In the best way possible - Trent x reader

449 13 24

Requested by: dawnytwilight
Setting: Adulthood

Note - This is actually based on my new boyfriend and I's relationship :) I had a bf of two years before him and my new bf is honestly different from my ex in the best way possible. I hope it goes well. 


"I had a great time tonight. See you Saturday!" Trent said, kissing your cheek, after walking you to your front door.

A grin spread across your face as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. "See you."

You recently started dating Trent just two weeks ago after your ex boyfriend of two years broke up with you, last month. Whenever you spend time with Trent, you notice the difference between how your ex was to you versus how Trent treated you. You met Trent through your childhood best friend, Leshawna, who was on Total Drama with him. She claims you and Trent are a perfect match. 

You noticed how with Trent, you both had a lot more in common.

Meanwhile, back in his car, Trent thought about his past relationship with Gwen and about how different things were with you. You were just as into him as he was into you and that made him feel lucky. 

With Gwen, it was obvious she liked Duncan more and Trent remembered how he often felt he had to compete. With you, it was different. He knew he could be himself around you and not worry about feeling like he had to compete for your affection.

You were excited for your blossoming relationship with Trent, but you were afraid. You worried about what would happen or about messing up. You wanted to believe that Trent was different, that he was nothing like your ex.

Next Saturday came and it was your third date with Trent. This time, you could both see you're visibly nervous - yet excited.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." Trent admitted.

Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you felt yourself blush. "I've been thinking about you too." You confessed, feeling relieved that Trent felt the same way.

"You know, you're a lot different from Gwen. In a good way, I mean." Trent chuckled, nervously.

"And you're a lot different from (ex boyfriend's name)." You replied. "In a good way."

You both began to open up about your past relationships and the insecurities that came from those experiences. Trent listened as you shared your fears and he kept reassuring you that he was there for you. In turn, he also opened up about his struggles and how he was drawn to you.

"I'm really glad we found each other," Trent said, reaching for your hand across the table. "I feel like we have something special."

You smiled, squeezing his hand. "Me too. I've never felt this comfortable with anyone before."

"Me too. Hey, do you want to check out that concert my old Total Drama friends are hosting in an hour?"


You and Trent got up from the restaurant to check out the concert his old band classmates were hosting. As you walked together, you felt excited, knowing that you were about to share this experience with someone who truly understood and cared for you.

When you arrived at the concert, Trent made sure you were comfortable, offering to get you drinks and give you his jacket when you got cold. 

"You don't have to!" You exclaimed. 

Trent chuckled, giving you his jacket anyway. "I want to."

Trent wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close as you watched the concert together. You blushed, feeling a warmth spread through your heart. 

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