From the ashes - Noah x reader

864 16 21

Setting: Adulthood

You have been in a strained relationship with a boy named Trevin, who consistently flirted with other girls to hurt you. The arguments between you and Trevin have been escalating lately, leaving you unsure of what to do.

You have been with Trevin for about six months now and you thought he was the perfect guy. However, he's been struggling with his anger issues, often consuming his thoughts and actions. You tried to be understanding, you tried to see past that and help him, but he always pushed you away.

Trevin began to resent you for your perceived weaknesses and inability to completely understand his struggles. He made a rash decision to go on a date with a girl named Natalie, hoping to find a temporary distraction.

However, word among your peers spread and it didn't take long for you to find out about Trevin's date with Natalie. You arrived at the park, where Trevin and Natalie met up, feeling your heart sink as you watched them link arms and laugh together.

The sight of Trevin and Natalie together shattered your trust and crushed your spirit. You decided to approach them.

"I can't believe you would do this to me, Trevin," You exclaimed, your voice choked with emotion. "I thought we had something special."

Natalie smirked, wrapping her arms around Trevin. "Too late, pretty girl. He's mine now."

Just then, Noah, who you recognize from Total Drama, who happened to witness the scene, approached you. He had been quietly observing, and seeing your distress, he couldn't help but offer his support.

"Hey, are you okay?" Noah asked, genuine concern evident in his voice.

You nodded, your eyes still filled with tears. Noah gently placed a hand on your shoulder, offering comfort.

"Let's get out of here," Noah suggested, his voice soothing. "How about we go for a cup of coffee and talk?"

You hesitated for a moment, but something about Noah's presence felt comforting and safe. You mustered a small smile and nodded.


"How are you feeling?" Noah asked, sitting across from you as you sipped your coffee.

You sighed, "Like crap. But I know it's time to move on."

Noah nodded, "You deserve better, Y/N. It's better to distance ourselves from toxic people."

"You're right, Noah. I won't let him walk all over me again." You said, with conviction.

Noah smiled, taking your hand in his, "I'm proud of you, Y/N."

You and Noah sat in that cozy coffee shop, sipping your drinks, and opening up to one another about your past experiences. In that moment, you realize that sometimes, unexpected connections can arise from the most painful situations.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for healing and happiness through the chaos.

You and Noah unintentially stayed at that coffee shop longer than you both intended to. For some reason, there was just something about Noah that made you feel understood and cared for. It has only been a few hours, but you felt this connection to him.

You sat up from your seat, playfully smiling at Noah, "Hey Noah. How about we ditch this place and explore the city together?"

Noah smirked, "So you're getting adventurous now?"

You giggled, "Let's go!"


You and Noah decided to explore the city, strolling down narrow alleys, through markets, and along parks with Christmas lights, with your arms linked together as you both shared stories and jokes. You and his laughter echoed through the streets, drawing the attention of passersby who couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two of you.

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