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"Stop looking at me like that." Jessie grumbled. I must've given him an odd look when he picked up a shirt that I had glanced at and put it over his arm. I hadn't picked it up and yet he assumed I wanted it anyways. 

We passed by a basket of loose articles of lingerie. I picked through the lacy thongs and found a couple of pairs I liked. I wondered for a minute if Vessel would like them, too. I wasn't sure if we would be having sex on the regular, but I wasn't opposed to the idea. If so, I'd like to have something appealing to wear. 

This shopping trip was slightly awkward, not because he was watching me rifle through thongs, but because I felt like there was something slightly off about the way he was acting. Was it something Vessel said? Did Vessel tell him about what happened between us? My cheeks heated up at the thought, before I shook the irrational thought away. Vessel kept his life private, and, by proxy, mine as well. Something else was amiss. 

A horrifying thought crossed my mind and my stomach plummeted. The haze of that night disappeared as I was reminded about the picture, and that I had forgotten to show Jessie. I stopped walking and pulled out my phone, quickly pulling up the text message thread and shoving it in his face. He looked genuinely confused before the color drained from his face. 

"There haven't been reports of Preston leaving the country," He brings his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration. "but I hadn't thought to put a BOLO on anyone he might know or have contact with." He might not have left the country, but someone did and they were on my trail. I grabbed his shoulder and looked between him, the clothes he carried, and the large suitcase he pulled behind him.

"Actually, traveling is your best option." He said, catching onto my thoughts. "He'd expect you to hunker down. Besides, Vessel flies private, not commercial." He seemed to be going through a mental checklist of all the pros of traveling rather than actually speaking to me. Which was fine, it meant he was thinking more logically than me at this point.

"We should get a move on, make sure you get everything but lets not waste too much time, yeah?" He suggested in a soft tone, no doubt trying to deescalate my worrying. I gave him a stiff nod and continued walking through the racks. 

I picked up a few pairs of jeans in my size and a few tops that looked decent, before heading to the dressing room. As much as I was ready to leave, I needed to make sure everything fit before I wasted Vessels money on anything. 

I slipped into the dressing room and shimmied out of my own clothes, letting them sit in a pile in the corner of the tiny room. I picked up the first pair of jeans and pulled them up my thighs, they were a tight fit but they actually looked decent on me. I went through each article of clothing, separating them into two piles as I went. Clothes I liked and would get on the left and the ones that needed to go back on the right.

"You should show him the article." Jessie's voice called from outside the dressing room door. I paused for a brief moment, letting the memory wash over me. I quickly dressed back into my own clothing and gathered everything I brought with me before opening the door. Jessie stood with his back leaned against the wall opposite of the door. I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion.

"I didn't tell him anything," He held his hand up in defense. "But you should." I shook my head at him. There was absolutely no way I was showing Vessel who I used to be. At first I wouldn't have shown him out of fear of being sent back, now I fear his opinion of me. I didn't want to risk him feeling ashamed about having been with me once he found out what I had done, how dirty I used to be. Then again, I feel ashamed for allowing it when he didn't know who he was really getting into it with.

When it came to Vessel, I didn't think rationally. I acted on impulse and feeling rather than thinking through my steps. Every logical part of me went out the window when he was around. It was insane to think that someone I had met less than three months ago had become such a pivotal point in my life. 

I set the clothes I didn't want in the discard pile outside the dressing room and made my way through the store. I picked up a few odds and ends and some travel bottles of hygiene products before leading us to the registers. 

While standing in line waiting, both of our arms full of things, I caught a glimpse of Jessie staring at me. I knew he was waiting on me to cave, but I scrunched my brows and gave him another shake of my head. My decision was made and he knew not to bring it up again, to me or to Vessel. 

I wish I could have buried that article along with my past life. 


A/N: 30 Chapters in! What's been your favorite scene so far? 


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