Team E-Scope adventures: Treasure

274 3 13

Setting: Hidden cave and lake

This time, Owen and Cody are featured :) 


"Hey Izzy! What's the crazy story this time?" You asked, as you all sat down for a picnic by the lake.

You've always been eager to listen to Izzy's crazy stories and she always made everything more interesting during lunch with her stories. Since you lived with her, Noah and Eva, sometimes you all joined in on her adventures.

Izzy grinned mischievously, "Oh, you won't believe it, Y/N! I just discovered a hidden treasure chest buried by the lake. It's filled with ancient artifacts and secret maps!"

"Really? That sounds incredible! Can we go see it?"

Noah chuckled, interested in the conversation. "What's all the excitement about?"

You smiled, "Izzy claims she found a treasure chest by the lake!"

Noah raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

Owen, Eva and Cody also approached, overhearing the conversation. Owen jumped up and down, throwing a bunch of snacks at you, Izzy and Noah, while Cody thought about the possibility of a hidden treasure. Eva just complained that Izzy was talking about nonsense and that there was no treasure. 

"How about we go on the adventure?" You suggested. "Isn't it fun to always try new things?"

The group thought for a moment, but Izzy was already running towards the lake. "Let's go!"

Izzy took the lead, while you all followed along. You all went into the caves just near the lake and all began searching for the lost treasure. You all spent two hours, and so far have not found anything. "You guys, right here!" Izzy exclaimed, digging in the sand rapidly. 

"This is it!" Owen shouted, as you all looked at each other with a smile. "This is the treasure!"

Owen and Eva helped each other open the chest, and to everyone's disappointment, there was no treasure at all. Inside the chest was just a bunch of old fishing gear, left behind by tourists. 

"Ugh! I told you guys this was a waste of time!" Eva grumbled, beyond irritated.

"Hey, at least we had fun." Cody tried to reason and you nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah." You said, holding some of the fishing gear. "Besides, we got free fishing gear!"

"Oh boy, I love fish! They're so tasty." Owen exclaimed, his stomach grumbling. 

"Predictable." Noah mumbled, hiding a smile. 

Izzy jumped up and down in excitement, smiling from ear to ear. "Yeah! Let's go fishing instead and we can cook the ones we catch to celebrate our adventure!"

You and your friends spent the next hour catching fish by the lake, cooking them, and eating them. Owen also made sure to bring your picnic from earlier, so you wouldn't forget and would have more food. 

Izzy made a campfire, where you all roasted the fish. She made sure to do it legally this time. Noah made sure of that. 

Owen managed to finish all the snacks he brought, Izzy was telling more crazy stories, and Cody and Eva were having a debate about who was the best fish catcher today. You and Noah were just silently eating the fish, watching your second family converse. 

You realized that even though you did not find any actual treasure, having a second family like Noah, Owen, Cody, Izzy and Eva was more of a treasure itself. 

"What are you thinking about?" Noah asked, noticing you were deep in thought. 

You smiled, "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you guys. Whenever we go on our little adventures, they always feel special, no matter the circumstances, doesn't it?"

"It does feel that way." Noah admitted, deep in thought. "Even though sometimes I wish things always went as planned."

"Yeah!" Cody joined in, overhearing you and Noah's conversation. "We always find something good in every situation, remember the time we solved the mystery of the strange footprints in our backyard?"

You and Noah exchanged a look of understanding. You answered, "Of course. That was the best summer ever. We managed to get Sierra arrested for stalking us."

"And sometimes, Izzy almost gets us arrested." Eva said, bluntly. However, she knew deep down you guys were right. There was always something to remember, whenever you all spent time together. 

Izzy laughed. "But there's never a dull moment. We're family!"

Eva rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile, "Yes we are."

"Don't forget all the food we can eat!" Owen laughed, holding a tray of fish. 

You all spent the rest of the evening sharing stories, jokes, and creating more memories. You knew you could just be yourselves in each other's company, and that was what family was really about.

Sometimes, the greatest treasures were not material possessions but the people who filled our lives with love, laughter and beautiful memories we cherish forever. 

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