Team E-Scope adventures: Christmas traditions

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Hello! This is something slightly new I'm doing for this oneshot book, which is a series that will be posted every ten chapters. More information can be found on the request page.

Noah, Izzy and Eva were like a second family to you, where you all went on unconventional adventures and learned unique life lessons. Sometimes, Cody and Owen join alongside your adventures too, whenever they were free.

You loved Noah, Izzy and Eva like they were your actual family. They always guided you through life struggles, they supported you through significant milestones and they made sure to include you in their daily adventures.

The three of you currently share an apartment, living together since Total Drama ended. It was a unique situation but you wouldn't have it any other way.

The holidays such as Christmas and New Years were coming up and Noah, Izzy and Eva were excited, except for you. You didn't have the best relationship with your family and they knew that and took you under their wing, allowing you to stay with them.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Noah asked, sitting next to you on the couch.

You sighed then looked up. "I'm just worried about the holidays again. You already know how things are with.. with my family."

Eva nodded, "We're here for you, Y/N."

Izzy bounced up and down in excitement, "Yeah, we're your second family and we got your back!"

Noah put a comforting hand on your shoulder. "We understand that the holidays can be tough for you, but we've got an idea that might help make them a little better."

Izzy's eyes sparkled with mischief. "That's right! We've been planning something special for you, Y/N. It's going to be epic!"

Eva nodded in agreement. "We want to remind you that you're not alone, especially during the holidays. You're part of our family now, and we want to make this season memorable for you."

You looked at them, touched by their thoughtfulness. "You guys didn't have to do that. I don't want to be a burden."

Noah shook his head. "You're not a burden, Y/N. You're a part of this family, and we want to show you how much you mean to us."

As the days went by, the three of them kept dropping hints about their surprise, but they were careful not to give too much away. You felt a little curious and hopeful for what they had in store.

Eva would casually ask about your favorite holiday traditions, while Izzy would mysteriously disappear for hours, claiming she had "top-secret holiday preparations" to attend to. Noah would also drop sly comments about "Keeping the holiday spirit alive."

One evening, as you sat with them in the living room, Noah cleared his throat and said, "So, Y/N, have you ever been ice skating? It's a classic holiday activity, you know."

Izzy jumped up and down with excitement as she added, "Oh, and have you ever tried making gingerbread houses? They're so much fun!"

Eva chimed in, "And what about watching the holiday parade downtown? It's always a blast."

"What is it?" You asked, genuinely curious.

Noah, Eva and Izzy exchanged playfully secretive glances.

"We can't tell you yet, Y/N!" Izzy exclaimed. "It will ruin the surprise!"

"Fine." You playfully whined.

Izzy laughed then engulfed you in a hug and poked your nose, "You're so cute, Y/N."

As the days passed, the hints and excitement continued to build, and you found it increasingly difficult to contain your curiosity. Finally, on the evening of Christmas Eve, Noah, Izzy, and Eva led you to the front door, each wearing enigmatic smiles.

"Alright, Y/N, it's time for the big surprise," Noah announced, holding the door open as the chilly evening air greeted you.

Eva handed you a festive scarf and grinned. "Put this on. You're going to need it for what's coming up."

You followed them outside, your heart filled with excitement, where you were met with a beautiful sight. The apartment's courtyard had been transformed into a winter wonderland, with Christmas lights, a small ice skating rink, and a beautifully decorated table with all the ingredients for building gingerbread houses.

Izzy clapped her hands excitedly. "Surprise! We've organized a holiday extravaganza, just for you!"

Noah gestured toward the ice rink. "And the fun doesn't stop there. We've got a night of ice skating, gingerbread house decorating, and even hot cocoa under the stars planned for you."

"You guys are the best!" You exclaimed, hugging the three of them.

"It was nothing, really." Noah blushed, trying to hide his smile.

Izzy, Eva and Noah loved you as one of their family and they knew they had to make this special just for you.

The four of you dived into the activities with the holiday spirit lifting your heart.

Eva showed off her surprisingly graceful ice skating skills, Izzy was making a unique gingerbread house with all types of candy and chocolate shaped characters she created herself such as aliens, Voldemort and dragons, and you and Noah were arranging the gingerbread pieces into an aesthetically pleasing house.

Afterwards, you glided across the ice, feeling a sense of freedom and happiness. Noah, who was not the best skater, wobbled alongside you.

"How do people do this without dying?" He complained, about to lose his patience.

You laughed, taking his hand, "Easy there, Noah! Just focus on the ice."

You helped Noah glide along the ice, and he started getting the hang of it. "Thank you, Y/N."

Izzy hopped onto the ice rink after she was done with her gingerbread house. She dashed around the rink, doing spins and jumps, occasionally crashing into the snowbanks with a laugh.

"Be careful!" Eva yelled, irritated. "Or you'll break things."

"Sorry about that, Eva!" Izzy laughed, doing a twirl.

You smiled at the sight. These guys really were like family. An unconventional yet loving family.

Soon, it was night time and the four of you gathered around a fire pit, sipping on mugs of cocoa and talking about holiday memories and traditions. You felt a sense of belonging and comfort that took away the anxieties that had clouded your heart.

"Thank you, guys," You whispered, touched by the thoughtfulness and care they had shown. "I've never had a holiday like this before. It means so much to me."

Noah offered a rare, genuine smile. "You're part of our family, Y/N. We wanted to make sure you knew that."

Izzy hugged you tightly. "We're your holiday squad now! Every year, we're going to make it as awesome as this one."

Eva nodded with a small smile. "You're never alone, Y/N. We've got your back."

"You guys mean so much to me, more than you'll ever know. I don't have a good relationship with my family and you guys make me forget that."

Izzy smiled, as she thought of an idea. "Hey, how about we make the event we had our own holiday tradition? Team E-Scope Christmas traditions!"

"And we can add new things to the mix too and discover new traditions over the years." Noah suggested with a small smile.

Eva nodded, and you replied, "That sounds wonderful!"

As you, Noah, Izzy and Eva discussed potential future holiday traditions, you realized that you had found a new kind of family in these three remarkable individuals, and the holiday season would never be the same again in the best way possible.

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