[ in which she is asked a question ]

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Due to the events of the night before, Sydney's dad allowed her to take the day off from school the next day. He didn't even bother waking her up before he left for work early that morning, though it was different for Stiles. She was woken up by her brother shaking her lightly, her concerned voice speaking softly into her ear.

"I'm about to leave, Sydney."

She groaned, rolling over and shoving her brother away from her sleepily, "Couldn't you have just left a damn note?"

"Don't cuss." Though her eyes were still closed and she was facing away from her brother, Sydney knew his bottom lip was stuck out in a pout. "And I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and that you didn't need anything before I left."

"I need some more sleep," Sydney said, mid-yawn. She brought the covers, which she had thrown off in the middle of the night, back over her body, tucking them underneath her chin.

"I don't have to go to school today," Stiles said slowly, rubbing his hands together. "I could stay home and keep you company."

"No, you need to go to school," Sydney stated in a motherly tone, turning her body to look at her brother, her eyes still half-closed. "You need to get your grades up."

Stiles looked at the girl blankly and popped his lips, "I have all A's."

Another groan fell from her lips and she pushed on his chest once more, "Go to school, Stiles. I'll be fine." Before she even finished her sentence, Sydney had already falling back onto her bed, her eyes closing almost immediately after her head hit the pillow.

She heard Stiles sigh loudly, clearly wanting to have the day off alongside his sister. Knowing his father would be pissed if he ditched school without a valid reason, he finally gave up. Sydney felt her brother's lips press against her cheek for a mere second before he stood up, "Call me if you need anything, baby sis. I'll be here in a heartbeat."

Sydney couldn't help the smile that stretched across her face at her brother's kindness, a thankful sigh falling from her lips as she heard the sound of her door open and close, signalling that she was alone at last.


Sydney ended up sleeping until after ten o'clock, and she woke up feeling refreshed and energized. Not even bothering to do something as simple as run a brush through her hair, she quickly made her way downstairs as her stomach growled with hunger. The house was quiet without her brother or dad there, not that she minded the silence. For once, she did not have a headache from Stiles' loud mouth or the music that blared from his room, or even the sounds of his bed banging against the wall whenever Malia stayed with them- which seemed like every day of the week. Sydney couldn't help but wonder what was going on in school that day- whether Mr. Andrews was absent for what seemed like the hundredth time that semester, or whether Violet or Garrett were present after almost murdering her, along with the Devenford lacrosse captain, Brett.

It was quite a shocker that the boy was a werewolf, and also quite embarrassing on Sydney's and Mason's behalf. She wondered if, with his supernatural hearing, Brett listened onto anyone's conversations- especially the one her and Mason were having before the scrimmage the night night, admiring his good looks and joking with Liam about him beating the captain's ass and giving him to them afterwards.

But, most of all, Sydney wondered about Liam. She wondered if he had gone to school today, or if he had decided to play hookie, just for the hell of it. He'd stayed with her until her father and his deputies were able to arrive the night before, and even after that. She had clung onto his shirt-which now that she thought about it, was quite embarrassing on her behalf- while her father questioned her about Violet and Garrett.

Sydney quickly fixed herself a bowl of ice cream- not exactly the best thing to eat for breakfast, but she didn't care at that point- before heading into the living room and plopping down on the couch. She clicked on the TV and pulled up Netflix, eventually deciding on watching yet another cheesy werewolf movie in which she planned on making fun of for the rest of the day.

After her third bowl of ice cream and her fifth episode of Grey's Anatomy, Sydney's father had returned home, carrying piles of paper work with his face scrunched in a mixture of exhaustion and relief.

"Hey, dad," she greeted him cheerfully as he plopped down beside her on the couch.

"Hey, Sydney." The sheriff let out a long, exasperated sigh as his eyes closed for several seconds. Sydney could feel the stress radiating off of her father, and she felt a stab of sympathy for him. He was working hard to get his family out of debt, and she admired him greatly for it. He deserved a well-needed rest.

"Why don't you go lay down?" She asked softly, rubbing her dad's shoulder.

"Oh, believe me, I will," He chuckled lightly. "But first I want to ask you something."

"Sure," Sydney said with a shrug, not thinking anything of it. "Ask away."

Though what her father asked completely surprised her, causing her to sit up and look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Who was that kid you were clinging onto for dear life last night?"

Sydney laughed nervously, running her fingers through her untamed hair, "He's- uh, his name is Liam Dunbar."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Sydney felt her cheeks heat up at her father's question, and she mentally cursed herself for being so pale-skinned, "No, dad. We're just friends."

"Just friends my ass." Though his voice was firm, the sheriff chuckled lightly. "If you saw things from my perspective, you would think the exact opposite. Just be sure he knows that I'm the sheriff." He placed a hand on his daughter's knee, squeezing it lightly before pushing himself into a standing position, his eyes drooping in exhaustion. "I'm going to lay down for a bit. Call me if you need anything."

Almost as soon as her father disappeared upstairs, Sydney's phone began to ring. She jumped at the sudden sound, checking the caller ID with shaky hands.


"Hey," she spoke into the phone as she picked up, unable to hide the smile that stretched across her face. She was thankful he was unable to see through the phone. "How was school?"

"I didn't go to school," Liam said simply, his voice soft. "I wanted to call and see if you were okay."

Sydney smiled and nodded her head, then remembered that Liam was unable to see her, "I'm fine. Especially after having three bowls of ice cream for breakfast."

Liam chuckled through the phone- a sound that made her heart flutter oddly. "You're going to end up getting fat, Syd."

Sydney laughed lightly and shrugged, "We'll see if that happens. If it does, you're more than allowed to tell me you told me so."

Liam stayed silent for a moment, the sounds of paper rustling in the background being the only noise that came through the speaker. "Would you like to go somewhere with me?" He asked slowly, his voice almost shaking nervously.


"You'll see," Liam said cheekily. "I'll be at your house in ten minutes. Be ready."

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