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I had never been fond of the scent of hotel shampoo, but when the scent comes off of Sera, I think I could make an exception. Though her typical coconut scent was far better, anything on her was delicious. 

She stepped through the door of the jet just before me, where the same fight attendant- Josh, as his name tag said- grinned at her, as if running into one another were some destiny shit out of a romance book. His grin faded into a polite smile once I stepped on board, though. 

That's what I thought, jackass. 

Sera was about to walk all the way to the back of the plane where she had sat the first time, but I'd be damned if I let her that far with Josh lurking around her like a shark. I grabbed her wrist as gently as I could. When she turned to look at me I pointed to the seats beside us. She understood what I meant and slid her bag from her shoulder. Just before she could lift it into the overhead compartment, Josh came up behind her and placed a hand on the small of her back.

"Please, allow me." He said while taking the bag from her hands. "Pretty girl such as yourself shouldn't be lifting something so heavy anyways." He side-eyed me a slip second before flashing Sera that same shit-eating grin. Before, I might have chalked his behavior up to ignorance, but the bastard knew exactly what he was doing. He fully understood whose girl he'd been shamelessly flirting with. 

Fucking cunt. 

As he hoisted the bag up into the compartment, all too fucking slowly, he leaned his body into hers. My fingers curled into fist and I was just mere seconds away from choke-slamming him into the floor of the jet when Sera kicked her heel back into his shin, so subtly that the rest of the crew hadn't seemed to notice but enough to get her point across.

Josh doubled over, gripping his injured leg, but tried his best to keep a stoic expression. That is what we pay him for, anyway. Pride swelled in my chest at how Sera had handled herself. That's my girl.

Sera reached up and shut the overhead compartment, considering Josh was too preoccupied to do so. She slid into the window seat and I took my seat next to her, not forgetting to flash my own shit-eating grin at Josh. Like a dog that had just been scolded, he tucked his tail and stalked off towards the back of the jet. 

As soon as we were seated and buckled, I leaned down towards Sera, getting close to her ear before whispering, "I'm going to reward you the moment we land for that stunt." Her thighs clenched together knowingly at my words, making me chuckle. I enjoyed how easily her body reacted to me. I enjoyed that it seemed to react to only me even more. 

The jets engines roared to life and soon we were headed down the runway. The flight from Frankfurt to Bordeaux was just shy of two hours, but that was still two hours that I would have to sit here unable to truly touch her. 

Even as a teen I had never been fond of PDA, but when it came to Sera, I'd fuck her at the top of the Eiffel tower if given the chance. However, I did not feel like answering questions from our manager at the current moment, especially since I didn't know what Sera's view on our situation was. 

My hand slid underneath the armrest and found hers, intertwining our fingers. She kept her eyes forward but rubbed small circles into my thumb with her own. My eyes fluttered shut and my head tilted backwards onto the headrest, finally understanding what the term 'intimacy' truly meant. 

I must've fallen asleep because Sera nudged me to let me know we had landed. After taking a moment to gather my wits, I stood and grabbed her bag from the overhead compartment. I slipped it onto her shoulder when she stood and allowed her to lead the way out of the plane. 

Josh was waiting by the exit, wishing everyone well. He grew silent and gave Sera a tight-lipped smile before giving me a curt nod. I returned the gesture. There was no need for me to do anything more, he had learned his lesson. 

The hotel wasn't a far drive from the airport, maybe ten minutes max, but it may as well have been centuries as my patience was wearing thin. When we finally arrived at the hotel, checked in, and made our way to our rooms, I made sure Sera and I trailed in the back. Once everyone else had gone into their rooms, I grabbed Sera by the wrist and tugged her into my own room. She looked at me confused but followed my silent command anyways. 

Once the door clicked shut, I dropped the bags I was holding and pulled her to me. Our lips connected and, in turn, she dropped her own bags. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders. I bit her lip, earning a small gasp from her and using that small window to deepen the kiss. I wanted her to feel how much I wanted her through this kiss. I wanted her to feel the pride I had in her and just how attached I had grown to her, all through the way I kissed her. 

"I promised you a reward, now didn't I?" I asked, breaking our kiss. Her eyes darkened in sultry desire and her body trembled in excitement beneath my finger tips. 

I led her to the bed before kneeling in front of her and undoing the button of her jeans. As phenomenal as her arse looked in these jeans, they were skin tight and it took more force than I would have liked to get them down her legs. One they were off, I tossed them to the side before pushing her down onto the bed. 

I hooked my fingers into her panties and pulled them off, finding her already glistening. I gripped her thighs and pushed them to her chest, giving myself the perfect view of her. I leaned in, inhaling her intoxicating scent. 

"Have I ever told you that the scent of your arousal is divinity itself?" I whispered before setting up on her sweet flesh. I devoured her as if she were my first and last meal on this earth. Every flick of my tongue brought her closer to the edge. I had no intentions of teasing her this time, she'd earned this. 

She gripped the bed sheets in tightly wound fists and her legs quaked, which meant I had to use more strength to hold her still. Her back arched and that sweet flavor of her orgasm coated my tongue. 

I released her legs as she began to buck her hips against my face. I let her ride out the last of her orgasm before I climbed onto the bed, pulling her close and stroking her skin. After a few minutes, her breathing returned to normal and she looked up at me with sleepy eyes and a satisfied grin. 

This truly was the most precious thing I had ever seen. She was beautiful in her own right, but knowing that smile came from my own capabilities filled me with so much pride that I might've burst at the seams. It made me want to do everything in my absolute, though limited, power to continue bringing her such bliss.  

"There are forces of the spiritual realm less captivating than you, my alluring fox" I ignored the warning constriction in my throat, my attention was taken at the moment.  

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