Chapter 17

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The scene shows a group of boys from Davy Crockett High walking alongside their tanks as they survey the destroyed town they are securing. One of the boys speaks up.

"Man, this place looks deserted," one of the Davy Crockett boys remarked.

"Spread out and keep your eyes peeled. We're dealing with a professional team. I heard they're better than us, Grand Lake High, and North High School boys," the squad leader declared.

"So, who is this fourth school entering this match in Dallas?" one of the members asked.

"The United Forces of Vermont... I heard they recruited some of our Texas boys from that rich school," the squad leader explained.

As they continued walking through the town, one of the boys turned around to address his group, still holding his rifle in his hand. However, before he could say another word, the group failed to notice a laser dot aiming at his backside, slowly moving up to his head. While the boy was talking to his friend or squad member, a shot rang out, killing the high schooler with a headshot. The squad leader quickly sought cover and shouted to his squad.

"SNIPER, GET DOWN!" the squad leader shouted before he, too, was sniped, causing the Davy Crockett boys to panic.

"Where the heck is the sniper?"

"Who's shooting at us?"

As their tank was about to locate where the Sniper positioned another Tank came rolling from the side of the cafe building it was a T-90 tank rolling up and firing at their tank convoy killing the crew. 

"Fall back! Fall back!" One of the boys shouted as they began retreating

"Who ambushing us?!" One of the boys shouted.

"It's the United Force of Ver-" Before one of the squad mates could finish his sentence, he was swiftly gunned down. A young boy wearing a tactical mask executed the two quickly, moving to cover as one of their tanks slowly aimed at him. He then grabbed a grenade and pulled the pin, just as the tank commander opened his hatch to get a clear view.

Before the tank commander could escape, the boy came out of cover and threw the grenade into the tank hatch, catching the crew by surprise. The grenade exploded, killing the tank commander and his crew.

With the Davy Crockett platoon now dead, the masked boy stood tall over their bodies. Meanwhile, an ambushed team from Vermont emerged from hiding, systematically eliminating any survivors. Watching the Vermont boys finish off the survivors, another figure, a girl the same age as the boy, walked up and stood next to him as they observed their team searching the area.

"You know, it's quite enjoyable to see the prey try to escape from its predator," the Sniper Girl remarked as her T-90 tank drove past the two.

"Hm, it sounds like you take pleasure in your sport with your victims," the boy responded.

"Indeed I do, Vice Commander..." the Sniper Girl replied.

Before the Vice Commander of Vermont could respond further, both he and the Sniper Girl suddenly experienced a sharp, mentally transmitted signal that caused them to clutch their heads in pain. They heard the song of a robot singing, echoing in their minds.

La, La, La, La

After the signal ended, the two slowly raised themselves to their feet. The Sniper Girl turned to the Vice Commander.

"It seems the Commander requires you for the infiltration of Davy Crockett High, pretending to be their Vice Commander," she stated.

"I understand. I'll change and head to him," the Vice Commander replied as he prepared to leave.

Girl und Panzer: The Yankee's in TankМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя