Deleted Chapter 2

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Big Three Major's Part 1

From the tiny foothold of taking the third CP of the Americans' Schools after the success of their Operation Stalemate, the American Schools have established an ironclad front across the island. As they drove deep into enemy territory, scoring victory after victory.

It shows more footage of Davy Crockett Rangers moving along their tanks as it depicts the Lone Star advancing alongside other Sherman tanks, passing different disabled Japanese School tanks.

But success has not come at an easy price. The boys moved with shocking speed, stretching supply lines thin while exhaustion set in among the troops. Now, with the onset of winter coming in Houston, the Marshal Commander of the American Tankery League calls a halt while supply and manpower situations are worked out.

It then shows Grand Lake High Boys taking over one of the cities as North High School went to join in the city along with Davy Crockett High with the tankers of their tanks working on repairs or sorting out their supplies, many of the infantry began resting up, some even patrolling around the city they just took.

As all this was happening, it then shows the three tank commanders of their own schools standing over a small hill. Houston is wearing his Davy Crockett Commander winter uniform with a bandana wrapped around his forehead. Next, Graham, Commander of Grand Lake High, wearing his Winter Commander uniform with a helmet on his head, is live streaming himself on his phone, telling his fans that he's fine and he might make a movie out of this if he returns to Hollywood.

Commander Muller of North High School, wearing his Wehrmacht winter uniform, still having the officer hat on his head, looks over Houston's shoulder, looking at the mini-map of the island that the league gave to them.

"Hm, this area that we are in seems quiet, right Muller?" Houston said.

"Ja... Since we are pushing in hard, we can't push our luck further since our supply lines are thin," Muller said.

"True... We will rest here then... waiting to get more of our supplies here," Houston said.

"Okay then, Houston and..." Before Muller can speak, he then turns to Graham, who was over-talking the two still on his phone with his live stream. "Graham, turn off your phone. We are having a team meeting here!" Muller yelled out.

As the scene unfolds, Graham finally notices Muller's interruption and quickly wraps up his live stream with a flourish.

"Alright, folks, duty calls! But don't worry, I'll be back with more epic tales to tell. Stay tuned and keep rooting for us! Signing off for now!" Graham ends his stream with a charismatic smile before turning his full attention to the conversation at hand.

"Sorry about that, gentlemen," Graham says, slipping back into his Hollywood persona effortlessly. "You know how it is, always gotta keep the fans updated. But let's focus on the task at hand. Houston, Muller, what's the plan moving forward?"

Houston nods, appreciating Graham's ability to transition from showmanship to seriousness. "We need to consolidate our gains and fortify our position here. Muller's right, pushing our luck too far could be disastrous with our supply lines as they are."

Muller nods in agreement. "Ja, we should focus on securing this area and ensuring our troops are rested and resupplied. Once we're replenished, we can consider our next move strategically."

Graham nods thoughtfully. "Sounds like a plan. Let's get our teams organized and make sure everyone knows their tasks. We've come this far; we can't afford to slip up now."

"Agree..." Houston said as the three commanders watched more of their tanks driving up to the captured city. Houston took a deep breath, watching this, then spoke up.

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