Chapter 14

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"What the hell?" Houston was confused on what happened everything was blackout for a moment like someone ended something 

Suddenly, Houston's  weapon felt heavy, as if held by invisible hands. He struggled to lift it, his muscles straining against an unseen force.

"Damn it, this guy's messing with my head!" Houston spoke as he grit his teeth 

Psycho Mantis's laughter echoed through the chamber as he released his hold on Houston's weapon. The shelves of trinkets began to levitate, circling around Houston like a whirlwind. He focused his energy and lunged forward, using his combat training to strike down the floating objects one by one.

"Impressive, Houston. But can you truly defy the power of my mind?" Mantis spoke as he clap mockingly

The room plunged into darkness, and Houston's senses went haywire. He heard voices – memories from his past – whispering in his ears. Doubts and fears he had buried long ago resurfaced, threatening to overwhelm him.

"No, I won't let you control me!" Houston spoke trying to resist his mind

Summoning all his mental strength, Houston reached deep within himself and pushed back against the psychic assault. The darkness lifted, and Houston found himself standing in an arena of his own making.

 "You... You've broken through my illusions?" Mantis spoke with his eye widening in surprise

"I've dealt with my fair share of mind games, Mantis. Your tricks won't work on me." Houston spoke with a smirk on his face

Enraged, Psycho Mantis unleashed a barrage of telekinetic attacks, hurling debris and energy blasts at Houston. But Houston's combat instincts were finely honed, and he danced through the chaos, evading each assault with precision.

"It's time to end this." Houston spoke wanting to end this fight. 

Hoston closed the distance between them, engaging Psycho Mantis in a furious hand-to-hand battle. Mantis's psychic powers still posed a threat, but Houston's relentless determination proved to be an unbreakable shield. Blow after blow, Houston pushed Mantis to the brink.

"You can't defeat me, Houston. My mind is stronger than yours!" Mantis spoke as he wince in pain

"Your mind might be powerful, but it's no match for a heart that refuses to give up!" Houston yelled as he delivers one final punch to Mantis who was floating in the air. 

With one last resounding strike, Houston knocked Psycho Mantis to the ground. The psychic warrior's power waned, and his defiant laughter faded into a weak cough. The battle was over.

As Houston stood amidst the wreckage of the chamber, he knew he had faced more than just a physical opponent. He had stared down the darkness within his own mind and emerged victorious.

Mantis who is now laying on the ground defeated Houston slowly walked to him as he kneel beside him looking at the strange figure who attacked him. 

"So......You bested me.... I wasn't able to read your future...." Mantis spoke as he slowly breathes. 

"Well a strong man don't his future to be read he make his own.." Houston spoke as he looked at Mantis. 

"Perhaps so..... But I will read you future..... only a little bit..." Mantis spoke as he tries to read Houston future.

While Mantis is reading Houston future Maho who was knocked out slowly get up to her feet as she sees Houston kneeling beside the figure that took control of her mind and made her attack Houston. 

"To get to your friends Houston they are in a small compound in this city a place for high ranking officer for past expiernces but be careful......  it's guarded by a bunch of Fedeartion Womens." Mantis spoke 

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