Perfect - Mal x reader ANGST

673 18 20

Setting: Adulthood
TW - This story touches on emotional abuse and manipulation.

"Mal." You whispered, nervously walking up to him.

Mal had always intrigued you, since he first met you after his time on Total Drama. He was an enigma with a bad boy persona. However, you believed there was more to him than that, that he was just hurt and misguided. You wanted to see the good in him despite what everyone told you.

"What?" He snapped, causing your nerves to tense up.

You reluctantly handed him a piece of paper, which was a drawing of him. You thought that Mal would soften up and appreciate it, appreciate you. He has been colder than ever, showing no signs of change.

"What do we have here? A little artist." Mal sneered, scanning the drawing.

Your breath caught in your throat, unsure of what to say. You wondered how he would react.

Mal gently leaned towards you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "You're very sweet, Y/N."

You blushed, feeling a sense of relief. However, it was short-lived when Mal pulled away and began crumpling up your drawing angrily in his hands.

Mal glared at you, his voice dripping with venom. "Let's not get too sentimental, shall we? I don't need reminders of weakness or sentimentality. Remember your place, Y/N."

Your eyes widened in shock and hurt, your voice trembling as you tried to speak. "But Mal, I... I just wanted to show you how I see you, how I appreciate you."

Mal's laughter echoed through the room, cold and devoid of genuine amusement. "Appreciate me? You think a silly drawing will earn my appreciation? You're delusional, Y/N. Weakness will only make you a target, and I won't hesitate to exploit it."

As Mal walked away, leaving you standing there, you wondered if there was any way to reach the real Mike hidden beneath the malicious facade. However, for now, your drawing lay discarded on the floor, a symbol of your failed attempts to connect with the twisted soul of Mal.

Later that day, Mal decided to approach you. He knocked gently on your bedroom door, "Y/N? Can I come in?"

You hesitated for a moment, before answering. "Sure."

Mal walked into your bedroom, then sat on the edge of the bed, taking your hand in his, "I want you to know that I'm sorry."


Mal held you tighter, "I'm sorry for the way I treated you. It was just a joke and I didn't mean it. I promise I will make it up to you."

You contemplated for a moment if Mal really meant it or not. He had apologized before and always returned back to how he was. However, you felt that this time, he would be different.

You felt a glimmer of hope, returning Mal's embrace. "Thank you, Mal."

As Mal hugged you, he grinned wickedly, feeling a tinge of satisfaction.

"Perfect." He thought to himself.


You and Mal's anniversary was coming up and Mal planned everything, making sure it was perfect.

During the evening, Mal surprised you by leading you to a secluded spot in the woods, where he had arranged a romantic candlelit dinner. The setting was enchanting, with fairy lights twinkling in the trees and a beautiful table set for two.

"This is beautiful." You whispered, taking a seat across from Mal.

For a fleeting moment, you allowed yourself to forget about the doubts that had occasionally crept into your mind over the past year.

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