Don't be such a jerk - Chase x influencer!reader

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Requested by: SpiderGoth01
Setting: After TD 2023 Season 2 


You opened your Instagram and narrowed your eyes when you saw Chase, a popular Youtuber, follow you. You disliked Chase a lot for one good reason; the way he was with Emma and other people. 

You watched Chase's videos before he joined Total Drama and knew he was such a jerk. However, once he joined Total Drama, his jerk side was revealed even more. He didn't care about the wellbeing of others nor did he care about the consequences. 

"Hey." You looked at your dm's and saw that Chase messaged you. You pressed ignore, denying his request to message you on Instagram. You didn't even follow him back. 

You were an extremely popular and influential influencer on Instagram and Youtube for hair and makeup tutorials. You had a much larger following than Chase and Emma, and your videos were watched by millions of people each week.

You were well enough known to be invited to an influential person's event, where you and other high-profile individuals are expected to help promote the event's sponsor. It was next week and you were looking forward to networking with some of the city's top leaders. 

It was next week and you dressed elegantly for the event. You arrived at the hotel, already greeted by the paparazzi and some of your friends. 

Your heart suddenly stopped when you spotted Chase walking by the buffet table. You quickly decided to keep your cool and act like you didn't see him. However, he had already spotted you and started walking up to you. "Hey there, Y/N! What's up?"

You smiled, shyly. You couldn't help but find him attractive. "Hi Chase. Just enjoying the party."

Chase smirked, then held out his phone. "Let's take a picture for the viewers!"

You shook your head, already walking away from him. "I'd rather not."

Chase looked confused, as you walked away. He didn't know what he did wrong, but he was determined to find out. He had a crush on you for awhile and was dying to get to know you, but you seemed to not be interested in him at all. 

He wondered if it was because of his looks or because of his content. Whatever it was, he wanted to know and confront you once and for all. 

You spotted Emma sitting at the table, looking solemn. You walked towards her and greeted her, "Hey."

Emma looked up in surprise, seeing it was you, a very popular influencer. "Hi Y/N. I didn't expect you to approach me."

You nodded, sitting across from her. "I just wanted to check on you. How are you doing?"

Emma sighed then glanced towards Chase, who was pretending to not be watching you two. "I just can't believe I put up with chase for so long. I thought he was a sweet guy, but he only cares about himself."

You replied, "I saw how he treated you during his videos and even during Total Drama. He never deserved you."

"True, but he never listens no matter how much I try to talk to him."

Chase approached you and Emma with a sly grin. "What's up, ladies?"

Emma scoffed, "Fuck off."

"Yeah." You agreed, sending Chase a glare. 

Chase's smile faded and he asked, "Y/N, I thought we were cool?"

You shook your head sadly. "No, Chase. We're not. It's not cool how you treat people and how you constantly dismissed Emma's feelings. You're hurting her, and she doesn't deserve that sort of treatment from someone she loved, or used to love."

Chase looked deep in thought, about to deny it, "Come on, Y/N-"

"No, Chase. It's wrong what you did and you know it. Emma almost got hurt because of you and you ignored her then acted like you didn't care. You need to grow up, Chase. You really do otherwise you will end up losing everything."

Emma smiled at you for standing up for her. "Thank you, Y/N."

Chase looked at you and Emma with a sense of guilt and remorse before walking away. He didn't want to admit it, but he felt guilty for everything he had done, how he had treated Emma and how he had treated others. He tried to push it down, but it kept clawing back in his mind. 

He knew he liked you for months and that him being a jerk definitely made the wrong impression. He wanted to make amends, not just for you and Emma's sake, but for his own. 

The next day, Chase mailed out flowers to you and Emma, with letters apologizing for everything. At first, you did not believe it until you saw on Chase's youtube channel that he took down all the videos of him humiliating Emma. Your heart skipped a beat at the gesture. You decided to give it some time. 

Over the next few weeks, you noticed that Chase had been consistently nicer on camera and he even became more generous. It seemed as though he was trying to make up for what he had done.

Emma messaged you on Instagram saying, "Y/N, thanks to that talk you had with Chase, he really changed. I'm not sure why he didn't listen to me before, but I think he likes you."


Emma replied back, "He keeps mentioning how your kind personality and thoughtfulness makes him want to do better. He told me not to tell you though."

You decided to finally follow Chase back on Instagram. You messaged Chase, "Hey Chase. I couldn't help but notice you've been acting different lately. Is everything okay?"

Chase replied with a thoughtful, "Yes I am. I thought a lot about what you said – to stop treating others badly. I just.. I like you a lot and want to be friends. I'm not trying to pressure you into anything. If you don't want to be friends, that's fine. I just thought I should say something."

You blushed a little then typed back, "Let's take things slow. I kind of like you too."

"Friends first?"


You smiled and felt a glimmer of hope for where this would lead your blossoming relationship with Chase. You had a feeling that things were going to get even better between the two of you, one filled with new beginnings, a second chance, and the promise of a bright future.

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