Arguments at 12am - Emma x reader (The Ridonculous race)

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Setting: Adulthood

Note - Since there are two Emmas in the TD universe now, when I write for either of them, their respected TV series would be included in the title just so you can know which of them I'm talking about. :)

"You just never listen!" Emma yelled in anger.

You and Emma have gotten into an argument about a recent project for your shared home, and she's been stressed out about it. You were not sure how to deal with it, since this was your first home together after dating for years.

The thing is, Emma wanted to expand the house, while you thought that you and her should focus on paying off the house. However, Emma kept saying that it was better to get the expansion done now, instead of waiting. Then, she told you hurtful comments such as "You always hold me back."

You winced at her loud voice. "Emma, keep it down. It's midnight."

Emma narrowed her eyes, "No, don't tell me to keep it down. I'm right about this and you're overreacting."

"How am I overreacting? Sometimes, you don't even listen and think you're always right!"

"You're just overthinking things again! I'm not trying to cause any harm and I'm trying to do what's best for us. Can't you understand that?"

You finally had enough. "I need some space, Emma." You grabbed your jacket and headed for the door without another word, leaving Emma sitting alone, dazed and regretful.

Emma sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed, realizing that her words were harsh. She should've listened to your perspective instead of assuming she was on the right.

Emma knew that sometimes, her competitiveness and determination could get the best of her, thinking that she knew what was best for everyone. She knew she had to make this right.


You found yourself walking towards the beach, the place you and Emma first met. You remembered this place, where your best friend Carrie introduced you to Emma at Carrie and Devin's beach party years ago. You remembered how you and Emma instantly clicked, despite being different and how you brought out the best in each other.

You sat down on the sand, pulling your knees close to your chest. The soft crash of waves was the only sound filling the night, a stark contrast to the harsh words that had been thrown around earlier.

Sometime later, you heard soft footsteps approaching. You didn't need to look up to know it was Emma. You could recognize her steps anywhere.

She sat down next to you, maintaining a respectful distance. You both sat there in silence for a while, lost in your thoughts. Emma smiled at you, despite her inner turmoil.

Emma was the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean any of the things I said. It was stupid, and I let my temper get the best of me."

You looked at Emma. "I'm sorry too, Emma. Maybe I overreacted. I just... I felt like you weren't really listening to me. And that hurt."

Emma reached out to take your hand. "I promise I'll do better, Y/N. I'll listen more. I love you, and the last thing I want to do is hurt you."

You gave her a small smile, squeezing her hand in return. "I love you too, Emma. Let's make sure we communicate better next time, okay?"

Emma nodded, pulling you into a gentle hug. "I promise, Y/N. I won't let you down."

You and Emma sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, as the waves continued to crash around you.

You stood up, holding out your hand, "Want to take a walk before we go back? This is where our story started anyway."

Emma blushed at the fond memory of her early days of being infatuated with you. "Sure."

You and Emma walked along the beach, feeling nostalgic. As you and Emma walked in silence, Emma stole glances at you, feeling a blush creep onto her cheeks.

"I love how adorable you look, Y/N," Emma said, breaking the silence. "Even when we argue, I can't help but find you absolutely enchanting."

You blushed, your cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "You really think so? Even when I'm upset?"

Emma nodded, squeezing your hand gently. "Especially when you're upset. Your vulnerability and honesty are what make you so incredibly adorable to me. I wouldn't change a thing about you."

"Remember that day when we first started talking? I thought you hated me. You were so serious all the time." You said, glancing up at the stars as you walked.

Emma chuckled, wrapping her arm around you. "Yeah, but I never hated you. I apparently never loosen up. At least that's what Kitty says."

You smiled as the waves continued crashing onto the shore. "You were always so motivated and I admired that about you. I still admire that about you. You had this innate drive that made you want to succeed in everything you did, and I always wanted to be like you."

Emma was touched by your words. "Really?"

"Yes." You admitted. "I guess that's why I wanted to come here after our big fight.. I've always been scared to lose you."

Emma gently grabbed your shoulders, pulling you to look at her. "You'll never lose me, Y/N. No matter what, we'll always find a way to work through it together."

You blushed as she leaned in, pulling you into a kiss. It was a tender, gentle kiss that was full of promise. You felt a tingling in your lips as she moved away.

Emma pulled away, still holding you close. "You know, Y/N. I wanted to be more like you too."

"How so?"

Emma explained, "You're always so carefree and you make the best out of everything when things don't go as planned. I love that about you, Y/N. I love everything about you."

"I love you too Emma. Forever and always." You whispered. "But Emma, I want us to promise each other something."

Emma looked at you, curious and attentive. "What is it, Y/N?"

You took a deep breath before continuing. "Let's promise to always communicate openly and honestly, even when it's hard. Let's promise to listen to each other with compassion and understanding, and to never let disagreements tear us apart."

Emma knew that this promise was a crucial step in building a strong foundation for your relationship.

"I promise, Y/N," Emma replied, her voice filled with conviction. "I will always strive to be a better listener and to approach our disagreements with kindness and respect. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure we grow together, rather than apart."

"And I promise the same, Emma. We're a team, and I believe in us. No matter what challenges we face, we'll face them together."

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