Mr. Heartthrob - Noah x reader

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AU: High school

Noah was unlike any other person you've dated in the past. He was witty, sarcastic, and very intelligent. He was a stark contrast to the heartthrobs you've dated in the past, who were usually just after one thing.

But you liked it. You liked Noah for who he was. You had been together for two months, and it was refreshing to be with him, knowing he was different.

You and Noah were walking in the school hallway, when suddenly, Alejandro came by and winked at you, offering you a rose. You blushed a little, caught off guard by his actions.

"No, thank you." You smiled, lightly pushing the delicate rose away as he tried to hand it to you. "This is beautiful, but I can't take it."

"I see. Carry on." Alejandro said, giving you another charming grin.

As you and Noah continued to walk, you noticed the jealousy etched across his face. You squeezed his hand in reassurance, "Noah, relax. I rejected him, remember?"

Noah sighed, blushing slightly. "I know, Y/N, but I just can't help it. I mean, look at him. He's so handsome and rich, and I know I'm not the most romantic person, but... I can't help but think that you're going to end up with him."

You chuckled, squeezing his hand again. "Don't worry, Noah. I'm with you. Please remember that."

Noah nodded solemnly, taking in your words carefully. He didn't want to upset you, so he wanted to try to shrug off his insecurities and let you know that he was okay.

Lunchtime came and Noah sat with his close friends Owen, Cody, Izzy and Eva, as they waited for you to arrive from class. You often spent time with Noah and friends during lunch when you weren't with your best friends Gwen and Duncan.

"Noah, I found out something interesting about Y/N!" Cody exclaimed, giving Noah a mischievous grin.

Noah felt uneasy, as he replied. "What?"

Cody leaned in closer to Noah, whispering, "All of Y/N's past exes are heartthrobs. Just like Alejandro and Justin! Isn't that cool?"

Noah's eyebrows furrowed as he processed Cody's words. The insecurities he had been trying to suppress resurfaced with a vengeance. He couldn't help but feel inadequate compared to the heartthrobs from your past. The thought of losing you to someone like Alejandro or Justin gnawed at him.

Owen noticed the change in Noah's demeanor. He nudged Noah gently and said, "Hey, buddy, don't let that get you down. Y/N chose to be with you for a reason. You're smart, witty, and you make her laugh like no one else. That's what matters."

Noah appreciated Owen's encouragement but couldn't shake off the doubts completely. He turned to Cody, his voice laced with a hint of desperation. "So what do I do? How do I measure up to those heartthrobs?"

Cody leaned back, contemplating Noah's question. "Well, you could try to be more like them. Act confident, charming, and maybe even a little mysterious. Take a page out of their book, you know?"

Noah nodded, then began thinking of ideas to impress you. Owen, Izzy and Eva exchanged worried glances, knowing this wasn't going to go well.

Throughout the rest of the day, Noah quietly observed Justin and Alejandro's mannerisms. He noticed how they could easily swoon girls, but the only girl Noah wanted to swoon was you. But he was afraid to lose you, so he decided to put on the Mr. heartthrob façade.

The next day, Noah surprised you with a bouquet of flowers, along with a love poem he did research to write himself. He handed it to you, trying to suppress his blush.

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