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I shut the water off and stepped out of the first shower I had taken in a week. My skin was thankful for it but I felt like I'd just washed away her last touch. Guilt resided deep into my core, tattooing itself into my soul. I would never forgive myself for putting her in that position. I should have taken her with me. 

I bypassed the mirror without looking into it and donned my mask and cloak. If I looked into the eyes of the foolish man I was, I'd fall right into the depths of insanity. I buckled my belt and made my way into the kitchen, stopping to check the laptop again. Disappointment settled deep in my chest as I continued into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. 

It had come to light that our sudden social media blackout and Sera's kidnapping weren't coincidental. The hacks traced back to a PI that Preston had once done some dealings with. He'd intentionally stirred up trouble for the collective as a means of separating me from Sera. When I'd left her alone in the house to attend the meeting, I'd basically offered her up on a silver platter.

Soon the kettle came to a boil and I poured it into the two cups in front of me before realizing what I'd done. Muscle memory had a habit of choosing the absolute worst time. I picked up the second mug and hurled it across the kitchen, ignoring the burns splattering across my arm as the glass shattered against the wall, falling to the floor in a million pieces. Still, I felt no better. 

I picked up my mug and made my way into the living room, grabbing my phone off the coffee table as I passed it. I turned it on to check the time, only to find I'd missed a call from Jessie. I quickly dialed him back, setting my tea down on the coffee table while the phone rang.

"Vessel?" He asked into the receiver.

"What's going on?" I asked. My heart pounded in my chest. If he called that meant there was either good news, or really bad news. I worked to swallowed the nerves that had built up in a matter of seconds.

"The forensics team just got back to me." The thudding in my chest grew stronger. "There's three possible locations, but they're not guaranteed. I'm about to call in law enforcement to send a couple of officers out to each one for a search-"

"No." I said. A beat of silence passed between us before I finally clarified. "Send me the locations, I'm going."

"Vessel," He let out a sigh of frustration. "I know you're ready to find her but we have no idea what we're walking into, it's better for trained professionals to lead the way." He tried to reason with me, but I wasn't budging. I made my way into my room and opened my closet.

"After what she's been through, a team of officers will only extend the trauma. I need to be the first thing she sees." I said, continuing to rifle through the boxes in my closet until my hands landed on the one I was looking for. I opened the small black box to find the familiar silver gleam of the weapon I'd purchased long ago. At the time, I was sure the first and last time I'd use it would have been on myself. Plans change I guess. "Besides, I have a few colorful words to exchange with Preston."

"Vessel , ple-"

"I can't have any witnesses for this, Jessie." I cut his protests short, putting my hands behind me and slipping the gun into the waist band of my pants. "Send me the locations. I'm going to get her." I demanded. He paused, seeming to mull over his options, but he didn't have long. My patience was exponentially thin these days.

"Fine, but I'm going with you." He relented, his voice stern. He sounded so reserved in his choice but I couldn't drag him into the mess I was surely about to make. Some things couldn't be unseen. As a lawyer, he understood that better than most. The human eyes, as deceitful as they could be at times, were treated as currency in a court of law, only narrowly beat out by photographic evidence. 


"I'll wait in the car if absolutely necessary, " He took his chance to cut me off, if circumstances were different, I'd find this banter amusing as it differed from his typical nature. "But I'll be damned if you go in this alone. I'm not losing both of my closest friends because you want to sink the entire continent." I considered his argument for a moment. As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. If I went in this completely alone, I ran the risk of making the wrong choice and no one knowing about it until it was too late. 

"How soon can you get here?" I conceded, heading towards my front door. I could hear the chuckle underneath his breath. I swung the door open and saw his car sitting in the road.

"About five minutes ago." He answered, the cockiness prevalent in his voice. 

"Bastard." I said as a grin spread across my face. If I were to take anyone with me, I was glad for it to be Jessie. I stalked towards the car, the cold wind coiled underneath my cloak with every step. I didn't care, my mind was focused on one thing.

Don't let me be too late this time. 

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