Chapter 46

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The Last Hound/Spector of Death Finale

Just as the rain had ceased, officials from the Japanese Sensha Do Federation and the America Tankery League arrived on the island, accompanied by other crucial groups such as the Technical, Urban Architecture, medical teams, Board of Education, and both the JSDF and U.S. National Guards. Families, along with panicked mothers and worried fathers, gathered in the city of Okata. It had been five and a half months, with December just around the corner, and the families anxiously awaited the return of their children.

Graham stood alongside Muller, the two commanders from Grand Lake and North High Schools, taking a deep breath of relief as they observed their friends and the boys they had led finally reuniting with their families.

"You know, Muller, this does take me back... Remember back in Dallas when five hundred of us were waiting for our families? They were relieved to see us okay and alive after what happened against Anderson in the last assault," Graham reminisced.

"Yeah, I remember... A lot of boys died during that attack we led... It was horrible thinking that the Dallas Incident wouldn't haunt us ever again," Muller reflected.

"But yet again, it happened... After knowing he lives..." Graham added, his tone somber.

As the two commanders turned their attention to the five hundred body bags, a heartbreaking sight revealed many boys who had lost their lives against Anderson. Families of those boys were in mourning, distraught to see their sons dead.

"Graham... Do you think what we did, letting Houston and Red go by themselves to face Anderson alone... Do you think we should've gone with them?" Muller questioned.

"Yeah... We should. But thinking about them... I wonder, it's been days since we saw them leave. I wonder how the two are doing," Graham said, looking in the direction where Red and Houston had gone.

The scene then cut, showing Joey, the Vice Commander of Graham, being subjected to noogies by his older brother.

"Would you stop, James!" Joey demanded as he broke free from his older brother's grip, causing James to laugh at Joey.

"Well, I can't believe my little brother gets a girlfriend on this island," James said with a proud smile on his face.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." Joey replied as the scene revealed Alisa standing behind Joey, nervously awaiting Joey's family's reaction to the introduction.

If that wasn't challenging enough, the next scene showed Gunther being embraced by his father and mother. They were worried to hear about how he broke half of his body and got attacked by wild wolves while protecting Nonna.

"I can't believe you let yourself get in harm's way!" Gunther's mother exclaimed in a motherly, worried tone.

"Well, I'm surprised he held off against the pack of wolves, which I'm proud of him for," Gunther's father added.

The mother sighed as she then turned to her sons and spoke up to Gunther.

"You said you saved a girl. Who is she?" She asked Gunther, then looked around and spotted Nonna. He saw her and Katyusha both getting hugged by their parents as he pointed to Nonna.

"Her... That's the one I saved," Gunther said.

Next, it showed Wesley with Darjeeling. He was quietly eager to meet the family who created St. Gloriana Women's College. As Darjeeling finally introduced Wesley, he took a deep breath and walked toward them.

"It's an honor to meet you, young man. Thank you for taking care of our daughter," said the older man, shaking Wesley's hand.

"The honor is mine... Trust me, I can't express how much of a good friend your daughter has been to me when we worked together," Wesley said in his English accent.

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