Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Thirty-Six

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I lay at the base of the tree, barely able to move. "Is my back broken?" I thought about laying there wet and cold from the rain. It hit me so hard that I dented the tree when I hit it. I felt every bit of the pain that shot through my body. "I couldn't move my arms or could I turn my head!!" I thought again as I could only look in the direction Diane and the beast had taken off in.

I coughed as blood spilled out of my mouth, mixing with the water inches from my face. The water was piling up around me fast and I panicked. It would only be a short while before the water was high enough to drown me. My eyes shot in every direction as I tried to figure out what I could do. Despite the effort, there was nothing but forest around me. Even if there was something I could do, I couldn't move at all. I was a sitting duck if that creature came back.

My fears came true when a sound came from behind the tree I was lying beneath. Fear ran through my entire body. I heard the heavy footsteps of something coming around the tree and within seconds two large animal feet stepped in front of me. The next thing I knew, I was being picked up.

As the creature pulled me up in front of it, I realized this was a different beast, then the one that had stricken me. It had dark brown hair instead of black with those same yellowish eyes. It opened its mouth, revealing a long tongue that licked me across my face.

"Fuck!! This thing is going to fucking eat me right here, just like in the fucking horror movies! I'm definitely dead," I thought as I cried.

It just held me there with one of its hands that held me tightly in its grip. Another far off sound in the forest brought the beast's attention away from me as it turned, running, still holding me in its grasp.

The speed at which this beast moved was incredible, and at times I could have smashed into a tree. It moved through the forest with ease and hopped from the ground to thick tree branches like it was its normal mode of travel. I threw up several times from the motion sickness I was developing from being handled like a child's doll.

My exoskeleton was still in working order, but I just couldn't move a muscle in my body. I hit that tree with such force it should have killed me on impact, yet I was still alive. Another shrieked through the air, closer than before. I knew this creature was taking me towards where Diane was, and its brethren were.

I could barely feel my arms and legs, but that was a good thing. It meant I had not broken my spine, but my body was in shock from the force of the hit.

"I have to get control over my body. Mind over matter! I have too much of my body to move. Just like the Doctors told me when I first started rehab," I closed my eyes.

"Just focus on moving my arms first!"

I put all my efforts into moving my fingers as much as possible. The creature had my arms clamped in between its hands so I could only move my fingers. If I could do that, then I knew I was making progress.

"Just think of this like sleep paralysis. I can do this. I just have to move my finger!" I yelled at myself.

My finger shuddered a little, shooting pain shot up my arm. After a few more moments, I tried again, and I felt my finger wiggle.

"Yes, now for my legs. If I can move my fingers, I can move my legs. My exoskeleton will do the rest," I thought excitedly.

A loud crack echoed through the heavy raining, alerting me that time was running out.

"How far did Diane run? This creature was fast, yet did that mean Diane was faster? I kept up with her, but I didn't know if she was running this fast. Was I as fast as her?" I thought as I focused on kicking my leg.

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