Never grow up - Noah x Cody + Fem!reader

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Requested by: Bella_Lover69
Setting: High school 

Note - I'm going to make the reader actually be adopted by Noah and Cody, since that's what I understood from this request. I hope I got this correct. :) 


Your adoptive dads, Cody and Noah, were two of the most loving and supportive dads anyone could ask for. Cody was what most would call the 'fun parent,' while Noah was deemed the more 'strict parent.' You've always felt safe and secure. 

However, as you've gotten older, you've faced challenges such as bullying and of course, typical high school drama. Sometimes, it was hard for you to not fight back and report the bullying, which often resulted in you getting in trouble. 

"Stay out of trouble, okay?" Cody said, kissing your forehead. 

You nodded, "I'll try, dad."

When you left to ride the bus, Cody closed the door from behind him, spotting Noah glaring at him slightly. 

"What's wrong?"

Noah sighed, sitting on the couch. "Sometimes, I worry about her. She's only a freshman and she's already having a hard time navigating high school without so much trouble."

Cody nodded, "I know, honey. I worry about her too."

Noah thought to himself, "Maybe we can take her out of public school and just homeschool her instead with a private tutor."

Cody shook his head, "No, that's not a good idea. Homeschooling her would be too isolating and I don't think we would be able to handle it."

"Public high school is already getting to her. I think it's time to start thinking about putting her into a more structured environment. She's starting to act out and get into fights."

"I see what you mean, Noah." Cody replied, gazing at the TV. "But how about we give her a chance? It is just her first year. Maybe there can be solutions."

"Alright." Noah said, still feeling uneasy. "But the next time she messes up, I can't let you keep babying her, Cody. She needs to grow up and learn."

Cody leaned in, giving Noah a kiss on the cheek. "I know."

Meanwhile, back at school, you were in the middle of a heated argument with a classmate. 

"I did not call Natalie a slut!" You yelled out to a group of girls. "It was Irene." 

"Sure, sure." One of the girls sneered, not believing you. "Why would Trevin lie then?"

"Because I rejected him." You pointed out. However, they didn't listen. Before you knew it, a fist fight broke out between you and two of the other girls. 


At home, Noah received a phone call from the principal, explaining that you were in the nurse's office and needed to be picked up because you were in a fight. Anger immediately boiled up inside Noah, but he knew he had to stay calm. 

"What happened?" Cody asked, concerned. 

Noah huffed, "She got into a fight again. Can you believe it?"

"Our poor baby!" Cody exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes. 

Noah glared at Cody, "Stop that. She's not a baby, she's in high school."

Cody argued back, "You're too hard on her, Noah! Maybe if you just took the time to understand her, she would act out less."

Noah held his glare, eyes locked on Cody, "I just wish she would listen to us for once."

Cody sighed, wrapping Noah in a comforting hug. "I know, honey. I wish too, but she's having trouble. It's not easy to go to high school, already having trouble fitting in while being adopted too. Sometimes, young girls like Y/N need support and understanding."

Noah smiled a little, hugging his husband back. "I guess you're right. However, we need to find a balance between teaching Y/N responsibility while giving her understanding and supporting."

"We make a pretty good team, do we?"

Noah chuckled, "Yes we do. Now, let's pick up our little troublemaker."


After the fight, you were left feeling shaken and bruised. When Cody and Noah arrived at school to pick you up, concern took over their features and, they sat you down and asked what happened. You told them about the fight, and you could see the worry in their eyes. They immediately understood that this time, it wasn't your fault. 

Noah took the lead, asking you about the details of the altercation and making sure you're not hurt too badly. Cody, hovered around you, fussing over your injuries and showering you with affection and hugs. 

"Noah, I've got this," Cody insisted, trying to clean the scrapes on your arms. "Y/N, you're going to be just fine. We'll take care of you, okay?"

"Let's make sure we address the situation first," Noah interjects, his tone firm but caring. "We need to talk about what happened and figure out how to handle it."

Noah began asking you for more details on the fight, while Cody continued taking care of your wounds. Noah knew it wasn't your fault, but he discussed how there could be safer ways to handle conflict and come up with a resolution. Cody wrapped a bandage around your wrist, then kissed your cheek. 

"Thanks, Dad," You said, offering a weak smile. "I'm sorry for causing you both so much trouble."

"No trouble at all, kiddo," Cody replies, planting a kiss on your forehead. "We just want to make sure you're okay."

Noah nodded in agreement. "We'll figure this out together, Y/N. You're not alone in this."

You found comfort in both of your dads' approaches. Noah's guidance helped you process the situation, while Cody's affection reminded you of the strength of your family bond. In the end, you felt grateful to have two loving parents by your side, each offering their own ways of support.

After Noah and Cody took you home, they suggested having a family night, where you watched movies together. You felt relieved to get away from the conflict at school, knowing you had a family who loved you. 

As you all gathered in the living room, having your little movie marathon, you eventually fell asleep after a few more movies. Noah and Cody smiled at each other, knowing that everything was just right, no matter what the circumstances were. 

No matter how much you grew up, no matter what challenges you faced, you would always love and need your dads to be there for you. That was something Noah and Cody valued more than the one million dollar prize from any reality TV show they were in.

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