Chapter 5

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It shows Houston in his office having the heater on in one of the towns of the islands in which they set up FOB to save the whole units from a troubled trip of going back to the Main HQ for supplies during this Winter long week that had come in past five weeks it almost been a month staying in the Island still feeling the chill from the cold weather Houston still tries to warm up his hand. 

For a fun fact about the Texans, they are used to the sun pouring the heat on them but for Winter that came along it was not exactly their thing as many of Houston's troops built campfires to keep them warm while wearing heavy jackets. Houston sighed as he look outside of his office he then grabbed his journal and began writing the daily report of what happening.

"Ever since the day we captured our third point from the girls getting this far was tougher than I can imagine... Taking this CP from them showed us how to determine and how stubborn they were in keeping us off right now we need to be strong and determined to win this fight... But for Moarle the other high schools are low..... As some want to go home which, to be honest, I do feel kind of homesick about being apart from my Aunt but I'm not going to go home I know that a fact that others know we won't come back home till it's over here... " Houston then chuckles for making that small joke of the song that Grant has played over a one-hour loop. 

Right before Houston could continue to write on his report his Vice Commander Jefferson came into the office wearing a ww2 Army winter jacket that was used in the Battle of the Bugle.

"Marshal Commander Houston I want to talk about the prisoners," Jefferson asked as he has his arms crossed behind his back.

"If you want still asking about why I set them free and let them return to their friends on the other side is because we have no use of them being here... Yes, they can help repair our tanks and set up our defensive line but yet again we don't have enough supplies of food for them yes we can give them our water and a warm place to stay and make them feel comfortable. But having to think of our monthly supplies being delivered... I say we let them go." Houston said while still writing his journal.

"But Houston we can force them to work besides they are the enemy who trying to take our sport away and-" Right at Jefferson could continue Houston close his journal getting his attention.

"We are not going to treat them like Slaves... That is not how we roll in my unit you hear me, Jefferson? There is a reason why our team chooses me to lead this tankery team and yet me being so kind-hearted to give you the role of Vice Commander in this unit so as in right now your confederacy belief of having the girls as our prisoners as slaves will be the end of discussion... But if I see or hear you doing that sort of thing..... There will be consequences" Houston warned him.

 Clearing his throat as he rubs his hand on the heater he has in his office Houston looks out the window seeing his men and the crew of the lone star trying to stay warm.

"Now I need a status report of our guys how are they doing?" Houston asked.

"Well mostly in this cold shit we can barely stay warm from the cold," Jefferson answers.

"That's because we are Texans..... we weren't built for the cold," Houston answered as he shivered

"You're right..... Plus I heard you are going to meet with Muller and his units in one of the towns he station." Jefferson said.

"Yeah that's what I'm doing.... however I'm getting reports of small raids of their supply lines getting under attack ... So my plan to counter the raids from the girl's tanks team is to form a small tank squad and give them the name Texas Rangers. The inspiration for this name comes from the original Texas Rangers, established by Austin in 1835 to protect against the Indian threat during the Texas Revolution. Subsequently, General Sam Houston, who happens to share my surname but is not a relative, utilized the Rangers to safeguard the frontier against Indian attacks on Texas settlers," Houston clarified.

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