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The knife slipped from her grasp and fell to the floor. The clang of the metal against the hardwood reverberated throughout the house as we stood there, frozen in time. Her eyes bore into me, fear and relief swirling together like hurricanes in them. Her chest heaved and I could feel the warmth of her shallow breaths fan across my chest. Whatever reason she had for hiding in the dark with a kitchen knife, it must've been a damn good one. 

"Who made you like this?" I whispered, leaning down to press my forehead against her own. I kept her pinned to the wall even as her breathing started to slow. I wanted nothing more than to take that fear away from her, to eradicate whatever she'd been running from. 

It had been just after midnight when I returned home so I had assumed she was asleep. As I walked in though, there was a sinister energy in the air that made my hair stand up. I had come home earlier than expected, mostly due to complications with one of the last venues, but also because I couldn't take being away from her another minute. What I hadn't expected upon returning, was to walk straight into the edge of a blade. 

My little fox is quite the predator after all.

It was difficult to keep my chest from swelling with pride in her. Given our position, I should've been more concerned than proud. I moved my hand from her shoulder and pressed it against her chest, feeling her erratic heart rate. Instinct kicked in and my hand covered her mouth, pressing my fingertips into her cheeks.

"Calm. Down." I commanded. The short puffs of breath from her nose gradually slowed and her wrist lost some of its tension. Her eyes were still wide but she was worlds calmer than she was just moments before. "That's it, little fox." 

The energy between us crackled and all of my fantasies came flooding back into my mind. I had her in my clutches. She was the narcotic I couldn't have but I wanted her anyway. I had gotten a taste and it simply wasn't enough. I wanted more, needed it in fact, but that wasn't my decision to make. I turned her head and leaned in close, letting the scent of her hair fill every aching crevice of my soul.

"You've no idea what I'd do if given even half an opportunity such as this," I growled, "but I will not take what you won't willingly give to me." I released her jaw and wrist, backing away just a few inches. We stood there, breathing heavy. Even in the dark I could see the war that waged within her, if only I knew which side was winning. 

Her eyes cast downward and it seemed as though the war was over. A decision had been made. Disappointment settled deep in my chest. Though, it shouldn't surprise me. Even if she did feel the same as I did, I would expect her to be hesitant, especially after how I acted towards her last time. 

I resigned myself to my mistake and took a step back, turning away and intent on letting her be for the night. Suddenly, her hands reached out and grabbed me by the hood. She pulled me towards her and our lips connected in that wonderfully ferocious way of hers. I didn't waste my opportunity. One hand tangled in her hair, the other gripped her hip and pulled her into me. 

Perhaps your consequence hasn't been properly effective.

Her voice coiled through my mind like a serpentine and her threat rang through my bones. I knew full well what would come of this, but in this moment, I couldn't find the ability to give a damn. Sera had finally chosen me, had finally allowed her desires to overtake her self preservation, and I was going to enjoy every solitary second of it. 

My little fox. My Sera. Mine.

I gripped her waist with both hands and lifted her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around me. I carried her over to the bar and set her on it, all the while never breaking our kiss. My hands slipped under her shirt and kneaded the soft flesh of her stomach. I trailed kisses across her jaw and down to that soft spot of her neck. A growl slipped out of my throat before I sank my teeth into her, earning a gasp from her.

So beautifully quiet.

I raised the shirt up and she lifted her arms, allowing me to slip it off of her. I tossed it to the floor and reached a hand behind her, unclasping her bra with ease. I leaned back, taking in the sight before me. She was magnificent. Even the Himalayas didn't curve as perfectly as she did. 

She reached for the edge of my hood and started to push it back. My hands shot up and grabbed a hold of her wrists, holding her firmly in place. With a newfound sense of fear in her eyes, she let go of my hood and looked away in embarrassment. I curled my finger under her chin and tilted her head to look at me once more.

"I will give you my body, flesh and bone. I will give you the skies and oceans if you ask for it, but I must do so with this on."  She seemed reassured in the sense that it wasn't something she did to deter me. She understood my need for this mask and I couldn't have been more thankful. 

My hand grasped onto her breast and my thumb circled over her pert nipple. I leaned down and took it into my mouth, flicking my tongue across it in slow, languorous strokes. Her chest heaved in small shallow pants and her back arched into my touch. She was giving me exactly what I wanted from her, she was begging me for this in her own, quiet way. And, oh, I was going to deliver.


A/N: The next chapter is in heavy detail; I apologize in advance. 


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