off in Frankfort, Germany, then go through France before our last stop in Scotland. 

I had made arrangements with management about her touring with us. To avoid much conflict, we arranged for her to have her own rooms in the hotels. Although, I had made damn sure that our rooms were right next to each others at each one. 

The doorbell rang and I set my guitar to the side, allowing myself to run my hand along Sera's ass as I strode past her towards the door. My decision to have her come along was more than just to ensure her safety, which I still hadn't told her about my conversation with Jessie- nor did I intend to- but also because the idea of spending more than a few minutes away from her had begun to abhor me. 

I opened the door to find Jessie, dressed in his typical suit and tie that paired well with the annoyed expression on his face. I leaned in close to him and lowered my voice, "Remember, not one word." I attempted to keep my tone neutral but it came off more threatening than I intended. 

I had decided that Sera needed more clothes and a proper luggage set if she were going to be traveling with me. I made arrangements with Jessie that he be the one to escort her, under the premise that he did not speak about our meeting a few days ago. Quite frankly, until I figured out who and where this bastard was that tormented her, I didn't want her alone unless it was absolutely necessary. 

He nodded with a tight-lipped smile and I allowed him in, following behind him to the living room. Sera looked up at the two of us with a mixture of confusion and worry in her eyes. Still so expressive in her silence. I stifled the grin that threatened to take over my features. 

"Jessie is taking you to obtain more clothing for the tour." I said. The confusion in her eyes only grew and her brows scrunched together, as if she were silently telling me she already had enough clothes. "Last time I told you to get something for yourself, you made me ask twice." I reminded her about the shoe debate when she had first moved in. Which, looking back, her defiance had been adorable. She almost rolled her eyes, but thought better of it. 

"There's no limit to how much you can spend." I had given Jessie one of my other credit cards and told him  to make sure she got anything she wanted. If she so much as grazed her fingers over something in admiration, he was to purchase it. 

She hesitated for a moment before walking to her room and retrieving her shoes and a sweater. As much as I enjoyed her skirts, I was glad she was wearing jeans. Not only because it was getting colder outside, but because she'd be with Jessie rather than me all day. Not that I had any reason to think lowly of Jessie, but he wasn't me. 

As much as I wanted to kiss her before they left, I hadn't had that conversation with Jessie or the rest of my management team. I wasn't even sure how I'd bring that up, anyway. We'd slept together, but I wasn't sure what I'd label us- not that I cared about titles. The way I saw it, she was mine as I was hers, but I'd be damned if she got labeled as a degraded 'fuck buddy' because of my lack of explanation. For now, what happened was between us. 

The sound of tires crunching out of the driveway echoed through the empty house. I turned on my heel and made my way towards my own room to begin packing. I expected them to be gone for a few hours so I intended on working after I was done; My three weeks in the states had put me way behind. 

As I walked down the hall the air grew colder and my vision darkened. I began to feel light-headed and reached out for the wall, only for my hand to slip off of it. I barely registered the pain in my limbs as I crashed down onto the floor. 

I warned you

Her voice enveloped me. I was too dizzy to register the pounding in my rib cage, but I could feel the blood roaring in my ears.

You deliberately went against my warnings. All for meek satisfaction.

Sera wasn't meek satisfaction, not by a long shot, but I knew better than to argue. 

My vision cleared just enough for me to see her. It wasn't often she came to me outside the dream realm, but when she did, it was never a pleasant interaction. I had known this was coming, had been waiting for it, but that didn't make me anymore prepared for what was to come.

She reached down and pressed her palm flat onto my stomach, a little too close to my groin for comfort. I knew better than to fight, that would only anger her more. She preferred me docile, malleable to her whims. 

Human urges have always been such disgusting distractions.

The skin underneath her palm grew searing hot, until it felt like my insides were melting. She was burning me from the inside out, inflicting pain without leaving a mark. I gritted my teeth but that didn't stop the tears from welling in my eyes or the anguished yells from escaping. 

She had once been my salvation, the one that guided me to something meaningful and beautiful. She had been beautiful. I hadn't realized at first how she controlled me like a puppet, but the first time I went against her wishes she had taught me otherwise, no different than how she was now. Only this time, her lesson wasn't sticking. 

When it came to Sera, I'd become too lost in her tidal waves. I'd withstand any agony my deity brought upon me as long as Sera were the cause of it all. All it took was one taste for her to become my vice, an addiction I didn't want rehabilitation from. 

I'd smile through the agony. 

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