Girl! - Lindsay x reader

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Setting: TDI
Note - I included Dinuguan in this because I thought it would fit since Lindsay is always curious and Dinuguan is my favorite food :)

Lindsay was probably the most oblivious yet the most annoying girl you've ever met. She was constantly in your face, trying to get your attention and it was really getting on your nerves. She always insisted she was 'helping' you, but in reality, she caused so much inconvenience.

Whenever she annoyed you, you just had this habit of saying "Girl!" in annoyance to her, hoping she'd get the hint of your disapproval. You weren't sure why you'd always say that, it was just a bad habit.

"Hey Y/N!" Lindsay beamed, skipping up to you. "I emptied out all of your makeup and replaced them with new ones!"

"You did what?" You asked, shocked and confused. "Why would you do that?"

That makeup was expensive and although Lindsay had good intentions, you felt irritated. Makeup isn't always cheap, especially if it's high quality.

Lindsay giggled, "Because you need more variety, Y/N! You can thank me later."

"Girl!" You exclaimed, irritated. "Next time don't touch my stuff!"


You were enjoying a peaceful lunch by the lake, eating Dinuguan and rice, which was a Filipino dish made from pork blood and meat. You were a bit adventurous and liked trying different foods.

Lindsay approached you with a curious smile. She has never seen anything like what you were eating before. Her curiosity got the better of her and she stuck her finger into your food.

"Girl!" You exclaimed, pulling back. "What were you thinking?!"

Lindsay blushed, "I'm sorry! It's just your meal looks interesting."

"That doesn't mean you can just touch people's food!" You scolded. You got up from the lake, leaving your Dinuguan behind for the wild animals to eat. You decided to just have a sandwich or something.

Lindsay watched as you left, feeling a wave of guilt take over. She had a crush on you since you arrived on the island and she slowly started to realize her attempts to impress you were failing.

Later that evening, you sat by the campfire, waiting for Bridgette, who was your best friend on the island. That was when Lindsay came up to you, yet again, with her signature smile on her face.

"Oh no." You mumbled.

Lindsay cheerfully walked up to you, with a roasted marshmallow. However, you noticed that the marshmallow was way too roasted.

"Y/N!" Lindsay cheered, seeming to forget her encounter with you earlier. "I brought you a marshmallow!"

Lindsay stepped closer to you, and to your shock, the marshmallow ended up melting and landing on your foot. You were wearing sandals, so it burned your foot slightly.

"Girl!" You exclaimed in annoyance and pain. You winced and bent down, clutching your foot.

Lindsay gave you a worried look, "Oh my gosh Y/N, I'm so sorry! Here let me help."

Lindsay reached down to grab a napkin and clumsily attempted to wipe the melted marshmallow off your foot. However, instead of helping, she ended up smearing the hot marshmallow all over your sandal, making a sticky and painful mess.

"Stop, Lindsay!" You said, trying not to lose your temper. "You're making it worse."

Lindsay looked upset, her eyes welling up with tears. "I just wanted to make things better," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine concern. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

You realized that Lindsay's intentions were never malicious. She genuinely wanted to help, even though her efforts often resulted in more inconvenience for you. Perhaps it was time to approach the situation with a different perspective.

You softened your tone and placed a hand on Lindsay's shoulder. "Lindsay, I appreciate your willingness to help, but sometimes it's better to ask before taking action. Communication is key."

Lindsay nodded, sniffling slightly. "I'm really sorry, Y/N. I'll try to be more considerate next time."

You smiled, forgiving her. "Thank you, Lindsay. Just remember, it's important to respect personal boundaries and understand that what might be helpful to you might not be helpful to someone else."

As the two of you sat by the campfire, you shared a genuine conversation. Lindsay began to understand the importance of respecting boundaries, and you started to appreciate her well-intentioned nature.

After that encounter by the campfire, you and Lindsay began spending more time together. She still occasionally caused inconveniences, but you knew she meant well and you learned from earlier encounters to just remind her and talk to her with an honest conversation, especially since she was so scatterbrained.

One day, despite Heather trying to tell Lindsay not to make a move on you, Lindsay approached you with a bouquet of wildflowers.

You blushed, as she handed the flowers to you.

Lindsay took a deep breath, a blush spreading across her face. "Can we be more than friends? Like.. Be a thing."


You and Lindsay laughed, knowing you meant yes. You pulled Lindsay into a hug, kissing her cheek. "Of course we can."

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