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The medical machines beeped urgently, resonating through the tense air as Jefferson lay on the medical bed, adorned in his Vice Commander uniform. Small cuts and bruises adorned his face, a testament to the fierce battle he had just endured. His eyes were fixated on someone next to him, and an expression of deep concern etched across his face as he clutched his teeth in panic.

In the same room, the atmosphere was fraught with urgency. Medics and doctors swarmed around Houston, the Commander of Davy Crockett, who lay unconscious on another medical bed. His face, too, displayed signs of the brutal confrontation, marked by cuts and bruises. The heart monitor beeped relentlessly, its rhythmic sound a stark reminder of the fragile thread holding onto life.

"Houston!" Jefferson's voice cried out in pain, the anguish resonating through the room as he stared at his fallen commander.

"His AP is dropping!" A medic's urgent shout filled the air, amplifying the gravity of the situation.

"Incubate now, damn it!" Ben, the high school Davy Crockett medic, barked orders with a sense of urgency that matched the intensity of the moment.

"Come on, Don... Please wake up, big brother!" Red's desperate plea cut through the tension, the emotional weight palpable as he watched his older brother undergoing lifesaving measures. He struggled against the grip of Sergeant Dean, the stern Sergeant of the Davy Crockett High School Rangers, who held him back, emphasizing the severity of the situation. The fate of their commander hung in the balance, and the trailer left viewers on the edge of their seats, breathless with anticipation.

The tension in the room reached its peak as Ben swiftly grabbed the AED, determined to restart Houston's faltering heart. The initial shock yielded no response, prompting Ben to intensify his efforts with another round of CPR before passing the shock charge to a fellow medic.

"No response! Hit him again!" Ben's urgent command reverberated through the room as the team worked feverishly to revive the unconscious Commander.

Once more, the AED delivered its electric charge, coursing through Houston's body in a desperate attempt to jumpstart his failing heart. As the heart monitor displayed signs of life returning, relief swept through the room – they had managed to bring Houston back from the brink of death.

Houston's heart rate slowly normalized, a testament to the collective efforts of the medical team. The beeping of the heart monitor became a symphony of hope, signaling that they had succeeded in saving his life. The weight of the moment hung in the air as realization set in – Houston was on the road to recovery.

Jefferson, still visibly anxious, approached Ben, his eyes filled with concern and anticipation.

"Ben... How's he doing?" Jefferson inquired, his voice reflecting the emotional toll of the ordeal.

"Well, he stabilized... But it took too long... He's in a coma," Ben replied somberly, his hand resting on Houston's chest. The relief of success mingled with the somber acknowledgment that the battle was far from over. 

"I see..." Jefferson's voice held a mixture of relief and concern as he turned his attention to another individual lying on a separate medical bed. His eyes were now focused on someone vital to their team.

"How about her? How is our Lieutenant..." Jefferson's words hung in the air.

It then transitioned to a different scene, capturing Houston's journey in the Davy Crockett High School Black Hawk Helicopter. The commander sat in the backseat, gazing out over the passing landscape. The rhythmic thump of the helicopter blades set the pace for the unfolding drama.

As the chopper soared through the air, the camera shifted to reveal three distinct high school group leaders. Two of them were adorned in impeccable General suits, exuding an air of authority. The third, dressed in an 18th-century French General suit, casually wiped the dust off his uniform, his attention turning forward. The meeting with other commanders had transpired, and the visual hinted at the complexities and alliances that lay beneath the surface of this high-stakes narrative. The trailer masterfully teased the intricate web of relationships and challenges that awaited the Davy Crockett team.

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